Jennifer Aniston's New Interview [mention of Pitt and Jolie]

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There is a lot of elements to this and I think there is a lot the public doesn't know and obviously a lot is speculation.

But my personal opinion is that BP fell in love with another woman - which is WHY they are getting a divorce.

Being left for another woman hurts. Falling in love with another woman when you're married hurts. Being the other woman hurts.

This is a no win situation no matter what. However in life, I believe everything happens for a reason. So Pitt and Aniston were obviously not meant to be together forever. And that is ultimately all that matters.

Aniston has the right to grieve. She has the right to have her friends stick up for her. I don't think she's passive aggressive, I think she's just extremely bummed out that her marriage is over and that her husband is now with another woman and the universe knows about it. Put yourself in her position and you might see things differently.

I believe she was shocked when she saw the photos because apparently Pitt wasn't being entirely honest with her and part of that was probably because she was in denial - which is a very commonly used defense mechanism.
AllThingsNice said:
Aniston has the right to grieve. She has the right to have her friends stick up for her. I don't think she's passive aggressive, I think she's just extremely bummed out that her marriage is over and that her husband is now with another woman and the universe knows about it. Put yourself in her position and you might see things differently.

hey, nice post. :D

did I ever wrote that aniston doesnt have the right to grieve? she should have greived last year when her marriage was falling apart. She should have grieved on Jan 7th when the whole world knew about her separation and sympathized. She should have grieved when she filed for divorce on March 25. But it is now August. She would do better to try to move on. . . . . and not bombard me with all the press she is doing PROMOTING "her grief" for her upcoming movies.

Sorry, you asked me to put myself in her shoes. Ok. In her shoes, I would never have given that VF interview. I have pride and I would not bore the world talking about the sorrows, tragedies, and injustices in my life when in the long run it pales in significance to things like the terrorism on 9/11 and London and the starvation in Africa. If I was an actress promoting a movie like aniston was doing, I would talk about the damn movie and that's it.

I believe she was shocked when she saw the photos because apparently Pitt wasn't being entirely honest with her and part of that was probably because she was in denial - which is a very commonly used defense mechanism.

You didnt read the interview. Aniston said Pitt was honest. Courteney Cox said that Pitt was honest and "not a liar." So yes, she was in denial if in fact she was "shocked" when her husband told her about it, the tabloids told her about it, and probably her friends told her about it.
First of all, that VF interview was done MONTHS ago. It just hit the press in August. The reason she's even talking about Brad and her marriage is because OBVIOUSLY the world wants to know (including yourself) which is why they keep asking. And the world can't be that bored with her "sorrows, tragedies, and injustices" since this thread is already 7 pages long.

And most importantly, she's not "bombarding" you with anything. You are reading it. And that's your choice.
AllThingsNice said:
First of all, that VF interview was done MONTHS ago. It just hit the press in August. The reason she's even talking about Brad and her marriage is because OBVIOUSLY the world wants to know (including yourself) which is why they keep asking. And the world can't be that bored with her "sorrows, tragedies, and injustices" since this thread is already 7 pages long.

And most importantly, she's not "bombarding" you with anything. You are reading it. And that's your choice.

I am not going to respond to you again til you read the interview and know what you are talking about. If you read the interview, you will know that the VF was not done "MONTHS" ago because it has some very recent facts which point to it being done in July.

And yeah, i read the VF, after ET, the insider, access hollywood, extra, the NY Post, the Boston herald all did features on it. Is "bombarding" not appropriate? Would it be better if i said i was brainwashed into it? ;)
And because ET, the insider, access hollywood, extra and the NY post did features on it.... that's her fault? I suppose she asks for the paparazzi to follow her around all day as well?

And might I add, I haven't read anything about this other than what's on this thread. It seems you are going out of your way to read this trivia and then complaining about it. :innocent:
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Ok, I think we get it thehepburn -- you don't like Jen! Almost as much as surferchica doesn't like Angie. It is ok to let others express their opinions and a lot of us do like Jen and have sympathy for her.

Now let's don't keep arguing because Andorastar said yesterday she would shut this thread down, and I'd like to keep it going at least until I get a chance to read the interview. Thank you, darlings!! :flower: :flower:
The interview was done months ago but the interviewer might add other things/facts after that to finish the whole article.
You know, honestly, I'm not even a JA fan. In fact when her and pitt got together I thought it was really strange - so I'm not defending her because I am pro aniston. However I agree that she shouldn't go on and on and on about all this - but I don't think she is since I understand that this is what publicity and marketing is all about. Breaking her silence about this situation was obviously timed appropriately with her movie release. And because of it her picture will do better at the box office.
I read the VF interview and the whole thing basically is About Brad and Angelina. I actually like all three of them. I don't understand why all her friends were making comments about Brad and Angelina, it was like something you'd read in one of the tabloids, they aren't in High School anymore. No wonder poeple think everyone in hollywood is so self absorbed.
chantal said:
Ok, I think we get it thehepburn -- you don't like Jen! Almost as much as surferchica doesn't like Angie. It is ok to let others express their opinions and a lot of us do like Jen and have sympathy for her.


Aw, now youre being unfair! :D have I responded to every post in this thread? when I wrote, I wont respond to any specific poster anymore, i believe i have kept my word.

i was trying to discuss certain aspects of the interview, maybe correct some facts. I certainly didnt correct everything I wanted to because in the long run, I just dont have the time or inclination. see you around!

Thank you Miss Pixie for the article!!!!!!!!!:heart: :flower: All I can say right now is wow.

I think it is evident that Brad left Jen, and he left her for Angelina. The marriage didn't break down, he didn't leave a bad marriage-- he met someone else and opened his heart up to her. Anyone who has been through that situation would be hurt. The woman is devastated.

I think most of the article talks about their marriage, why it didn't work, and the differing views on what makes a relationship work. I recently got married, and it is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. What Jen said about their being ebbs and flows in a relationship, little marriages within marriages, is so true. You fall in and out of love with your partner, and what makes it work is the commitment to be together. I can't tell you how many times I look at my husband and I want to kill him -- and then the next day I fall in love with him all over again. I don't check out, I don't open myself up to falling for other guys, because it would happen if I let it. The grass is always greener. It seems to me Brad succumbed to that way of thinking (which is fine, it's his choice and I think Angie is a good woman- I'm not a Angie hater).

What I got from this article was not a hate fest on Brad and Angelina, what I got was a women who got literally dumped and her pain of working through it. I have been through that too, not in a marriage, but being left by someone I was in love with who told me it wasn't for another woman, but I found out later it was. I can't explain how it changes you, reduces you to nothing, zaps your confidence, reduces you to a paranoid being. And I am no weak person, never have been.

I know some of you revile Jen for having a "pity party" and that is ok, I am not here to argue. I'd just like to represent the other side. I wish them all of the best of luck, I hope this story ends with everyone happy.:heart:
Oooh thanks for scanning the article. Now I don't have to buy it.
Enough already.. this thread is getting old and tired. It's also running members off the board, and that is not the feel we want for this community.

I have to say I am sorry that I don't quite understand why you have to say that. Why don't you say the same thing about those Angelina Jolie threads? People here, like those in the Angelina thread, are just expressing their views. Can you keep neutral?

P.S. Am I risking myself of being kicked out of tfs? ^_^
Whoa. Sorry but I absolutely agree as well. I don't believe any of our recent posts are argumentative, rude or something that requires an "enough already". One member strongly disagreed with some of us (and frankly struck me as being somewhat aggressive and immature in his/her postings) and that same member is the one you happened to agree with and made that very clear. And now you say "enough already". For what? So much for being neutral.
Oh, are we allowed to express our views here? I obviously have a different view from what the majority of posters have here and I seem to get attacked for it. Now I was willing to discuss the particulars of the interview at hand but instead I get disagreements from a not so "nice" poster who doesnt know the facts and admittedly didnt read the interview at that time. Arguing about something when you dont have all the facts? I personally find *that* "immature"

Have a "nice" day. :D
What's the difference of if I read the article or not at the time? Since now that I have read it everything I said STILL STANDS. There is nothing inconsistent about any of the points that i have made. So I'm not sure I understand what your point is?

No one "attacked" you. Please show me a post where you were "attacked" by posters. Just like no one "bombarded" you with Aniston info. You have an interesting perception as to what goes on and I'm starting to think you are here looking for a fight.

That being said I'm done with this topic. :flower:
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