Best mens leather jacket?

luckyme said:
sorry but horse leather is off the charts for me. I guess because I dont eat them and have befriended many I could never own a jacket that is horse hide. Maybe if it was part of my culture, but since its not I cant justify it for me. I always wonder if the belgium designers use cow or horse or lamb for their leathers.
They use everything (and please don't burn all your Ann's clothes in protest :cry:).
I don't know - I would have a much stronger reaction against it if the animals were used specifically to make leather, as opposed to leather being a byproduct after the animal's death. I don't know much about leather-making, but I would tend to think it's the latter, no? Otherwise we'd have the same PETA protests against leather as those against fur. Hope I'm right.
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luckyme said:
sorry but horse leather is off the charts for me. I guess because I dont eat them and have befriended many I could never own a jacket that is horse hide. Maybe if it was part of my culture, but since its not I cant justify it for me. I always wonder if the belgium designers use cow or horse or lamb for their leathers.

From the Aero web site:

US Government restrictions dictate that the slaughter of equine for hides was not permitted and as such the sourcing of hides must be from animals that have died from natural causes. This makes horsehide very scarce and as a consequence rare, which makes for an expensive raw material.

After expensive research, Aero managed to source the only tannery based in the States still capable of producing this unique hide to the original specifications, although today quality hides suitable for this type of tanning are still very scarce and so availability is very limited due to the fact that all our chrome tanned leather is sourced from "natural death" horses with no slaughter involved.

Obviously this does not guarantee that all horsehide jackets are made from animals that have died of natural causes, but there is some evidence that at least one company takes this into consideration.
tangerine said:
From the Aero web site:

Obviously this does not guarantee that all horsehide jackets are made from animals that have died of natural causes, but there is some evidence that at least one company takes this into consideration.

Thanks, dude. I was going to go to sleep after reading this thread - now I can sleep well.
I would NEVER spend over 400 dollars for a leather jacket. UNless i was a socialite or rich individual, which im not, YET. U people must be crazy to be working class and spend a G or anything more on a jacket. Propesterous.
Working class?

How can you automatically assume people are "working class" ?
tangerine said:
I'm sticking with the classics, myself. Here's my new Aero:

And a great classic jacket it is! I'm tempted to get something from Aero myself, actually... How would you say the sizes are, based on your jacket? Smallish/largish/true...?
Crakk said:
Im speaking in general. Not assuming anything.

Well, you used the specific "you", or "u" in your case: "U people must be crazy to be working class and spend a G or anything more on a jacket."
Crakk said:
I would NEVER spend over 400 dollars for a leather jacket. UNless i was a socialite or rich individual, which im not, YET. U people must be crazy to be working class and spend a G or anything more on a jacket. Propesterous.
:huh: What's "propesterous" is your assumptions.
Well, to follow the "working class" side-track, I guess it all depends on your definition of "working class"... Most people today are working, after all. :lol:

Some (rich) aristocracy even try to be a bit coquettish about the fact that they are working and therefore working class. I doubt you'd find them on a factory floor though...
tott said:
And a great classic jacket it is! I'm tempted to get something from Aero myself, actually... How would you say the sizes are, based on your jacket? Smallish/largish/true...?

Thanks! I gave them my true chest measurement and the size seems to be right on. They also asked me my height. I gave them my height and sleeve measurement, as I have proportionally short arms. I would say they cut the jackets a little shorter than most US brands, but it may be a "normal" cut in European labels (they are in Scotland as you no doubt know.)

They will tailor the jacket to your specs at no additional charge, so I would say give them all relevant measurements.
tott said:
Well, you used the specific "you", or "u" in your case: "U people must be crazy to be working class and spend a G or anything more on a jacket."

And if you would have read the entire statement u would have seen after YOU i also typed PEOPLE. PEOPLE as in GENERAL. Thanks for ur analysis tho. :flower:
haha.. :shock: You are one of a kind...

So you are saying that, in general, all people on this board is your so called "working class"?

That is just ignorant...
Baizilla said:
haha.. :shock: You are one of a kind...

So you are saying that, in general, all people on this board is your so called "working class"?

That is just ignorant...

Take it however u like. I simply stated if you were working class, you were, in my opinion, crazy to buy a leather jacket over 400 cash. I dont remember saying that IN GENERAL, all people on this board are WORKING CLASS. U inferred it that way. :flower:
Haha.. this is absurd... You are constantly contradicting yourself.. :ninja:

Crakk said:
U people must be crazy to be working class and spend a G or anything more on a jacket.

Uhm.. You didn't exactly make a hypothetical statement...

I don't see any "If you were"... Conversely it sounds like you are convinced that we are "working class".


Crakk said:
Im speaking in general. Not assuming anything.

Crakk said:
And if you would have read the entire statement u would have seen after YOU i also typed PEOPLE. PEOPLE as in GENERAL. Thanks for ur analysis tho.

Erhmm... :huh:

You don't remember saying "In General"..? Do you have a short-term memory or something?
400 dollars isnt a lot for a leather jacket. I mean I would consider brands like banana republic or jcrew a brand for the working class and some of their leather coats go way beyond 400. I dont know how you can ever buy anything designer if you think 400 for a leather coat is a lot. I mean you would be paying that much for a shirt.
You know, this whole "class" discussion is really pointless and troubling...

I don't see why anyone, regardless of what class they were born into, or are defined as belonging to depending on current circumstances, should or should not shop from certain designers or at certain price points.

It is tragic if people actually go deep into debt to "afford" a certain lifestyle, but that's my only reservation.
Also.. before you make a generalization about the people who would care to spend more than $400 on a leather jacket and their "social classes" (hate that word :yuk:)..

You should take in consideration, that this is a international board, which means that we come from different societies, so it is really hard to make one general statement.

For instance, I come from.. (which would be Denmark), there haven't been such a thing as a "working class" for more than 30 years now. There is only one "social class", which is the "middle class" (although there is a higher and a lower, I wouldn't exactly categorize them as entire "classes" of their own). The rich people makes out 0.1% of our societes, same as poor people.

So that statement you made, is just ignorant..

But yeah I agree with you tott, this is pointless.. I should just have ignored that lame comment in the first place...

Let us just forget this.
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About that silly class comment and how people should spend their money, not everyone has to follow the average path. If one likes to spend all his money on clothes, let it be. Maybe this person is a Dandy, and we all know how they lived (i.e. read the lifes of Baudelaire, Brummell, or Wilde). Not everyone is made to be living like you think they should.
Hell, most "working class" people put most of their money in the stock market and lose fortunes, not much better if you ask me.

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