Advice about Starting & Promoting a Fashion Blog - See Post #1 for Thread Rules

Hi, again! I've finally changed the black background into white! Much more light and fresh...

Now, I wanted to know if you guys think that the two columns are a bit too much... I changed them because the only column I had was too filled and made my blog loooong... What do you guys think?

Much appreciated! :flower:
Hi, I started a blog only last week. I'm mainly writing it for my own enjoyment but would still like your responses if you don't mind taking a gander! It's a bit of fashion with some art and music thrown in.
is there a way to see who the people following you are on bloglovin??
Hi ladies and gents
my good friend Ali and I have just started a blog and were wondering if you had any input, we're just starting out and a little unsure of our direction - let us know your thoughts!

Wekilledcouture your site is amazing, all the shots are so beautiful
Katnani - love to see you changed to white, looks much better!
I'm removing the off topic posts ... please take personal converstions to PM's. Thanks!
Hey guys,
Sorry if this has already been asked/answered, but I recieved some e-mails to my blog address regarding advertising on my blog. Only thing is I use blogger, and I just can't work out how to find help with inserting adverts etc without using that Google AdSense where it seems that they basically pick the ads for you.
If I wanted to feature an ad on my blog as someone has proposed to me, how would I go about making/recording revenue from it? I'm still a bit amateur and have never even considered my blog to be big enough to bother with advertising before.
Thanks in advance :flower:
DC gets undervalued in the fashion department. It's even worst for men and menswear. That's why I have a blog - | DC's Premier Men's Fashion Blog. I'd really love to get some of you guys' opinion and advice regarding my site. Please and thank you!
Wow this is alot of tips

One thing i've noticed that all the "in" blogs are the most hyped looks on so if you have a great/intresting style post your looks on lookbook and add a link to your blog where you post more views of the look among other things and i think it will get you alot of traffic :)

Oh and Independent fashion bloggers is a great and helpful site, also log in to bloglovin :)

I'm also a blogger : checkout mine!

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