EdK said:yes, i get called mr dior at work. and this one sales associate calls me mr british rocker, its kinda cool. theyre always like "thats so nice who is that by?" im like "dior" and they say "well excuuuuuuuse me" in a joking manner hahaha i guess the image of the dior brand is that highly regarded, known to be incredibly exclusive and expensive.
The tassels version has been on y! for quite some time now. I don't understand why it isn't snapped up...
I end up wearing Dior or at least am wearing pieces that have that same look on a pretty regular basis. It's gotten to the point where some of my friends who know this just assume I'm wearing Dior

A couple of nights ago I was hanging out with a friend and I was wearing the royal blue hoodie. She leans over and sniffed me and after I asked her if I smelled she said "no, I just wanted to know what a Dior hoodie smelled like"