Advice about Starting & Promoting a Fashion Blog - See Post #1 for Thread Rules

Any constructive criticism on mine?
(In my signature)

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Easycool, your advice was really good; I needed to hear this today, as I am working on content for my new blog and realizing that I need to:

(1) find my voice and my niche
(2) get better at taking better photos
(3) offer original and inspiring content that influences visitors to subscribe

First impressions are everything, so although I just started, I don't wanna waste "too" much time "trying to figure everything out"...
Any constructive criticisms on my street style blog? (link is in my signature)

Would really appreciate it. Thanks! :)
The reason I like a certain blog is that it has something that I haven't seen before. Unique content. Obviously as a member of TFS I search the threads and see the models eds and such so I'm not really drawn to a blog if it just posts those pictures because I've already seen them and I know not everyone is a member here but I just get a little bored with it and since a lot of Blog Admins post their websites as their signature you might alienate some people who have seen it already.
I'm also one of those weird people that likes to people watch so making your blog more personal (not saying every detail of your life) but just enough so that you can make a connection matters. It goes with what EasyCool said. It comes to personality. On that note I like well rounded people too. I like the blogs to reflect the person and who they really are, if that makes sense. No one is just some person who is nothing more then eds posted on their blogs. I like to know their inspiration and what kind of books they read, movies they watch, make up and of course clothes. This also means engage your readers, I really hate it when Blogger fails to really note that without readers they would have a successful blog. I'm not saying reply to every message or comment but it'd be a little nice for the blog admins to take a minute and just answer a question here and there from their readers. I understand that of course Blog Admins have lives but so do their readers and it's nice to know they're not a phantom and that they "care" (If that makes sense) So many blogs are just empty spaces that have no "feeling" to them.
Also spice it up. Whether that be a video or whatever pictures and text even if it's good gets a little old sometimes. I look through my Blog Lovin and see what catches my eye and if it's something different then what I'm used to then I check it out first and more then likely keep coming back more often to see if that happens again. Yeah I'm a sucker.
As far as layouts are concerned I feel like simple is best. I found this great little snippet about Balance in a blog that I thought was informative:

Anyway just wanted to throw my thoughts out there.
EDIT: Jesus, sorry for the long post. :(

Completely agree with everything you've said McClaire! Especially about blogs needing personality. Maybe it's the voyeur in all of us, but those blogs I read every day are more than just about clothes but really about that person's little quirks and loves and things like that.
What Easycool and McClaire said have totally opened my eyes. I've been trying to blog for ages, but every now and then something happens and I decide to restart/refresh my blog, because I get bored of it.

I've been thinking about what it is about other blogs that I like and it is the personal aspect... encouraging that voyeur in all of us. I think I know what direction I'm going to take my blog in now. : )
Just thought i would mention that sometimes it is worth googling your blog name and seeing what the results come up with, through doing this on google images i found that someone was using my header on their own blog!

This is copyright infringement and you can press charges for it. It is unauthorized use of material that is protected by intellectual property rights law, generally things that are published online are copyrighted automatically, but it depends on the law in your own country.

Anyway, long story short, after many of my followers on twitter helping me and sending multiple comments to the persons blog as they have no email link - They finally took it down after 2 days after my initial asking nicely didn't have any effect and i resorted to saying that if they did not remove i would be forced to press charges for copyright infringement (which i had already started organizing) and the next morning it was gone.

Moral of the story - Know your rights! and the rights of others, ALWAYS credit images and make sure you aren't breaking copyright laws or having something of your stolen.

and platniumpink great to hear you have a direction! the design of your blog is quite lovely :)
I think plagiarism is one of my greatest sources of aggravation, and unfortunately, the internet has made it all too easy, except there's no easy answer to deal with it, if it happens to you an awful lot. People have plagiarized my writing hundreds of times (roughly) but I rarely do anything about it, as I simply couldn't imagine trying to go after all those people. It's not that I'm scared of them, more so, suing or threatening people is not how I want to waste my time (and it would be expensive too, and maybe near impossible ... how does one go about filing a lawsuit against some stranger hiding behind the safety of their computer screen, anyway?) Personally, I simply can't fight all those battles myself, and I try not to dwell on it, as in the end the anger I'd be carrying would cause me more hurt than it would them.

And yet, plagiarism should not be permitted, and I don't like the feeling of letting it happen all around me without doing anything, at all. But I don't know what can be done, when the internet allows such anonymity that people can have a website/blog without giving the public any means, such as an email address, in which to contact them by?

Best to set an example though and always credit anything that's not yours, and I don't mean credit some other person's blog where you found it at (unless it actually was theirs) but find the actual creator of that work, and properly credit them or don't post and pass it on at all, because when people do that, they're just worsening the problem, and silently supporting plagiarizing/not giving credit where credit's due.

Anyway. I'll admit, at times it's bad enough that I consider not blogging anymore, and simply keeping all my writing private. It especially aggravates me when people edit my writing, like it's theirs, change the grammar, add it their own writing in the midst of mine, and of course, butcher in the process (not to say it was perfect or astounding or anything to begin with it, but it was what it was, and how I made it, and I don't appreciate it being messed with). Just the same, I can't stand when people take photographers' work and add writing overtop it, and change the colors, crop it, etc... this seems such a common thing to do these days though. -_- You can disagree with how an artist has done something but that doesn't give you a right to tamper with it, without permission. :ermm:

Sorry. Mammoth post. End rant. :ninja:
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This is the way the world works right now, unfortunately. People copy from lesser known people all of the time. But you have got to keep going. In order to stand out you have got to be memorable. Sometime outrageous, then later on down the line you can tone it down.

Start off with a classic simple gratifying to the eye blog. Build up a small audience and build a following by creating a reason for people to keep coming to your site. Contest, ect..

During this time really build your personality and come up with idea. Do a lot of research in your blog field. Read, read, read. But don't post any of your ideas yet. Just the regular simple updating what is in "fashion" posts.

Then when the time is right, BOOM OUT OF THE GATE! Your Ideas of what make you different and what will make people fall in love and adore you.

Have a box where people can email you and ask them to tell you anything. Complain, rant, love, ect. This is opening the box for them to give you feed back.

If you are in fashion, you can also make things personally and give them out in a contest, people love this, they EAT IT UP (trust me).

You have got to look at your blog as your business, and you have got to know your audience. (Are they: Mean, Extra critical, love pyt, love vogue, love bazaar, love food ??? ect.) What are the basic aspects of HUMAN NATURE? What do WE LIKE?

Have a very strong voice in the way you talk. People love to follow someone that makes them feel safe a good.

Michael Jackson said, "Study all of the greats, then do better then them"
Norman Rockwell said, "If you can't be innovative, be as ordinary as possible"
(these quotes may not be exactly word for word)
I live by these quotes.

Build you blog presentation to perfection. I noticed that some of the Logos on the blogs weren't as crispy and memorable as they could be.

Look at some of the successful blogs, and allow those people to be your teachers.
Allow your imagination to run wild. Go into McDonald's and sit there eating large fries, you can't get more classic then that. Take it all in.

Allow you self to evolve all of the time. You don't always have to delete the blog, you can evolve and grow. When you do get readers, hold on to them for dear life and communicate with them. Ask them if they can help you grow. (It doesn't give you a cheap vibe, trust me)

Also, invest in a good camera. It doesn't have to be expensive, but the mega pix (digital) should be sharp. Make sure that when you take pictires of you self or othere people it is clear, and the lighting is good. When you post pictures of other people or yourself, It has got to be inspiring, not boring.

Be honest with your self, is my blog boring?

The more questions you are yourself, the more successful you will be.

This is why as human beings we have evolved so much, with medicine, architecture, fashion. They always ask themselves questions and answer honestly.
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well, all of you guys give amazing advice to others and i, myself, am in need of it. please be as honest and as brutal as you want to be (okay, im lieing.. not too brutal lol :p) thank you so much in advance! you can either PM me or just reply here; i don't mind either ways. i appreciate it much :heart::flower:
I'm not interested in fashion but you got a great content and a nice mixture to not make it straight into one direction. It's rather one of the blogs that I would check despite my disinterest in fashion. I just have 1 point to advice you on:

Try to refuse from posting too many pictures or doing entries with pictures but without texts. I know it sounds stupid, but as for blogs..... in times of virsual surfeit people want either something that got charme, passion and magic or a serious (re)source to get quality info from. There are just too many posting-pictures-only blog. But that's my only criticism.
^ alright thanks! i actually thought i wrote too much!:p but once again, thanks for taking the time to check it out! i will listen to your advice. :flower:
^ I agree with blog becoming nothing more then photos. While on one hand it's visually appealing on the other it just gets boring. That's why I enjoy Susanna-Cole and WeKilledCouture's blogs. They add that little bit more.
I forgot to mention in my previous post that the one thing that bugs me about people posting their daily outfits is they always look miserable. I'm more drawn to someone who smiles and looks like they are having fun with fashion.(Because that's what it should be IMO) Whenever I see someone trying to be serious or "strike a pose" I always end up laughing because I just want to say to them "Honey it's not Vogue it's your blog, Have FUN!"
^ I agree with blog becoming nothing more then photos. While on one hand it's visually appealing on the other it just gets boring. That's why I enjoy Susanna-Cole and WeKilledCouture's blogs. They add that little bit more.
I forgot to mention in my previous post that the one thing that bugs me about people posting their daily outfits is they always look miserable. I'm more drawn to someone who smiles and looks like they are having fun with fashion.(Because that's what it should be IMO) Whenever I see someone trying to be serious or "strike a pose" I always end up laughing because I just want to say to them "Honey it's not Vogue it's your blog, Have FUN!"

Aw, thanks, dear. :blush: Yeah, I've always tried to stay away from pictures-only, just because unless they were all my pictures, then what would it really say about me? (Besides, at best, my taste in others' peoples pictures). I like it when people impart a sense of self into their blog.
^^ Aww thankyou McClaire!

If i am just doing photos it's because im aiming to tell the story through the pictures.
I try not to write too much though, Short and sweet

and about the posing thing. i completely agree.
i have fun with my outfit photos.. im doing a damn lady gaga pose i swear in my last one hahaha. i was laughing so i hard i had to blur out my face!

plus i think that people who post it everyday forget to enjoy it.. to them it is just routine and something they force themselves to do almost!
I agree with McClaire about wekilledcouture and SusanneCole.

Sth I love about your blogs is furthermore the great layout, it's eyecatching but yet minimalistic i like that cause it get's out the usual "blogging" layout, very professional looking! And the imagery of Susanne's blog is just breathtaking, it gives her blog a very secretive yet dreamy mood, love that!

I cannot really judge your blog's content wekilledcouture as i don't know so much about fashion, but one thing that's always increasing quota are good interviews, why don't you try out to contact some stylist for interview-requests? Unless you aren't into it, I'd advise you to do. It's always a great thing to built up contacts and there has barley been a blog where I've read a serious stylist's interview on.
Cologne Rock, as much as i appreciate the advice, that is not what my blog is about.

Also, just wanting some feedback about using the "read more" function.
What do people think, it is worth using or do you find it annoying?
I'd love some more feedback on my blog too. I've definitely found my style, but i'm worried that to everyone else it's a bit erratic as I post a mix of fashion, my personal style, things i've seen and like, art, etc. and don't know if readers just prefer a single topic? I'd appreciate any constructive criticism (negative or positive) :flower:

Again, there's some really great advice flowing on this thread at the moment! The thing I love about blogging is what a great community it is and there's always someone willing to help if you just ask.
Wekilledcouture - did you change your header recently or am I just imagining it? At any rate your blog is still amazing
Hey TFSers! I would love some advice/critique/amazing compliments (just kidding ^_^) on my celebrity fashion blog Where'd They Get That?

-Do you like the variety of celebs I feature?
-Should I feature more cheaper items?
-Did you find any broken links? (let me know--hate those!)
-Would making a facebook page (in addition to twitter and bloglovin) help get more followers?
-Any other suggestions?

Thanks guys!:flower:

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