Gareth Pugh S/S 10 New York / Paris

He is still showing so dont freak out just yet :lol:

yeah yeah i know ...

i meant that this is riduculous to have a trailer done (seriously who does he think he is ? FF Copolla ?). this trailer announced that there may be only a video and no "living" presentation of the collection.
moreover, i think this is pretentious to have a trailer during NYFW, while he'll shows in Paris. This is like, he may think his collection is one of the most waiting thing for the Paris FW.

And why presenting a trailer on the form of a cube when there are only "four elements" ? a cube presents 6 parts ! A interactive triangle would be more interesting.
Why so many mystic-sci-fi-religious-end-of-the-world signs ?? Gothic Luc Besson's 5th elements ???? :doh:

What's this obsession with flying materials ?? Loie Fawler did it in the early 20th and that was more interesting ....

Moreover, I'm really not someone interested into the video - as a medium of expression. It's not very often that I stop more than 1min. in a room where's a video shown in an exhibition. But what I know for sure is that a video needs most of the time a certain environment you can only experiment outside of a computer !

The music + the low-fi effects + the déjà-vu-so-expected inspirations here sounds sooo tragically pathetic, that it's getting really annoying.


but i'm waiting the collection, that's for sure - but this video did change nothing about this fact. I'm not more or less exciting .... I just now do feel Gareth is a bit pretentious !

And did you guys watch it all ?
Coz that lasts more than 30min. !!!! INSANE !!!!
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^ I cant believe you watched it all I lasted about 2 min. And I agree compleatly with you but I still cant wait for the Paris show and I was like that before the stupid video.
lol someone watched the whole thing? Did it show any.. idk.. clothes? I get that it's just a concept video, but, still...
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Gareth is perhaps the most unpretentious designer there is, I agree the video is borderline pointless rubbish, but I think this move was simply a way of Gareth having a presence in the States, he's not at the point where by he could put on a show and he'd be foolish to leave Europe, so I think this was just a way of trying to attract a fan base in America, though by the looks of this he probably shouldn't have bothered.
Gareth is perhaps the most unpretentious designer there is, I agree the video is borderline pointless rubbish, but I think this move was simply a way of Gareth having a presence in the States, he's not at the point where by he could put on a show and he'd be foolish to leave Europe, so I think this was just a way of trying to attract a fan base in America, though by the looks of this he probably shouldn't have bothered.

It's not a bad idea, and we all took the time, went to see it, but the video really is *that* stupid. If he'd shown something less "arty" (and a piss poor version of "art" video) and closer to his actual presentation, we would have appreciated it much more.
I'm All For Being Artistic An Abstract But Seriously What The Hell Was That? What Was The Point? :(
there are loads of designers who use concept as a foundation to express an idea or emotion but usually those designers involve what they ultimately do within that narrative. egads,even somebody as uber-conceptual as chalayan has utilised the clothes in there somewhere. to me this was mindless and wholeheartedly self-serving. i don't think it had anything to do with breaking out anywhere. just taking advantage of his fame and thinking he can get away with doing it.

to me,gareth still has a bit of maturing to do if he wants to continue to have a successful business. expressing oneself is one thing but when it's completely overshadowing the fact that he actually designs clothing i get annoyed. he needs to find more balance if he's going to create these more conceptual visions....otherwise,he should stick to making art or keeping the art projects separate. he should really take some tips from bernhard who has done quite a few film presentations in the past and all have involved the work that he does in some manner. boudicca even as conceptual as they tend to be in their own visual expression never stray from the work. it's always involved.
The cube thing was being lame so I didn't watch it.. I'm hardly his biggest fan so I'm not going to sit through a trailer for his collection.. can't he express his inspiration via the clothes, i.e. like every other designer does?
karlie kloss opened

edit - oh it said that on fashionoligy duh

the moment twitter

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