All Black... All The Time!

I really love all black outfits.
That has been my thing like 23 years now.
I would just feel silly if I was wearing colorful shirt.
If I ever choose to buy/wear colorful shirt it just have to be right shape and that is so hard to find so I stick in black.
Spent the last few months wearing all black. But with a change of season starting to add some colour but must admit that it is at times a bit uncomfortable.
maybe it's a backlash to all the colour on the runway...
maybe it's the cooler weather...
but i am just feeling very strong and confident in all black at the moment...

Yep, same here.

I'm excited for fall to be here, as that means I can finally wear all black without dying of heat. It feels wrong to wear light airy colours in the fall/winter time.
all the cool people i saw on the street today were in all black, head to toe...
makes me want to throw away every single piece of colour in my closet...


there was this one asian guy who looked so amazing that i just wanted to follow him and look at his style...
he was wearing ankle boots with long socks and pushed up pants...
i know it sounds kooky, but he looked just incredibly elegant and stunning...
amazing how he just stood out in the most quiet way...
I really love all black outfits.
That has been my thing like 23 years now.
I would just feel silly if I was wearing colorful shirt.
If I ever choose to buy/wear colorful shirt it just have to be right shape and that is so hard to find so I stick in black.

Me three years ago.
No, I am not wearing all black all the time anymore. Actually that happens rarely anymore.
I feel way too gothic when I do that hah hah.
But I love to see other people wearing all black.
For example Eva Green does it the best!
Funny to see how I have changed over years... going to good direction and I am glad to leave all this black behind me.

And I had difficult times to find right fitting colorful clothes because I was f*t and did not feel comfortable.
A fact that people are associating all black outfits with bitter, suicidal people, is beyond me ...
Wow, just saw that I'd posted here 5 years ago (above) that I don't like to wear black at all, but I've been wearing almost nothing but black for over 2 years. So much so that friends call me "La Dame en Noir" :lol:. What a few years can do.

I do get tired of it sometimes and try to wear other stuff, but it just has this elegant pulled-togetherness that other colors just don't have.
yesterday I was gardening so i was wearing a dark denim shirt, grey linen tank top and dark denim oversized jeans with silver boots...

someone who knows me very well said that they didn't even recognize me because i wasn't wearing all black...

After a summerflirt with a couple of colours I'm back to black.
I occasionally wear black head to toe, but it doesn't suit me in general ... it dampens my energy
I just got a new pair of black leather gloves and I really like them and it's not a big deal but... I feel like the f*cking killer from Profondo Rosso walking around outside with them on 😭 like I'm on some OJ sh*t it's so dramatic for no reason
I used to be pretty much exclusively black. Like a black slim leg suit with a black, white or marine shirt was basically my uniform. All my accessories were black too. Since i moved to Florida i cant wear all black because its so hot all the time. So now i wear tan and grey suits. I miss all black all the time though - its like soothing for me.

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