Guys in girl pants

does anyone else have pictures documenting this phenomenon. I'm intrigued.
I wouldn't wear girl jeans, simply because they are made for a thiner frame and seriously who wants to see some guy's penis outline in jeans, lol.
I think it's hot when guys wear girl jeans! haha! There are a couple guys at my school who do...let me see if I can dig up a picture...
unplugged66 said:
I wouldn't wear girl jeans, simply because they are made for a thiner frame and seriously who wants to see some guy's penis outline in jeans, lol.

well, there are also males with a thinner frame, as it has been discussed here, too.
And the **** won't be seen too much when you know how to position it properly. Even when it gets a bit *******.
When I buy girls jeans, I don't buy them too tight, cause hello, I have a penis, and I don't wear underwear, so I dont want to walk around with a moose knuckle on the front... I don't get them to fit like they should on a girl... If I was going to, I would get a size 4 but I get an 8 so it's a bit loose and roomy, but still skinny and tailored.
For those interested... These are women's size 7.. a little tight :blush:
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yourbestfriend said:
Girls pants on guys is great, if it suits your body type. But if it dosent, i dont think people should try to squeeze into them thinking "its the cool thing to do". I see way too many teenage guys in girls pants, doing the whole emo look, which is complete crap imo.
i hate that too... i just recently started wearing a pair of ck women's skinny dark jeans, again... i bought them like 3 years ago, but i thought they wouldnt fit anymore, i loved them so much.. but i hate that now everyone wants to do that stupid emo look, its terribly annoying...

heres another pic of me in girl jeans

finally such a thread!

My girlfriends and i have encountered this time and again...
usually with men who are slim or who have a damn good shape
and who cannot stand those HORRID men's pants that are such old-man-baggy-shite
end up having to wear women's pants....
(er.. my husband included).
It's terribly embarassing for them - and funny for us gals.. but hallelujah for H&M/Zara.

i think it depends on the quality/cut of the clothing where you live.
i live in Canada and 90% of the men's pants out there are just hideous!!

Before H&M came to town - he HAD to wear women's pants
but now, H&M pants fit him better - thank goodness...
it was silly having to furtively rummage through Club Monaco/Gap women's pants and take it to the men's change room!

i think Zara's men's pants fit well too.
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^Okay, so I think that is a hot outfit. And I think it's adorable when guys who are gay dress up in girls' clothing. =]
AlexN said:
Most people just have no clue how to pull it off; it's just a trend. But that can be said of most, if not all, trends. People buy stuff because it's trendy, and they don't have a clue about how to actually wear it.

amen sistah...
i think pants are pants... and if they fit right, they are virtually unisex. I always buy women's lululemon pants because it is impossible to find decent yoga pants for men...

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