Alexander Wang F/W 2015.16 by Steven Klein

Yikes, I'm not a fan. It's too over the top, fashion models trying to be goth while having only a vague idea what it's about. The casting of AyaBambi is of course the highlight. Hanne is right in my face (this will probably be her only campaign this season), and I had to look twice to spot Anna/Binx/Sarah.

Who's the girl in the second shot, right at the back who looks like she's about to slit her wrists? :lol:

Is that Hanne's first AW ad campaign?

Great to see her!

She was in the Marc Jacobs campaign.
Hanne and Molly are the highlights, imo. Specially in the last shot
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i hate this show but i think the casting is great it works so well
I have to admit, I'm just a bit let down by this because for the last three seasons his campaigns with Klein have been absolutely stellar. I've always loved how the concept manages to both enforce the original feeling of the collection while also putting a very unexpected spin on it.

This doesn't pull that off, it's very much what I would expect given the look and feel of the collection. I'm not surprised by it. I'm not wowed by it. It definitely doesn't make me smirk the way some of his others have. They've just set the bar very high for themselves is the problem.

That said I honestly don't dislike it. It definitely captures the energy of the collection, and frankly, if anyone is entitled to channel that gritty, street-y, angst-y mood in their ads, it's Wang. It's been part of his brand identity since the beginning.
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I can't take it seriously with those shoes. It's a bunch of gothic girls with feet that belong more to a children's cartoon series.
i would have casted astrid holler, amilna estevão, issa lish, molly bair, isabella emmack, and hanne gaby for this campaign tbh. i didn't even notice lexi and binx were in it.
This should have been OG Molly Bair as Frankenstein.
Its just too crowded for me. I love that Alice and Ayabambi are in this, but I'm not loving the cluttered feel. It feels haphazard instead of cohesive.
Binx and Isabella are winning this campaign for me. Anna doesn't really fit the tough girl mood, and Sarah once again is forgettable.
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For some reason when I see the full pictures they reminded me The Walking Dead! They all look like very beautiful zombies wearing cool clothes. I feel like Hanne is stealing the spotlight too.
Really not fond of it. It feels so trite, so forced. I could have a clouded judgment because I really disliked the collection, but this does a further disservice to any of the looks I actually dug. The zombie comparisons are spot on!
I hated this collection and I hate this campaign even more. It just screams try-hard.
^^^ It is very try-hard. High fashion attempting to do any look that may be had for cheap never quite works and always has that air of overwhelming phoniness unless there's a twist to it.

There's no twist here. It's all too predictable with the poseur-attitude and the horrible post-apocalyptic hair. And no amount of hype could ever make those silly footwear ever work-- even the "real" versions worn by 15-year-old suburban Goths look totally silly.

I do like that it's a group shot, at least. And they're smart for distracting us with a group dynamic. Because had it been a single model, all eyes would have to look at the terrible clothes.
I love the inclusion of Alice Glass! I like the casting in general actually but Lexi looks like she's try too hard even though her face would suit this campaign a lot effortlessly.

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