Jennifer Aniston's New Interview [mention of Pitt and Jolie]

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NeverMindtheGirl said:
Brad and Angelina although being, in your words, discreet posed for W magazine doing the suburban home thing. Brad was there when Angelina adopted a kid. And unlike Tom, Brad is still married. Even separated, he should show some tact for his soon-to-be-ex-wife's feelings.

re: the W spread
that certainly got a lot of attention from everybody. everyone has their own interpretation on those pictures. I dont think that W spread should really affect Jen and Pitt's real life. Why? because Pitt and Jolie were not posing as themselves in those pictures. They werent doing a cheeseball sexy layout like Aniston is doing for VF currently which any starlet can do. They were doing a photography essay on a dyfunctional 1960s family with one of the foremost photographers in the country, Steven Klein. In my view, it was art for art's sake. Brad was not Brad in those pictures. He posed as a husband who beat up on his very unhappy wife. Those pictures were beautiful and disturbing. . . and totally not related to the current reality of the players involved.

As for "showing some tact for soon to be ex-wife", i think Pitt had to weigh how his actions will seem to Aniston vs. the fact that he is 41 and without children after spending 7 years with someone vs. finding someone at a very inconvenient time in his life who can give him the "family" that he needs. By all accounts, he stayed with Aniston long after the marriage is over. they went to couple therapy together I heard. Sometimes, when you have given your all that you can to the relationship and done what you can, a clean break is what you have to do. Pitt is living for himself again. Aniston should do that too instead of giving "pity parties" for herself and griping about it.
thehepburn said:
Pitt is living for himself again. Aniston should do that too instead of giving "pity parties" for herself and griping about it.

I think Jen is just going through the divorce differently then brad. Brad decided to immediately move on, and if that's good for him and that's his way to cope then great! Jen decided to wait and get out her emotion, if that works for her then great! I think everyone deals with these kinds of things differently but I don't think Jen is "griping":blink: about it, I think she's telling her personal experience. That's just my opinion.:D ^_^
I can't believe that some people in this thread are judging Aniton's or Pitt's way of copping (with the divorce)? People cope differently!
This is from "Insider." The article has some details, which haven't posted here.

The VF editor visited the famous "Friends" beauty at the Malibu beach bungalow where she's been cocooned since her breakup. In the article, Leslie writes that the fragile Jennifer answers the door with a "radiant smile" and then "bursts into tears."

After confessing that she will "love him for the rest of her life," Jennifer talks about how she and her husband became estranged during the final season of "Friends" when she says she needed him most.

"That was really painful," the daughter of divorced parents says. "It was a family, and I don't do great with families splitting up."

Brad was off shooting 'Mr. & Mrs. Smith,' which Jen was initially thrilled about. She even went out of her way to introduce herself to his co-star, Angelina.

"I was on the lot of 'Friends,'' TV's Rachel Green tells the mag. "I pulled over and introduced myself. I said, 'Brad is so excited about working with you. I hope you guys have a really good time.'"

Months later, "Team Aniston" would reportedly be shocked when Brad grew more and more distant with his wife of four and a half years.
Before they separated in January of this year, Brad denied that he had been unfaithful with his bewitching co-star, but photographs of the two taken around the world since then seem to suggest otherwise.

"At this point, I wouldn't be surprised by anything, but I would much rather choose to believe him," Jennifer says.

Today, she says the two are completely out of touch and she is looking forward to a new future with a new man -- and, no, it's not her co-star in the upcoming comedy 'The Break-Up.'

"I adore VINCE VAUGHN but I'm not going out with Vince Vaughn," she says. "This was a seven-year relationship that was very dear, very complicated, very special. I need to honor it."
thehepburn said:
re: the W spread
that certainly got a lot of attention from everybody. everyone has their own interpretation on those pictures. I dont think that W spread should really affect Jen and Pitt's real life. Why? because Pitt and Jolie were not posing as themselves in those pictures. They werent doing a cheeseball sexy layout like Aniston is doing for VF currently which any starlet can do. They were doing a photography essay on a dyfunctional 1960s family with one of the foremost photographers in the country, Steven Klein. In my view, it was art for art's sake. Brad was not Brad in those pictures. He posed as a husband who beat up on his very unhappy wife. Those pictures were beautiful and disturbing. . . and totally not related to the current reality of the players involved.

OK... I will not go into the stars decisions, love lifes etc. ... I agree the layout for Aniston on th VF cover (we haven't seen inside) is a bit 'cheesy'. Come on, what would have people said if she had been dressed in black lace??? But the pic is nice and 'real' and by a talented, famous photographer. I wouldn't call Jolie's poses in W cheesy but they are certainly sexy, far sexier than Aniston's. It might have been art for art's sake, and sure there was a story. But it kind of crossed a lot of people minds, gossip lovers OR NOT, that these two people on the arty and beautiful pictures were having an affair / were in love / what ever, living a story of some kind. If they are allowed to do so, and if readers are not supposed to find the pics provocative (and I know they were not MEANT to hurt Aniston! I guess they just... did?? since the relationship between these-two-fake-husband-and-wife-but-real-lovers exists) why wouldn't the ex wife be allowed to comment, especially is she's being asked? Would the pics be as arty and beautiful with a couple of regular models? I guess NOT. They would not have had the same impact. You give the happy couple the right to pretend to be happy on sixty pages, and you blame the less happy / single woman to have a cheezy smile on another cover. Well that's not being a victim. I guess I'm not being clear but reality, even if it is not our own, 'forced' people to look at the W portfolio differently.
"I love Brad. ... I will love him for the rest of my life,"
why do celebrities always say that exact same line every time they break up? It's like the formulaic oscar speech :huh:

It's pretty amazing how tabloids can take situations and make them sound so melodramatic. It sucks that their marriage didn't work out, but real life isn't such a soap opera :rolleyes:
thehepburn said:
re: the W spread
that certainly got a lot of attention from everybody. everyone has their own interpretation on those pictures. I dont think that W spread should really affect Jen and Pitt's real life. Why? because Pitt and Jolie were not posing as themselves in those pictures. They werent doing a cheeseball sexy layout like Aniston is doing for VF currently which any starlet can do. They were doing a photography essay on a dyfunctional 1960s family with one of the foremost photographers in the country, Steven Klein. In my view, it was art for art's sake. Brad was not Brad in those pictures. He posed as a husband who beat up on his very unhappy wife. Those pictures were beautiful and disturbing. . . and totally not related to the current reality of the players involved.

They're like Siamese twins. The shoot is amazingly beautiful, romantic and touching without being sappy. They can't stay away from each other. Instead of denying their romance I think it is more relevant to say that they would love to be all over each other all the time but what they are doing now is the sacrifice for Jennifer that they can do - they will not publicly hold hands or anything of that sort even though they are dying to. For the sake of decency and divorce procedures. And, well, probably promotion of their movie too. Well, that's what I think. It's very clever and very, very effective. The only thing is that I think that it hurts poor JA a great deal. But what could they do, really? If they want to meet it is bound to be public. If they don't meet this romance would probably have been lost forever. Something tells me a love struck man can't expect Angelina to wait for him until his ex thinks it's ok.

As for "showing some tact for soon to be ex-wife", i think Pitt had to weigh how his actions will seem to Aniston vs. the fact that he is 41 and without children after spending 7 years with someone vs. finding someone at a very inconvenient time in his life who can give him the "family" that he needs. By all accounts, he stayed with Aniston long after the marriage is over. they went to couple therapy together I heard. Sometimes, when you have given your all that you can to the relationship and done what you can, a clean break is what you have to do. Pitt is living for himself again. Aniston should do that too instead of giving "pity parties" for herself and griping about it.

Good point. I can understand her public grief - but sometime soon she should move on for her own mental health's sake.
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Well, photoshoot or not, paparazzi pics or not, what ever, I assume Pitt did not tell his ex wife he was with Jolie. Having to learn it from the tabloids after having dealt hand in hand with rumors and gossip and photographers chasing you around the globe for seven years, that has to be a bit of a shock, no??? Didn't Pitt tell GQ that he felt sorry because he knew poor Jen would be more hurt than him? I'm sorry, learning it from your ex in a private conversation, wether you're on speaking terms or not, has NOTHING to do with reading it on the cover of PEOPLE / THE STAR what ever, and that goes despite being famous.
Wow, after reading through all of these posts, I feel that some of you are REALLY insensitive. Why can't Jen give herself some 'pity parties' or cry over this? It only seems human to me for her to do so. Most people would cry after their love dumps them for someone else. What do you guys expect her to do? Go out and act like nothing has happened? My heart breaks for Jen and I wish her the very best.
she seems to be in some sort of control of her situation....makes me kinda look up to her for taking things so well. I would have bought a US Weekly, gone over to brads...smack angelina in the face with it and shove it up brads ***!
gligli said:
Didn't Pitt tell GQ that he felt sorry because he knew poor Jen would be more hurt than him? I'm sorry, learning it from your ex in a private conversation, wether you're on speaking terms or not, has NOTHING to do with reading it on the cover of PEOPLE / THE STAR what ever, and that goes despite being famous.

Yup I remember that part in the GQ article.

I also remember the weird part of that interview was when Brad admitted that his mother was "upset and angry with him" when she first heard of the news of the break up. The writer suggested or concluded that there must have been some wrongdoing on Brad's part for his own mother to be angry with him upon hearing of the break up.
Well I finally read the whole VF interview last nite.

And yes, if not having sympathy for Aniston's passive-agressive bullsh*t is "insensitive" as some poster calls it, then I am insensitive. :p

For all peeps who want to read the VF, I strongly advise you to read it at the library and not waste your money on it because it is badly written, just 6 pages of dreck. And it's not just an interview of Aniston but her AND her posse of friends. This chick is 36 yrs old and she hasnt gotten over the fact that she isnt in high school anymore and realize real adults do things ALONE. Real adults also take accountability which she never does in this article. She quotes her shrink as saying "even if 2% of it was your fault, work on the 2%" but she cant even admit to her 2% (and I doubt it was 2%). Instead, she starts crying the instant she sees the writer and let her friends take anonymous potshots at Pitt. true friends would not be quoting saying stuff like Pitt is diabolical unless Aniston okayed it. So bloody passive-agressive.

And as I mentioned before, I think she is lying just to promote her movies. According to the timeline mentioned in VF, the separation was announced Jan 7. Pitt told her he was attracted to Jolie before that. Aniston filed for divorce on March 25, almost 3 months after the separation was announced. Those kenya pictures of Pitt&Jolie came out April 29. Aniston says "she was shocked" by the pictures in VF. How the hell could she be shocked when she had plenty of warning beforehand? Anger, I could understand. Disappointment, I could understand. Embarrassment, i could understand. But saying that she's "shocked" means that she is lying IMO.
thehepburn said:
Those kenya pictures of Pitt&Jolie came out April 29. Aniston says "she was shocked" by the pictures in VF. How the hell could she be shocked when she had plenty of warning beforehand?

How does the timeline explain that she shouldn't be shocked? :unsure:
This thread is so interesting... to see how people view the same situation so differently...

I am a big fan of Jen Aniston, Brad Pitt AND Angelina Jolie - as actors, they've all done some good pieces of work. However, there are a few things that I wanted to say in regards to some comments on here...

(I'm a fairly new member here, so be patient/kind!)

1. "Pity Parties" - They're ok. A lot of people, men and women, chose to grieve over broken marriages/relationships. It's natural to feel sad about these things and it would be unnatural for someone, example: Jen, to bottle that up and pretend to not feel sad about losing her partner of seven years.

2. Angelina and Brad - Who knows if they really have slept together yet or not? It's so impossible to speculate if they did or didn't that it's just counterproductive to any kind of discussion to argue whether we think they did/didn't.

3. The W Shoot - Although a beautiful, artistic shoot that was being planned for a long time before the divorce...I can see how Jen fan's would be upset w. Brad b/c it really does seem insensitive. That being said, if the shoot was already planned and "sold" to W Magazine, it would be VERY hard to cancel such a project, esp w. the demand and run up to the movie. The "Brad is missing a sensitivity chip" comment is very interesting and perhaps its more to do with how Jen sees Brad in general, rather than referring only to the photo shoot. We don't know the exact context - even when we get to read the full VF article - articles are often slanted as to how the writer wants it to be read.

At any rate, I think this thread is really interesting, but the rampant speculation about if Brad and Angelina slept together seems rather pointless until they actually come out and say they did/didn't. For now, Jen says Brad didn't sleep with Angelina while they were together, so that's all we have to go on.

Just my two cents...
thehepburn said:
Well I finally read the whole VF interview last nite.

And yes, if not having sympathy for Aniston's passive-agressive bullsh*t is "insensitive" as some poster calls it, then I am insensitive. :p

For all peeps who want to read the VF, I strongly advise you to read it at the library and not waste your money on it because it is badly written, just 6 pages of dreck. And it's not just an interview of Aniston but her AND her posse of friends. This chick is 36 yrs old and she hasnt gotten over the fact that she isnt in high school anymore and realize real adults do things ALONE. Real adults also take accountability which she never does in this article. She quotes her shrink as saying "even if 2% of it was your fault, work on the 2%" but she cant even admit to her 2% (and I doubt it was 2%). Instead, she starts crying the instant she sees the writer and let her friends take anonymous potshots at Pitt. true friends would not be quoting saying stuff like Pitt is diabolical unless Aniston okayed it. So bloody passive-agressive.

And as I mentioned before, I think she is lying just to promote her movies. According to the timeline mentioned in VF, the separation was announced Jan 7. Pitt told her he was attracted to Jolie before that. Aniston filed for divorce on March 25, almost 3 months after the separation was announced. Those kenya pictures of Pitt&Jolie came out April 29. Aniston says "she was shocked" by the pictures in VF. How the hell could she be shocked when she had plenty of warning beforehand? Anger, I could understand. Disappointment, I could understand. Embarrassment, i could understand. But saying that she's "shocked" means that she is lying IMO.

I feel as though you took the words right out of my mouth :woot:
Well someone should smack her silly for being human. I am an adult and I need my friends. I feel comforted in their support. I feel like a victim sometimes when I'm hurt. I try but am not always strong and immediately responsible for my behavior. Sometimes it takes a while to step back, take a look at the situation and take responsibility for your part. I like Aniston, she's human with human faults. I don't feel sorry for any of the people involved because like everyone else they'll deal with it and move on.
babyjane said:
Well someone should smack her silly for being human. I am an adult and I need my friends. I feel comforted in their support. I feel like a victim sometimes when I'm hurt. I try but am not always strong and immediately responsible for my behavior. Sometimes it takes a while to step back, take a look at the situation and take responsibility for your part. I like Aniston, she's human with human faults. I don't feel sorry for any of the people involved because like everyone else they'll deal with it and move on.


It's interesting that those who want to grind Aniston with their heel want to protect Angelina and Brad from criticism. It's just a case of favouritism.
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