Dior Homme by Hedi Slimane (2000-2007)

ebay my friend, ebay. There are suits on there for around $900 right now. They aren't petites though, I'm a 50 (48 sometimes if it's a generous cut).

Ah you dentists, good hours, nice pay!

I really can't wait for med school. I'm really hoping to get into one of the manhattan schools (Cornell, Columbia, Mt. Sinai, NYU) or Einstein. I wonder if they'll give me preference since I was named after him....:lol:

Actually people in medicine and science, well... they don't really dress too well. I stand out at the hospital, but then again, how many people wear a neon blue hoodie into work and then shed it for the white lab coat:D ?

DoDo999 said:
wow Albert,

how'd u manage to score urself a suit for <1k?!! :woot:

I just paid about 1300 for this @ yahoo Japan.
very hard to find petite sizes tho.....


anyway, good luck going to med school. its hard work!
I m a dentist myself. I guess medi ppl hv a great taste for clothes huh? B)

but dentists will ALWAYS earn more $$$!! :innocent: :innocent:
I'm not so much a fan of Dior's formal footwear...there was a pair I liked from VotC, it was a slick leather lace-up shoes with a semi squared off toe...don't know how to describe it, kinda in between squared and pointy toed. But it was in brown...then fast forward to this summer, I walked into Hugo Boss as a shot in the dark and for their formal line there was a pair of shoes exactly the same, except in BLACK :woot: and it was better quality so I copped that and wear it with my suit.
Nice... I've always wondered about what to wear with those excellent crafted suits... i looked at the past collections and Hedi paired them with boots and some with sneakers.. which is quite okay, but not really my cup of tea..
hmm i think i saw a guy from the Rakes wear a suit (minus the jacket) with the original german army sneakers in Arena a while back...i'm not so sure if that works so well. Dior suits seem a bit polished to wear with sneakers unless you're wearing just a casual blazer with some jeans. Boots are good...the military looking boots from Red are my ideal shoes to go with a crisp DH suit.
Yeah.. boots would indeed go well with those suits, i can imagine a pair of chelsea boots like these from mj.. would be just sweet, when paired up with a DH suit..


but the only problem is that, i don't feel like i'm mature enough to pull off a pair of boots like that.. :(
Regarding Diabro, just click "ask seller a question". Tell them what you want from their site, and they'll gladly sell it to you, wherever you are.

I'm constantly surprised at how many compliments I get about the simplest DH pieces. Today, some random 40-something-year-old woman told me how cool my beige distressed VOTC cords were. Seemed totally weird to me. Don't they just look like any other corduroys to most people? :lol: Also recently received compliments on s/s 05 white chalkstripe tee, pointed D belt (and that was before he saw the cutouts), and all three pairs of s/s 05 sneakers. Strange. I guess people notice little subtle cool things more than I thought.

Karl Popper, I guess there are more varieties than I realized. I'm sure you're right.
Haha, I wear a pair of Prada chelsea boots that I've had forever with my suits. I just got a pair of side zip military boots also from Solitaire/Red (ah, they all look the same from those collections haha) that I'll now wear with them.

I put up a pair of the semi-military boots that FtB I think is talking about up on ebay. They work very well with jeans as well as dress pants/suits. The pair I just got is sliiightly narrower and I like that look a bit better which is why I'm parting with the others.

I never really dug the suits with sneakers look, especially Dior suits like FtB said. They're made so stiff and constructed that it's not casual. If it were a Yohji suit then it may be a better fit.

btw- I tried on that baseball jacket at FFTH. They're asking too much for it in my opinion. I was surprised that it fit me as it was a 48! I didn't end up liking the cut though, and it wasn't military enough hahaha

One of the guys that works there says he owns the ENTIRE Solitaire collection! Crazyyyyyyy

btw- did they make a red leather corsage? I'd love to find a white or the gray one.
the only suits I have are the short versions.

so not too formal at all. I always wear with jeans/cords.
as for shoes, I dont own any DH shoes.

so its down to Margiela sneakers, Kim Jones Umbro hi-tops, or Adidas whote/gold forest Hills.

works well. B)
This season's APC boots just look great ,check their site good alternative to Dior high heels .
yes, i get called mr dior at work. and this one sales associate calls me mr british rocker, its kinda cool. theyre always like "thats so nice who is that by?" im like "dior" and they say "well excuuuuuuuse me" in a joking manner hahaha i guess the image of the dior brand is that highly regarded, known to be incredibly exclusive and expensive.
AlexN said:
Regarding Diabro, just click "ask seller a question". Tell them what you want from their site, and they'll gladly sell it to you, wherever you are.

I'm constantly surprised at how many compliments I get about the simplest DH pieces. Today, some random 40-something-year-old woman told me how cool my beige distressed VOTC cords were. Seemed totally weird to me. Don't they just look like any other corduroys to most people? :lol: Also recently received compliments on s/s 05 white chalkstripe tee, pointed D belt (and that was before he saw the cutouts), and all three pairs of s/s 05 sneakers. Strange. I guess people notice little subtle cool things more than I thought.

Karl Popper, I guess there are more varieties than I realized. I'm sure you're right.
I thought everyone in the group should see how infinitely tasteful my desktop is. I just learned how to use the "Grab" application on my PowerBook, so I thought I'd put it to use. And listen to "Heroin" by the Velvet Underground. Great song.

AlexN said:
If I won the lottery right now, I'd grab it. :p

Karl Popper, white leather = black stripe, black leather = white stripe, black canvas = red stripe, white canvas/grey suede = red stripe

To whoever asked about Diabro's orange overdyes...they were called "mud processed" for s/s 05, and they have the reddish-tinted ones for f/w 05, referring to them as "rust".

Chris Daka, what size are you? Diabro still has a size or two left.

Thanks for the info on Diabro, Alex.

Quick question, what size should I be wearing for the orange overdyes jeans if I usually wear a 30 to 32 waist in jeans.

Do these jeans stretch a lot?


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