Footless Tights

i like the black opaque leggings/tights when then end right below the knee, like capris. Kirsten Dunst used to wear them with just about every outfit. i think they look better than the ones that hit at the ankle. the shorter ones would look great with cut off denim shorts.. i also like wearing ripped jeans with bright tights underneath..ok that was kinda off topic ;)
*AVAkoe* said:
i like the black opaque leggings/tights when then end right below the knee, like capris. Kirsten Dunst used to wear them with just about every outfit. i think they look better than the ones that hit at the ankle. the shorter ones would look great with cut off denim shorts.. i also like wearing ripped jeans with bright tights underneath..ok that was kinda off topic ;)

I completly agree... black opaque right below the knee... thats looks great...

I love these looks with footless tights:heart: :heart: :heart:
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thats a nice twist on wearing the tights as opposed to the denim minis
i don't like it much...but i thought it loked really good on Raquel...and I love the outfit...
(I got it from model's streetstyle thread...but there was no source next to the picture...)
unless you are a dancer in training or doing yoga these should never ever be worn. theyre just leggings!
Jesper said:
Come ON!

What is the average age on this website? 13? come on.
I cannot believe you are even discussing this topic. I have to sign out from thefashionspot and never return again. This is embarrassing and shameful.

I dont understand whats so embarrassing. Maybe I am too much of a newbie to understand, but...*shrugs*

The trend developed quickly over the winter holiday's at my school. I cant say I mind it really, just everyone is wearing and all with a mini denim from Abercrombie. I don't mind the tights, it's the A&F denim skirts that I dont like...

Generally I find the tight that end mid calf or a bit below the knee the most appealing.
i have a pair of footless tights but i ditest the way they look with denim minis, way too teenage-mall-girl for me :sick: , i guess i will keep them around until i figure out a less trendy way to wear them, if that's possible!
I wear them with lots of things. Skirts, dresses.... in my opinion, they can add a quirky finishing touch to an otherwise plain look.
I liked it when I was a child. Now I don't like it. I wear footless tights under jeans only in winter when it's very cold .
footless tights are decent in my books, but if I had to choose between these and tights, I'd choose tights.... :flower:
I love footless tights, but I am an ex-ballet dancer so they come naturally to me.
They remind me very much of Audrey Hepburn in Sabrina though.

When you see Audrey Hepburn wearing something you can most definately pull it off if it fits you well and is worn with the right thing. I really like the look of footless tights with jumpers. And I love the bright coloured tights, the black ones are over rated, I like to have fun with colours. All though I like the black ones too with the right outfit.
everyone at my school wears them, their everywhere, especially the ones with lace on the bottom from abercrombie and hollister
i really really like them and i wear them with minis and flats
its strange actual tights look unique to me know because everyone is wearing footless tights. how strange the tables have turned:ermm:
Just yesterday I was in Beverly Hills and I noticed a college student wearing footless tights with casual business pleated shorts and a blouse. Appearantly there are a variety of ways to wear them and still look nice. I think she was persian / middleeastern. The look was actually attractive.
Just yesterday I was in Beverly Hills and I noticed a college student wearing footless tights with a pair of brown n tan pleated shorts with casual shoes and two blouses layered . It actually looked good.
i bought these last year to wear to a festival as i thought somehow it'd be more practical (?) and have never worn them. they're just plain black but meh...they're everywhere. can't be bothered.
i bought these last year to wear to a festival as i thought somehow it'd be more practical (?) and have never worn them. they're just plain black but meh...they're everywhere. can't be bothered.
This trend has just hit maximum saturation here, it's in the trendy mall stores like fairweather, and stitches. A few people wear it at my highschool, but that number is likely to triple in the coming weeks. They're always worn with denim destroyed minis here. :ninja:
Best bet for stripes is Halloween Club, Aahs, or other costume shop. You may find at Marshalls, Ross, TJ Maxx. Closeouts here for older styles. Found EG Smith cotton tights both solid and crazy angle stripes. Walmart - mainly footed or thigh high; Kmart - maybe have em.; Forever 21 - royal light blue in nylon footless, also cotton with lace and maybe without: grey, black, white. Other local stores may have solids; ambercrombe fitch and hollister co, footless should be available, and and at their store will have em now. Hot Topic - stripe, skulls, fishnet, and a few others, including solids.

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