Early Oscar Buzz/Nominations*Update*Complete List of Winners

^I AGREE! How the heck did she get nominated? Ziyi Zhang deserves the nomination WAYYY more than her! Gosh these nominees are the exact same as the ones for Golden Globes. I was hoping that Naomi Watts get nominated for her role in King Kong.
Academy Award Nominee Jake Gyllenhaal. Love the way it sounds, he's by far one of the best actors of his generation and I simply glad that they Academy finally praised his performance in BBM, he's being so ignored and overshadowed by Heath's performance it's disgusting.
Heath Ledger PLEASE win that damn award,with no Heath there's no Ennis, he did such a great job portraying him. He should win, of course, he won't(too young,first good role,too gorgeous, too teen-star...and Capote on top of it.)
Michelle Williams was superb in BBM,she was outstading, she doesn't deserve a nomination, she DESERVES the award itself.
BBM best picture, forget about SAG awards this film is achingly beautiful.

Munich was good too(Eric Bana was great),Good night and good luck(love it).
Quite happy with the nominations.

Brokeback Moutain 8 nominations, sounds great.
I know she probably doesn't deserve it for her role in Memoirs.. but I'm dissapointed Ziyi Zhang didn't get a nomination :( ... instead it went to Charlize, seems almost like a token nod... maybe next year Charlize will get nominated again for playing a garbage woman. But in terms of merit I think Joan Allen should definately have been in that top 5.

My suprises were Terrence Howard over Russel Crowe .. otherwise I thought they weren't too suprising.
eternitygoddess said:
^I AGREE! How the heck did she get nominated? Ziyi Zhang deserves the nomination WAYYY more than her! Gosh these nominees are the exact same as the ones for Golden Globes. I was hoping that Naomi Watts get nominated for her role in King Kong.

Nice to see a "Naomi Watts for Best Actress in a Motion Picture" fan!!!
She would've deserved it too...

TheBallerina said:
joiquine will win again. no doubt.

:huh: Joaquin(right?) never won...
he previously got nominated as Supporting Actor for "The Gladiator," though...
Surprised and pleased at Amy Adams getting nominated, her performance was excellent but I wasn't expecting her. Nice.
Just when I think I might start showing some faith in the hypefest that is the Oscars, they go and over look Ziyi Zhang and give Charlize 'one-off-great-performance' Theron another token nod.

KEIRA KNIGHTLY nominated....!?!?!? :blink:

Come on.......!!!!!! Her acting is SO stiff!!

This is obviously a popularity contest...! I don't like most of the nominations.... Oscars are getting worse year after year..... :sick:

I can name a handful of people who deserve a best *something* win a thousand times more than these people/movies..., just that they aren't as popular.....
LoveMyBoots said:
:huh: Joaquin(right?) never won...
he previously got nominated as Supporting Actor for "The Gladiator," though...

I think they meant 'again' b/c he won the Golden Globe... perhaps.
Seriously, i think the Academy Awards risks losing some of its prestige when it gives out nominations to actresses like Keira . Yes Keira did give a good performance in P&P, but it wasn't phenomenal. And it was the first decent performance she's given after a string of shocking ones.
The BAFTA's seem to get it right more often, as it's not so much a popularity contest, and it seems to go on individual performance, not judging in relation to the actors previous body of work, whether it being an actor doing something unexpected, or an actor with a good track record so they should be given something regardless if the films kinda crap.
Seriously, i think the Academy Awards risks losing some of its prestige when it gives out nominations to actresses like Keira

You took the words right out of my mouth. The Academy Awards are one of the most prestigious award ceremonies, maybe the most prestigious in the world of entertainment. When they start nominating people like Keira and inviting B-listers, it sort of takes away the prestige and makes it another MTV or VH1 awards show.
roppal222 said:
Just when I think I might start showing some faith in the hypefest that is the Oscars, they go and over look Ziyi Zhang and give Charlize 'one-off-great-performance' Theron another token nod.


Charlize reminds me of Hillary Swank. both average actors with some real stinker performances under their belts who luck out every couple of years with a very dramatic sympathetic script that virtually screams Oscar. Hilary was great in Boys don't cry and Million Dollar baby but she doens't need two awards, she's not that good an actress. same with Charlize... she was great in Monster but geeze, did anyone see The Astronauts Wife or Sweet November? not good acting.

there are some pople who are good actors no matter how bad the script, and others who need a good script/director to pull out a good performance.

I like Charlize and Hilary but they're not amazing actresses as a whole. Reese has shown far more consistancy and range than either of them.
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And what's up with this new "TREND" of giving off awards for IMITATIONS... Capote, Johnny cash, ray charles, charlize in monster, erin bronkovich......

It's about INTERPRETATION.... not IMITATION.....

Oscars are just another boring pointless award show now..... They've lost all credibility... WALK THE LINE......!? Brokeback moutain..... the LEAST original movies in my opinion.....


It's like Hilary Swank who won an Oscar last year for Million Dollar Baby.... Come on, that's not even CLOSE to being a stellar performance.. it's far from being memorable.... and then she got an oscar..... COME ON....!
^I'm sorry, but that is so not fair.

It's your problem if you don't like big screen movies, but the Acadamy Awards has always been about the big films.
To call Brokeback Mountain unoriginal is pretty odd imo. Even though it's a hyped movie, does not mean that it's bad or anything.

...that being said, I am so disapointed that both Charlize Theron and Keira Knightley got nominated.
To call Brokeback Mountain unoriginal is pretty odd imo. Even though it's a hyped movie, does not mean that it's bad or anything.

^^Agree with you,BBM is excellent and.... pretty unoriginal?¿ hey well I think this first time I see the Western genre protayed in that way! It's a hyped movie because of the press and their attitute towards it, you read all time "Gay cowboy movie" "Jake and Heath's hot scenes""It is hard to kiss a guy" and so much crap like that.

BBM is certaintly the best movie and if we go for unoriginal movies Walk the line, Capote need to be mentioned cause all this biopic going on year after year, but the fact is that they are GOOD movies indeed.

If the Oscars this year are a popularity contest then Keira must win over Reese(won't happen) Clooney over Giamatti or Gyllenhaal and Munich over BBM! None of that will happen.

I think is totally unfair that Keira/Jake/Heath and all those young talents are now being put off because of the fact that they are "young,gorgeous and rich" and people thinking they don't deserve a nomination. As for Jake/Heath just chek out Jarhead or BBM.
As for Keira, I think she is quite a hard working actress,not the new Nic Kidman and so on, but pretty talented. Her celebrity has nothing to do with the fact that she did a fine performance in P&P, she did lots of crap and terrible movies but just as much as Charlize, Reese....or any other actor in their early days.
Nevertheless, I think Charlize doesn't deserve a nomination this year...it's amazing that everytime a young/gorgeous woman plays a poor/desperate/ugly and with a big drama behind her wins an Oscar or gets nominated by it. They had that you put some weight on you doesn't mean that you deserve the Oscars. That's why I think the real winner of the Oscar for best female performance of 2004 is Naomi Watts not Charlize thero who was totally hyped up by the press
It's your problem if you don't like big screen movies, but the Acadamy Awards has always been about the big films.
To call Brokeback Mountain unoriginal is pretty odd imo. Even though it's a hyped movie, does not mean that it's bad or anything.

The likelyhood of any film closely based on Annie Proulx's sickly syrupy prose being good seems low to me...
Odette said:
If the Oscars this year are a popularity contest then Keira must win over Reese(won't happen) Clooney over Giamatti or Gyllenhaal and Munich over BBM! None of that will happen.

What?! Reese and BBM are clearly the most popular choices as of now...

IMHO: Clooney clearly deserves the Best Supporting Actor statue. Giamatti's character and performance always had a touch of deja vu for me, numerous people have played the "I-stuck-around-because-I-believe-in-you..." character... Like I have said before, if Giamatti gets the Oscar it's going to be for his body of work ("American Splendor," "Sideways") that were overlooked before... :angry:
That's not really what I meant, the thing I mean is that is really looked at the Oscars as a celebrity contest then Keira should win, she's huge in UK, well known in Europe, just check out her thread at the number of pages it has. Check out who's got more covers per year, Keira or Reese, who's been doing how much in the same amount of time. Check out her imdb thread and see the % of people who really want her to win just cause she's Keira Knightley.
That's what I mean.

BBM AND MUNICH, if this was a celebrity contest then Spielberg would win over Ang Lee who was pretty much unknown. No director can compete with Spielberg, he's the king of Hollywood when it comes to direction and directing. Check out the number of awards,nominations...
If people VOTED the Oscars as a popularity contest without having the chance on actually watching the movie, just focused of the celebrities in it then Spielberg would win, why? He's Spierlberg.
Will he actually win? Don't think so.

That's what I meant.
Of course Reese and BBM would win or at leat have more chance of doing so.
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Odette said:
That's not really what I meant, the thing I mean is that is really looked at the Oscars as a celebrity contest then Keira should win, she's huge in UK, well known in Europe, just check out her thread at the number of pages it has. Check out who's got more covers per year, Keira or Reese, who's been doing how much in the same amount of time. Check out her imdb thread and see the % of people who really want her to win just cause she's Keira Knightley.
That's what I mean.

BBM AND MUNICH, if this was a celebrity contest then Spielberg would win over Ang Lee who was pretty much unknown. No director can compete with Spielberg, he's the king of Hollywood when it comes to direction and directing. Check out the number of awards,nominations...
If people VOTED the Oscars as a popularity contest without having the chance on actually watching the movie, just focused of the celebrities in it then Spielberg would win, why? He's Spierlberg.
Will he actually win? Don't think so.

That's what I meant.
Of course Reese and BBM would win or at leat have more chance of doing so.

Okay I understand what you just said, and the Academy obviously never stood for that. If it did, a whole lot of celebrities would be nominated.
Though the Academy has its faults (and many of them) there is still an air of prestige they try to maintain...

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