Golden Globes 2007

Emily Blunt
Hayden Panetteire
Ali Larter
Ellen Pompeo
Sandra Oh
Sienna Miller
Kate Walsh
Rachel Weisz

Rinko whateverthefrakherlastnameis
Cameron Diaz
Jennifer Love Hewitt
Heidi Klum
Jessica Biel

Everyone else I either didn't care about or they were boring, and Brad needs to help Angelina with that stick up her *** because smirking looks good on no one.
Cate Blanchett
Reese Witherspoon
Kate Winslet
Sarah Paulson
Chloe Sevigny
Isla Fisher|
Emily Blunt
Naomi Watts
Helen Mirren
Sienna Miller (minus the rough skin and bad hair)
oops forgot Ellen Pompeo

Heidi Klum (what was she thinking?)
Jennifer Love H
Cam Diaz
Salma Hayek (dumpy)
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after__eight said:
Everyone else I either didn't care about or they were boring, and Brad needs to help Angelina with that stick up her *** because smirking looks good on no one.

hahahahhah. karma. b/c that was amazing. :D Ali Larter was refreshing...not over-done, not over make-uped and no vegas hair. I was also impressed with Isla Ficher. And how about the Grey's Anatomy women being stunners yet again? So what that Katherine Heigel can't dress herself?? She's frickin gorgeous. And Sandra Oh may have the most over-looked red carpet style out there...

Is it just me or did everyone PILE on the make-up this year?? I have never noticed (even from HQs) everyone look so old...
Haha thanks ^

I couldn't believe how many lines I saw on everyone's faces from all of that crap piled on their face.

Isla is soo adorable and I thought Sandra looked great. Katherine's dress looked like sh** but she is still beautiful.
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Marni41 said:
And Sandra Oh may have the most over-looked red carpet style out there...

agreed. also probably the most under-rated actresses on the scene right now..yeah i know she's won stuff but this girl is CRAZY good. her and hugh laurie make TV worth watching.
Can anyone tell me what Sacha Baron Cohen said in his acceptance speech? I'm sure he was hilarious - now I'm kicking myself for not having the patience to watch the entire show on tv to see his speech :lol:
someone asked for sjp:

Jennifer Lopez is my favorite of the bunch. She's a cool kitty, looks like she's carved outta marble, and the dress is perfect for her. The pics with her husband beside her seem like they're very at ease with themselves and each other.

Angelina looks very, very tired, but I like her grey and gold combo. Brad looks beat, too. Did they just fly in from somewhere or what?
I like to applauded Rinko for not falling into the trap of `HOLLYWOOD AWARDS SEASON DRESS,` she wore something completely off and different. She isn`t from why does she need to fit their `standards` when it comes to dressing up for these awards?

I also like what Sandra Oh wore too! What happened to BEYONCE...the girl looked like she jumped out from a hip hop video shoot as one of them `video girl!`

As for Angelina....if it she seems like she being rude to the reporter and so be it. Plus it was Brad`s night not hers! Does she have to be like `Hi, I`m from Hollywood and like I`m actress` type of person?
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It's interesting to see Peoples listing of best and worst dressed-list.
I don't agree at all, for example Cameron Diaz, worst dress,
what are they thinking....:blink:
Sandra Oh looks darling and Namoi looks sweet in her blue dress. A great change from her nude/white rutine. Angelina Looks lovely too and the two of them as a couple is just wounderful!
Resse W must be my favourite, Just lovely haircut and great color on her dress!!
Sandar Oh looked good. She makes good choices consistently.

It must be "in" to not wear bling around the neck and keep it on the wrist but unfortunately it made so many stars look like they were missing something.
best in my opinion:

beyonce ( what was she thinking when chosing this dress???)

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