Live Streaming... The F/W 2025.26 Fashion Shows
MulletProof said:^shh, i was planning to rent a movie by tarkovsky today. after being verbally humiliated by a friend cause I hadnt seen anything.
northernsky said:what did i want to say originally? ah, yes, faust just reminded me of pane e tulipani [bread and tulips] a heart-warming italian film with licia maglietti and bruno ganz. about a house wife that is being forgotten by her husband and family in a rest stop. when she starts her way home by means of hitchhiking she suddenly decides to go to venice as she has never been there. (i LOVE that scene. a very tired and indifferent looking young man had given her a ride and although very monosyllabic tells her he was going to venice (or passing it, i don't remember) when she replies, she has never been in venice, he looks at her [one two three seconds passing] "never been to venice?!") the whole film is very sweet. without being kitschy.
almodover is an exercise in style over substance- they all seem overlong and meander- 'what have i done to deserve this?' is the perfect mix of lenth, boredom and depression...--Princesa-- said:What do you see in almodovar films? I mean, I'm spanish and I've never been able to see one of his films to the end; I just get bored... and I find them terribly depressing
I wanted to rent The Mirror last night. but ended up getting Sacrifice instead. I watched the beginning this morning...maybe it's the heat but I found it so...saturated. I still need to finish it, though. which makes my input a little less than irrelevant here.northernsky said:do we know each other?i'm humilating others for not having seen stalker or anything by tarkowski all the time.
calexico said:werner herzog's "my best fiend: klaus kinski"
chinie said:Remember me my love - Italian
Malena - Italian
8 1/2 - Italian
Love me if you dare - French
Amelie - French
Cleopatra - Spanish
Motocycle Diares - Spanish
The house of flying daggers - Japanesse
Bad education - Spanish
What do you see in almodovar films? I mean, I'm spanish and I've never been able to see one of his films to the end; I just get bored... and I find them terribly depressing
Another one I'm amazed by its success is amelie... it's not bad, but neither that good, when I watched it I though it was quite stupid and I dont think that it has such a deep message...