Live Streaming... The F/W 2025.26 Fashion Shows
The reason I like a certain blog is that it has something that I haven't seen before. Unique content. Obviously as a member of TFS I search the threads and see the models eds and such so I'm not really drawn to a blog if it just posts those pictures because I've already seen them and I know not everyone is a member here but I just get a little bored with it and since a lot of Blog Admins post their websites as their signature you might alienate some people who have seen it already.
I'm also one of those weird people that likes to people watch so making your blog more personal (not saying every detail of your life) but just enough so that you can make a connection matters. It goes with what EasyCool said. It comes to personality. On that note I like well rounded people too. I like the blogs to reflect the person and who they really are, if that makes sense. No one is just some person who is nothing more then eds posted on their blogs. I like to know their inspiration and what kind of books they read, movies they watch, make up and of course clothes. This also means engage your readers, I really hate it when Blogger fails to really note that without readers they would have a successful blog. I'm not saying reply to every message or comment but it'd be a little nice for the blog admins to take a minute and just answer a question here and there from their readers. I understand that of course Blog Admins have lives but so do their readers and it's nice to know they're not a phantom and that they "care" (If that makes sense) So many blogs are just empty spaces that have no "feeling" to them.
Also spice it up. Whether that be a video or whatever pictures and text even if it's good gets a little old sometimes. I look through my Blog Lovin and see what catches my eye and if it's something different then what I'm used to then I check it out first and more then likely keep coming back more often to see if that happens again. Yeah I'm a sucker.
As far as layouts are concerned I feel like simple is best. I found this great little snippet about Balance in a blog that I thought was informative:
Anyway just wanted to throw my thoughts out there.
EDIT: Jesus, sorry for the long post.![]()
^ I agree with blog becoming nothing more then photos. While on one hand it's visually appealing on the other it just gets boring. That's why I enjoy Susanna-Cole and WeKilledCouture's blogs. They add that little bit more.
I forgot to mention in my previous post that the one thing that bugs me about people posting their daily outfits is they always look miserable. I'm more drawn to someone who smiles and looks like they are having fun with fashion.(Because that's what it should be IMO) Whenever I see someone trying to be serious or "strike a pose" I always end up laughing because I just want to say to them "Honey it's not Vogue it's your blog, Have FUN!"