Brangelina to marry When Everybody Can

^Ya know you're right...When he was with Jen, he was never like this. Now all of a sudden he's turned into Mother Teresa or something.
LMAO, that must be the most self-centered and self-involved "speaking out" ever. HAHA, well I'm sure the Congress will get together on Monday to change the law so that we all can see you two get married. HAHA, these celebrities are so stupid. Especially Brad and Angelina. I won't deny it, they've done some good things (whatever the intentions may have been), but this is just... They really need to get over themselves.
eternitygoddess said:
^Ya know you're right...When he was with Jen, he was never like this. Now all of a sudden he's turned into Mother Teresa or something.

Because Brad stated his lame politically correct sentiments you put him on par with Mother Teresa? I know you're being facetious but come on now.
I wish they'd stop referring to Angelina as "earth mother", there is nothing "earthy" or "motherly" about her!
i know im a bit too over emotional but gosh this statement trully melted my heart
Because Brad stated his lame politically correct sentiments you put him on par with Mother Teresa?

Didn't he also get into someother philanthropic stuff like hosting some agricultural building for green earth and visiting 3rd world nations? He's suddenly turned all goodwill.
Ok so we are villifying him for becoming aware of issues everyone should become aware about?
i think its great, as much as i dont like him, as i am totally in favour of same sex marriage.
This is just an excuse because one of them clearly doesn't want to get married.
the new 'philosoper' brad is getting highly annoying.. why cant he be himself ? it seems like he's angelinas 4th child or something.
SiennaInLondon said:
Ok so we are villifying him for becoming aware of issues everyone should become aware about?

Of course. Didn't you get the memo? :lol:

We're just villifying him because they're starting to use social issues as excuses/cover-ups for their faults, mistakes or just regular ol' imperfections. Their faults, mistakes and regular ol' imperfections are the same as everyone else's in the world except that when I don't want to take an exam, I don't stand in the parking lot and scream "Until the world stops cutting down trees and turning them into wasted paper, I will not take another exam."
im sorry but how up themselves? do they honestly think people care about them marrying that much that a law would be changed? can you say publicity hungry?
VainJane said:
Of course. Didn't you get the memo? :lol:

We're just villifying him because they're starting to use social issues as excuses/cover-ups for their faults, mistakes or just regular ol' imperfections. Their faults, mistakes and regular ol' imperfections are the same as everyone else's in the world except that when I don't want to take an exam, I don't stand in the parking lot and scream "Until the world stops cutting down trees and turning them into wasted paper, I will not take another exam."

Ok that argument I'll accept. I dont see her entering another marriage personally and I would be dissapointed if she was forced into it. But maybe Brad is born into a corn stock middle american family with idiotic principles about having children in wedlock and he cant bring himself to say it. And if he champions a decent cause whilst he is at it, why the heck not.

Furthermore, I think everything is pointing to the fact that he probably said this in a flip way when badgered about his marriage plans.
VickyInStyle said:
im sorry but how up themselves? do they honestly think people care about them marrying that much that a law would be changed? can you say publicity hungry?

At what point did he say 'I am only getting married when everyone can... so you better tell the senate to hurry the fig up'?
SiennaInLondon said:
But maybe Brad is born into a corn stock middle american family with idiotic principles about having children in wedlock and he cant bring himself to say it.

'Idiotic principles'?
Aww, come on now Sienna, you were just complaining in the Nicole thread about people having narrow-minded views of things.

Just like there's nothing wrong with someone who "plays with knives, is bisexual, refuses to settle into monogamous conventions, adopts multi racial children" etc., there is also nothing wrong with someone who wants to have kids in wedlock, go to church every Sunday and spend their whole life on a farm in Idaho :flower:
VainJane said:
'Idiotic principles'?
Aww, come on now Sienna, you were just complaining in the Nicole thread about people having narrow-minded views of things.

Just like there's nothing wrong with someone who "plays with knives, is bisexual, refuses to settle into monogamous conventions, adopts multi racial children" etc., there is also nothing wrong with someone who wants to have kids in wedlock, go to church every Sunday and spend their whole life on a farm in Idaho :flower:

No there certainly isn't because some people are inately monagamous and some people are inately polygamous, some people inately conservative and some people inately liberal. However the problem occurs when one set of views is forced on another. That is the narrow minded part! :lol: I have read (it may or may not be true) that his family aren't happy about him having a child out of wedlock with a woman who will never marry. But if he is happy with it, why should everyone else and his family make him ashamed of it?
I really like the sentiment ^_^

Though on another note, I really don't believe Brad could have thought it up himself :lol:

but once they get married, they’ll become another boring Hollywood family and the attention around them will wear off quickly. But since they love having magazines and paparazzi all around them, they chose something that will be more controversial.
It’s ok to do good in the world, but the “good” they do…I'm skeptical it comes from the heart at all. Why else do they have to be filmed, photographed and interviewed about every generous deed done by them. They just want good publicity. And by they I mean Angie. She obviously wears the pants in the house…Brad never gave a rats *** about charity and the gay community and now all of a sudden it directs his life. Yeah, right..
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I also want to marry my Swan,a Python, and a Mortician, is Brad gonna wait for me?
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