Ponies need it: oh your so sweet. i love hearing that people enjoy it
My direction was set from the get go and even more so when i chose and decided on the name.
I knew i eventually wanted to do outfit posts, but i had a very set vision of how i wanted to have them look. Not the normal standing-outside-with-a-pretty-background-looking-so-trendy type outfit post, something that was editorial in a way, told a story in some cases, and really expressed the concepts i had created and imagined. hence the description (conceptual. expressional. editorial.)
So i worked hard and set myself up with the appropriate studio equipment.
And the latest posts are the result of the initial plan i wanted my blog to follow.
A mix of my own photo shoots, outfits, clothes i've made (coming soon), shoots i've styled, and sometimes inspiration, also if something really interests me or i find an amazing new designer i can post about or collaborate with.
I am going to be posting something soon explaining the back story to my name. but its something im passionate about and just like anything i want it to be perfect before it sees the light of day.
html to me, was exceedingly easy, i taught myself when i was 11 and have just extended my knowledge and technique since then.
So 6 years of html is a fair bit of experience with it.
The hardest part is remembering all the tags, and if your not familiar with the blogger tags it can be very hard.
Using the standard blogger templates i found the customization very limited.
And all blogger blogs tend to have that template "look"
A generator (
http://psyc.horm.org/) can give your blog an instant makeover. and is a fantastic start to learning html as you will eventually learn what everything means.
You can change everything on there.
And then for example if you want to hide the blogger toolbar at the top of the page, you just google blogger layout tweaks or something until you find the code. no need to remember it all! even i dont do that hahaha