Live Streaming... The F/W 2025.26 Fashion Shows
John's days were numbered when he released that collection. He basically forced the ultra elite to look at the homeless. You know Tippy Von Untung De Rothschld was on the phone with the newspapers she owns saying that they need to trash John for this.
That paired with his eyes wide shut collection made alot of people uncomfortable.
That's when I realized they were gonna do anything to get rid of him once they used him up. Which they did.
John was real talent and you can't control real talent. Hence why Dior won't ever hire real talent again.
I think that John's collections were intellectually so beyond what the Dior decision makers really thought they were looking at. I think they really thought John was 'taking orders' - you can tell around 2009 there began a power struggle because they realized how John was mocking the sh*t out of them and basically openly resenting them on the runway. Despite 'taking orders' - John had billionaires wives walking around in Dior's Latest Victim t-shirts without an ounce of self awareness. Head to toe Rasta despite being the elite class whom persecuted the Rasta. I mean, can you imagine?
I think they probably just thought John was "crazy" - John's art is so elevated that it is filled with layers of meaning. His collections have many meanings depending on how you hold it to the light, which IMO is what makes John and artist not a fashion designer. He makes wearable sculptures.