chaos reigns
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I stand by the intent of my argument.
Being drunk is no excuse for uttering hateful speech. Just as committing murder while intoxicated is still considered manslaughter. But the comparison isn't apt because hateful speech has intent. You don't walk around with antisemitic vitriol 'accidentally' spewing from your mouth. His depression, his alcoholism is not a justification for his behavior. It explains what he did, but it does not and it should not be a token for sympathy. Racists are among the most vile people on earth. To unequivocally hate a person because of their ethnic-religious background is ugly. I cannot understand how some people have the moral courage to say 'oh what a poor, unfortunate man'. He did not say that A-line skirts are hideous. He did not say that purple is an overrated color. He said he admired Hitler and proceeded to make hateful racist comments. Perhaps some people have forgotten what Hitler did. I'd recommend grabbing a history book, going to a holocaust museum or even renting a WWII movie to understand a sliver of the pain felt by the Jewish community. Please, please explain to me how his behavior can be justified?
And also, "who are we to judge?". We are members of polite society. When someone has the audacity (in the 21st century) to utter hateful speech, we have the moral obligation to criticize them. We have the democratic duty to condemn them and their reprehensible behavior.
Additionally, just so people understand by "living death" I did not mean that Galliano should be killed or anything barbaric like that. I (using creative expression) merely meant that he will, and should never have the capacity, to design again. Since creative expression is the raison d'etre of a desginer and he would not have the capacity, he'd be a living corpse. A shadow of the man he formerly was. I hope people did not misunderstand that portion of my argument.
<quote> First of all, Dior's house wasn't open until 1947, perhaps you mean that he worked for Lucien Lelong and Piguet during the war? Actually Lelong, as president of the Chambre Syndicale during the occupation actively fought the Nazi influence in French fashion, fighting them when the Nazi's wanted to move all of Paris' Haute Couture operations to Berlin.</quote>
Mutterlein, Christian Dior held a show on July 14th, 1940 which was attended by Sussanne Abetz, the wife of the German ambassador to occupied France. She was accompanied by many Nazis. Personally, I don't blame Dior for making garments for the Nazis. It was either that or effectively suffer the fate of Madame Gres. Nonetheless, many of the members of the resistance still viewed Dior with suspicion. The charge of collaborator was levied against him. My point was the house probably has to be very conscious of this historical problem. I mean he's no Coco Chanel but it's still a potential PR problem.
Erm ... darling. No one in this thread (or the Galliano one in the Rumor has it forums) has agreed with any of the statements from Galliano. So no one is saying YOU ARE WRONG.
What baffles me is the position of intolerance from other people. Im one of those "hate the sin, not the sinner". And most definitively I am a productive member of society (and I NEVER judge). What I disagree with most is about how this has been handled.
To expect people to be perfect is quite an obtuse way of thinking, we all are human and make mistakes, and yes, some people make little mistakes and some others make mistakes the size of Antarctica (like Galliano did). But are you saying he (or any one, not even Hitler) is worth forgiving?
And what I find unbelievable from Dior is how hipocritical and manipulative they have been about the whole ordeal. Does anyone really wants to do bussiness with someone who will just dump you like that? *snaps fingers*
PS Maybe I just think this way because Im a romantic.

PPS Im just having a hard time with all this conflicting rumours, yes, he may have said it .. but what about the context? For an anti semitic guy, he definitely enjoyed the hassidic (sp?) look

image from style.com via photobucket.com
Moderator note:

Im afraid the thread is veering slowly on off topic grounds. If you would like to discuss anything not related to the collection further (this is directed to ALL MEMBERS), you may do so by posting on the Galliano thread on the Rumor has it forums or using the PM tool.
Thank you.

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