Burberry Prorsum F/W 10.11 London

i always find his f/w collections so much more appealing than the s/s ones, and this time is no exception. i really like the coats and the boots are great. i'm not crazy about the leather use but overall it looked cohesive.
Overall, I'm really loving this collection. The opening look just set the mood perfectly. Personally, I think all of the elements of the collection seem to work together and create fabulous strong looks that I'm lusting over. Oh..let's not forget the jackets & coats! Fabulous!
the outerwear actually makes me wanna die of happiness.. so amazing. Very similar to the men's collection which I loved. Not loving the snake skin boots though and a few of the looks are just so so.
Despise the dresses earliest in the collection.

The blue part of the show was just impeccable. Not a fan of the high boots with the long dresses.

The jackets are just AMAZING. Just wow.
I adore this collection! I want to own every single jacket! I can't say I was too keen on the other garments, some of the trousers were nice. The jackets stole the show without a doubt.
Im loving it
I found a lot of new ways to wear high boots
the dresses are something I wouldnt wear they lack a bit of sensuality
but the jackets are to die for
good for bailey:blush:
i like the middle part-the blues and blacks-the best. the ending is not cohesive to me, and the initial dresses are pretty bad. i like thigh high boots sometimes, but really not in this situation. the snakeskin is pretty unappealing to me.
the jackets are very very very much like the ones from his menswear show
way too similar to the mens... even identical in some. i actually like that bailey has the mens and womens clothing complement each other but i think it should stick inspiration wise because then it just looks like he sent women in the mens pieces down the runway.

i do love the cropped jackets though.
Yes this collection is all over the place... I don't mind about the colour, actualy I think that it's a change for Burberry since a few seasons. Some looks are actually, from my point, totally refreshing and with those colors!, but ugh! nothing seems to be made to go together. If it was well coordinated, I would probably LOVED that collection, because the coats, all of them would've been in my coat closet if I had the money.
I'm a little disappointed... I'm not even saying that it's a great or good collection, I'll simply say : some (a lot of) pieces are really interesting.
it may be the best collection of this season.all the pieces are so wearable and strong ,they actually got back to the tradition of Burberry.I'm sure all the things in this collection will appear frequently in streetstyles and the retail will see a huge boom(though it has already been booming for a while)
When I view the whole collection altogether it actually looks very luxurious. I like the excessiveness of the collars. They're huge, which outputs a great deal of Rich b*tch attitude.
Pencil skirts and Thigh high boots NEVER look bad together.

It reminds me a lot of Versace Fall 2005. But much quieter.
Well, the bottom line here for me is that while it's nothing revolutionary, i absolutely love it..:crush:
I love the color palette, not to mention that short coats paired with dresses are always a winning combo in my book. And the boots are seriously hot (except the snakeskin, those were unnecessary).
Overall I like it.
The over-knees boots, some f the jackets and the dresses are very lovely.
I agree with Suizree the black/blue part of the collection is pretty similar the the past Versace show.
But in all, he did very well with this collection.

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