Early Oscar Buzz/Nominations*Update*Complete List of Winners

I am going to be harsh, but in my opinion, Nicole Kidman, Renee Zellewegger, Jamie Foxx, Charlize Theron, Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Catherine Zeta Jones, Gwyneth Paltrow....... .......none of them deserved an Oscar win....... and I am not naming A LOT of other actors because i am too lazy to do so.......

And if anyone else does agree with me.... ....feel free to support my opinion, I promise you I will protect you from the hordes of Gwyneth, Foxx, Theron, Crowe..... fans..... ^_^
I think alot of it has to do with ratings- all of the people you named are commercial/big tabloid names- compared to someone like Samantha Morton.

I disagree about Russell Crowe and Jamie Foxx though- Crowe was fantastic in The Insider but did not deserve to win for Gladiator. and Jamie was amazing as Ray Charles. Nicole Kidman is completely overrated- she makes millions per movie but none of them make money.
I disagree about Jamie Foxx and Russell Crowe also. Jamie was incredible in Ray and Russell was ridiclously good in Gladiator.

I also disagree about Nicole Kidman. She was also incredible in To Die For.

Just my opinion.
I agree with most of the people you listed except Jennifer Conelly. She deserves everything she gets and should have been nominated and won, along with the woman who played Ben Kingsley's wife (I will butcher her name) for House of Sand and Fog.
jmp said:
Has anyone seen the Venezuelan movie "Secuestro Express"? It is so real and scary. Mia Maestro stars in it and there is a little buzz around her performance for best actress. She deserves all the buzz she can get. At least her performance was real and not something she had to train for or go for months of useless acting.

Interesting. I think I'll rent it tonight.

THanks :flower:
Kimkhuu said:
Now all you need to win an Oscar is to be quite known in the industry, do a "great" performance in a drama, movie based on a heroic/sad/dramatic story..... Et voila, get on stage, cry us a river, and there you go, you can now proudly tell everyone that you've got an OSCAR.
Not necessarily:
Here are some people who have won/been nominated for comedies/comic performances:
-Audrey Hepurn-Roman Holiday, My Fair Lady
-Annette Benning-Being Julia
-Marisa Tomei- My Cousin Vinnie
-Gwyneth Paltrow-Shakespeare in Love
-Kathy Bates- About Schmidt
-Catherine Zeta-Jones-Chicago
-Queen Latifah-Chicago
-Kate Hudson-Almost Famous
-Renee Zelwegger-Bridget Jones' Diary, Chicago
-Mira Sorvino-Mighty Aphrodite
-Diane Keaton- Annie Hall, Something's Gotta Give
-Kate Winslet-Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
-Meryl Streep-Adaptation
-Whoopi Goldberg-Ghost
-Doris Day-Pillow Talk
-Julie Andrews-Mary Poppins
-Judi Dench-Shakespeare in Love
-Julia Roberts-Pretty Woman
-Helen Hunt-As Good As It Gets
-Tom Cruise-Jerry McGuire
-Johnny Depp-The Pirates of the Caribbean
-Cuba Gooding Jr.-Jerry McGuire
-Jack Palance-City Slickers
-David Paymer-Mr. Saturday Night
-Dustin Hoffman-Wag the Dog
-John C. Reilly-Chicago
-James Cromwell-Babe
-Al Pacino-Dick Tracy
-Jack Nicholson-As Good As It Gets
I'm not saying the Oscars don't prefer dramas- they do. But people have been nominated and even won for comedies
Yes, but it happens so unoften that winners are from comedies!!!!!

I've never said the actors I named were awfull! Of course they are good, but are they good ENOUGH to win an Oscar? I don't think so..... Unless of course winning an Oscar means offering a "decent" performance.

Right at this very moment, I could name for each year, a HANDFULL of actors/actresses (of course lesser known) who offered performances 1000000 times more breathtaking.
Kimkhuu said:
Yes, but it happens so unoften that winners are from comedies!!!!!

I've never said the actors I named were awfull! Of course they are good, but are they good ENOUGH to win an Oscar? I don't think so..... Unless of course winning an Oscar means offering a "decent" performance.

Right at this very moment, I could name for each year, a HANDFULL of actors/actresses (of course lesser known) who offered performances 1000000 times more breathtaking.
I thiought Nicole and Charlize deserved their Ocsars. ANd not for making themselves ugly- they seem to inhabit the part. They changed their voices, the way they carried themselves, the way they moved...Even the subtlest gesture was cosistant with their characters, IMO. But I don't think that Rusell Crowe, Jamie Foxx, Gwyneth Paltrow, Renee Zellwegger, or Catherine Zeta-Jones deserved their awards- there were better people nominated.

As for Nicole Kidman being overrated, I'd say if anything she's underrated. In some roles her looks work against her (the Hours, the Human Stain) and she has to overcome that to be taken seriously in the part. It doesn't matter that her movies do/don't make money for the context of a discussion of her talent. I really admire her for being able to go back and forth from big hoolywood movies (Bewitched, The Interpreter, Cold Mountain, Batman Forever) to risky independant art house stuff (Dogville, Birth, Birthday Girl) to stuff in between (The Others, Moulin Rouge!, The Hours). She's willing to take occasional risks, show her range, have fun, be serious...She's tremendously versitle. And if sometimes her risks fail- well that's the nature of a risk.
lostgirl said:
In some roles her looks work against her (the Hours, the Human Stain) and she has to overcome that to be taken seriously in the part.

?! Huh?! :huh: Those looks do not work against her, it just helps make her role more convinving!
lostgirl said:
they seem to inhabit the part. They changed their voices, the way they carried themselves, the way they moved...Even the subtlest gesture was cosistant with their characters, IMO.

But so what seriously!? Is taht all it takes to become a great actor/actress nowadays.... It's not just about that, it's about EMOTIONS..... A lot of actors have all the package nowadays to carry on certain roles (change of accent, gestures, physical appearance......) but they lack the "spiritual" side of the characters.
Kimkhuu said:
But so what seriously!? Is taht all it takes to become a great actor/actress nowadays.... It's not just about that, it's about EMOTIONS..... A lot of actors have all the package nowadays to carry on certain roles (change of accent, gestures, physical appearance......) but they lack the "spiritual" side of the characters.
I meant that in ADDITION to the spiritual/emotional/inner-life of a character, Not INSTEAD of it. A lot of "actors" will pretend to be happy/sad/angryconfused/whatever emotion, and you'll watch it and say- that's so and so pretending to be angry, all the emotions are visibly there, but the gestures, the voice-you know that belongs to the actor. I felt in the cases of Nicole amnd Charlize I was able to belife in the emotional life of the characters BECAUSE the performance was so thorough: it was thought about from the subtelest details to the deepest emotions. It's all part of a package that makes up a performance. IMO, a lot of actors think about the emotions of the character is a given scene and don't think about who the character IS. And who a person ios is the sum of their experiences,thoughts, feelings, etc. and these things can be expressed in the way we carry ourselves, our speech patterns, etc. I don't think someone should be given an Oscar for doing an accent well, or for making themselves look different. But they should for a thorough, convincing, well thought out performance in a difficult role.
Kimkhuu said:
?! Huh?! :huh: Those looks do not work against her, it just helps make her role more convinving!
If Nicole had played Virginia Woolf with her curly red hairand pixie face, no one would have believed it. If she'd played a janitor who looked like a movie star the audience would say, 'why is this woman a janitor? why she acting or modelling, or winning beauty pagents or married to a rich old guy or somthing?'. Even in a film like The Stepford Wives (a pretty bad movie, IMO) she played a powerful "ballbuster" in the business world trying to accomadate to suburbia. A character like that wouldn't look like a barbie; she'd have a harsher edge, a kind of shell of impenitrability. In all these cases I thought that she not only changed her appearance accordingly (which is the work of hair/mak-up/wardrobe) but she changed her demeanor. In The Human Stain she carried herself with a defensive stance, she walked around almost like a soldier going into combat- totally in keeping with a woman who'd put up an emotional shield after being abused. In The Hours she almost seemed not to inhabit her body. The character, was thoughtful, cerebral, literary- she seemed to draw her body into herself and and use her head for communication. I'd say 60% of her performance took place in her eyes. Because Nicole Kidman is a beautiful woman she often has to DISTRACT people from her looks so they believe in the part.She does this by visually exposing something deeper that comes from within the character.
lostgirl said:
Renee Zellwegger, or Catherine Zeta-Jones didn't deserved their awards- there were better people nominated.

Can you say who should of then cause to me Renee should have got it over Nicole and Catherine Zeta-Jones was amazing in it and deserved to win best supporting (It was stupid to put her in the lead for all the other award shows) and the fact that she got up at the Oscars and sang just proved even more that she should have won.

Nicole didn't deserve to win for The Hours she should have won for Moulin Rouge or even The Others. That year was all political and I'm not saying Denzel shouldn't have won but to me it was Nicole's year. She should have won.

and I agree with everyone Hilliary shouldn't have got it.

Overall to be honest I only watch it to see what everyone is wearing.
Label Basher said:
Can you say who should of then cause to me Renee should have got it over Nicole and Catherine Zeta-Jones was amazing in it and deserved to win best supporting (It was stupid to put her in the lead for all the other award shows) and the fact that she got up at the Oscars and sang just proved even more that she should have won.

Nicole didn't deserve to win for The Hours she should have won for Moulin Rouge or even The Others. That year was all political and I'm not saying Denzel shouldn't have won but to me it was Nicole's year. She should have won.

and I agree with everyone Hilliary shouldn't have got it.

Overall to be honest I only watch it to see what everyone is wearing.
I'm not saying that they're not political to a certain extent. They're very political. I'm just saying I agree with a few of their picks. I disagree with a lot too.

IMO, Renee was her best in Bridget Jones' Diary, Nicole in the Hours, and I just plain didn't like CZJ- I'd have been happier if the award had gone to Julianne Moore (The Hours) Meryl Streep (Adaptation) or Kathy Bates (About Schmidt). I think that on their worst days any one of those actresses is better than CZJ. If they wanted to award some one in a comedy Adaptation and About Schmidt were both comedies.

I agree that year they were totally political. I liked Chicago- it was an enjoyable fun movie, but it didn't deserve acting awards IMO.

But there's no objective way to judge this-it's all based on personal opinion.

BTW-which performance did you object to Hilary getting the award for? I thought she deserved it for Boys Don't Cry, but not for Million Dollar Baby...
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lostgirl said:
BTW-which performance did you object to Hilary getting the award for? I thought she deserved it for Boys Don't Cry, but not for Million Dollar Baby...

Sorry I should have explained better, I meant for Million Dollar Baby. I've never seen her in either movie but my friends did say she was really good in Boys Don't Cry. This year Imelda Staunton and Annette Bening should have been the front runners. Imelda is a fantastic actress and I was told by a friend that Annette was great in Being Julia. (Imagine being Annette and losing to the same person twice - :ninja: I would so hate that).

With Renee and Catherine I guess I just liked the fact that they actually sung and danced which was a bit more than normal (Does that make sense). I liked Chicago too but it didn't deserve Best Picture and I won't be buying it on DVD or anything like that but I just thought those two did a really good job. But Julianna Moore is way overdue for a Oscar I agree with that.

Besides Jamie, Cate and Morgan this years was boring. And what has the Academy got against Martin Scorsese. That's the question everybody should be asking. He has made some brillant movies but yet every time he gets snubed. You got to feel for him sitting there then going home empty handed. Next time he's nominated he should not go. Snub them.
Label Basher said:
Sorry I should have explained better, I meant for Million Dollar Baby. I've never seen her in either movie but my friends did say she was really good in Boys Don't Cry. This year Imelda Staunton and Annette Bening should have been the front runners. Imelda is a fantastic actress and I was told by a friend that Annette was great in Being Julia. (Imagine being Annette and losing to the same person twice - :ninja: I would so hate that).

With Renee and Catherine I guess I just liked the fact that they actually sung and danced which was a bit more than normal (Does that make sense). I liked Chicago too but it didn't deserve Best Picture and I won't be buying it on DVD or anything like that but I just thought those two did a really good job. But Julianna Moore is way overdue for a Oscar I agree with that.

Besides Jamie, Cate and Morgan this years was boring. And what has the Academy got against Martin Scorsese. That's the question everybody should be asking. He has made some brillant movies but yet every time he gets snubed. You got to feel for him sitting there then going home empty handed. Next time he's nominated he should not go. Snub them.
I agree with you about Marin Scorcese. What's the Academy's problem?
I didn't like Annette Benning in Being Julia but she kind of irritates me in general, so I'm porbably not the best person to go by. But I thought Imelda Staunton was great. Catalina Sandina Moreno was great in 'Maria Full of Grace'. And I also agree that Julianne Moore is completely and totally overdue. I can name 3 movies that I'd have given it to her for, just off the top of my head!
Label Basher said:
Sorry I should have explained better, I meant for Million Dollar Baby. I've never seen her in either movie but my friends did say she was really good in Boys Don't Cry. This year Imelda Staunton and Annette Bening should have been the front runners. Imelda is a fantastic actress and I was told by a friend that Annette was great in Being Julia. (Imagine being Annette and losing to the same person twice - :ninja: I would so hate that).

With Renee and Catherine I guess I just liked the fact that they actually sung and danced which was a bit more than normal (Does that make sense). I liked Chicago too but it didn't deserve Best Picture and I won't be buying it on DVD or anything like that but I just thought those two did a really good job. But Julianna Moore is way overdue for a Oscar I agree with that.

Besides Jamie, Cate and Morgan this years was boring. And what has the Academy got against Martin Scorsese. That's the question everybody should be asking. He has made some brillant movies but yet every time he gets snubed. You got to feel for him sitting there then going home empty handed. Next time he's nominated he should not go. Snub them.

Hilary was really really wondeful in MDB actually and the whole right to die issue was a hot topic in the US last year. I do not think she deserved to win so soon though. IMO, Hilary is just as good as Julianne and Kate- but I think she limits herself by playing masculine parts.

I think Imdela should of won. so heatbreaking but Annette was too over the top and her speech at the Golden Globes hurt her, IMO.

Scorsese got screwed with Gangs of NY with miramax handling the campaign. Def. should of won for Goodfellas. Some of the best (ie hitchcock) have not won Oscars so Martin is in good company.
PoppyAzura said:
Hilary was really really wondeful in MDB actually and the whole right to die issue was a hot topic in the US last year. I do not think she deserved to win so soon though. IMO, Hilary is just as good as Julianne and Kate- but I think she limits herself by playing masculine parts.

I think Imdela should of won. so heatbreaking but Annette was too over the top and her speech at the Golden Globes hurt her, IMO.

Scorsese got screwed with Gangs of NY with miramax handling the campaign. Def. should of won for Goodfellas. Some of the best (ie hitchcock) have not won Oscars so Martin is in good company.
I know- it sucks tho. I thought Scorcese should have gotten it for the Aviator too. I wasn't crazy about MDB in general. I think Morgan Freeman has been better in soooo many other movies. I agree Hilary is a great actress, but should play less... masculine parts. It seems like she's always either a transvestite, an athlete, a cop, she's always a "tough girl". She should do a romance- something to emphasize her femininity. That could open a lot of doors and give her the opportunity to play more diverse roles.
Joaquin Phoenix is getting buzz for Walk the Line (Johnny Cash film). I would love it if he won an Oscar, he is so amazing in everything!

It isnt just about performance. They have a big get together where all the nominees talk to the academy people and that is a huge factor in who wins.
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From Oscarwatch.com:flower: .

Most Likely to Succeed so far
(after reviews, buzz, etc.)

Best Picture:
The Constant Gardener
Cinderella Man

Best Actor:
Ralph Fiennes, The Constant Gardener
Joaquin Phoenix, Walk the Line
Bill Murray, Broken Flowers
Terrence Dashon Howard, Hustle & Flow
Russell Crowe, Cinderella Man

Best Actress:
Reese Witherspoon, Walk the Line
Joan Allen, The Upside of Anger<SPAN class=sidetext>

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