Does A Model’s Height Influence Their Career?


Sep 27, 2020
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Is it in general harder to become a successful model if you are 5´8 compared to 5´10? It´s my understanding it would be harder to become a successful runway model as those models are usually 5´9 and above, but does it make a difference for premium commercial jobs?
It's never that simple, if you have the "It-factor", you shine and radiate and your agency pushes you, an A-list photographer loves you and the stars favor you, nothing will stop you. I suggest you have a look at another thread,

Models Who Aren't That Tall

there are a lot speculations but it should give you some ideas.

As a bonus, here's a picture of four extremely successful models who have worked from 10 to 25 years in the business :

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It's never that simple, if you have the "It-factor", you shine and radiate and your agency pushes you and the stars favor you, nothing will stop you. I suggest you have a look at another thread,

Models Who Aren't That Tall
(I don't know how to make a pretty link these forums)

anyway there are a lot speculations but it should give you some ideas.

Thanks, that makes sense. I'm not the potential model, I'm just trying to figure out how the modelling world works.
It's never that simple, if you have the "It-factor", you shine and radiate and your agency pushes you, an A-list photographer loves you and the stars favor you, nothing will stop you. I suggest you have a look at another thread,

Models Who Aren't That Tall

there are a lot speculations but it should give you some ideas.

As a bonus, here's a picture of four extremely successful models who have worked from 10 to 25 years in the business :

View attachment 1157917

Thanks for that picture, that a huge difference in heights. Do you know how tall these models are? I´m not familiar with them (still learning).
Tasha, the lady in pink, is 5'9'' 1/2 by her NY agency (she looks shorter though :innocent:) and Amanda next to her is 5'11.
The difference between the woman in pink and the one next to her looks more than 1-2 inches.
The difference between the woman in pink and the one next to her looks more than 1-2 inches.
Amanda might be taller than 5'11 - I know Toni is extremely tall (I want to say 6'1?), even for a model, and Amanda doesn't look much shorter than her. IMG, the agency Amanda is signed to, also lists Karlie Kloss as 5'11, even though she herself claims to be 6'2, and indeed is 6'2.
Amanda might be taller than 5'11 - I know Toni is extremely tall (I want to say 6'1?), even for a model, and Amanda doesn't look much shorter than her. IMG, the agency Amanda is signed to, also lists Karlie Kloss as 5'11, even though she herself claims to be 6'2, and indeed is 6'2.

Then the height difference between the models in the posted image makes more sense.
I have been reading the, very long, "Models who aren´t that tall" thread and most talk about how agencies add an inch or more to their models. Is that still the case?
Amanda might be taller than 5'11 - I know Toni is extremely tall (I want to say 6'1?), even for a model, and Amanda doesn't look much shorter than her. IMG, the agency Amanda is signed to, also lists Karlie Kloss as 5'11, even though she herself claims to be 6'2, and indeed is 6'2.

Agreed. I stood next to Karli and she towered over me (I’m almost 5’9)
Wow didnt realize that Toni Garn was that tall its amazing how models like her , Oluchi, Maria Borges and Karlie have had success doing both high fashion and commercial fashion work.

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Nicole Pollard and Kirsi P. def lost work for being too tall.
Nicole Pollard and Kirsi P. def lost work for being too tall.

Kirsi did amazing for the amount of time she had the energy and will to work, editorial and advertisement wise. She just tried to do school at the same time and eventually burnt out a little and chose school and a different career. Height was never an issue, only her shoe size. Shows were difficult as there were no shoes for her.
From 01:00, here's how gigantic Toni appears next to Tom Holland.

IMDB lists Toni as 1,85 and Tom as 1,75.
I saw Toni on the streets in NYC a few years ago and she is very, very tall. She was wearing flat sandals and leaning with her back against a building, kind of half crouching, but even with that pose, you could tell she was at least 6 feet tall.

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