Hipsters VS Scenesters


May 15, 2006
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I just created a thread for Hipster Street Style last night which provoked the question:

Are a hipster and scenester the same thing?

I'd like to know everyone's thoughts on this...I find hipsters to be more simplified, cleaner (in clothing) artistic, and more interested in doing thought-provoking and relaxing things, rather than scenesters, who I find to be mostly drunken, trying too hard to be "stylish." They seem all too much interested in partying and looking like slobs.

Your thoughts?
to be honest...i dont see much of a difference, except for the fact that hipsters will grab whatever's the flavour of the month and carry it around as if they were the only people using it while scenesters are not really interested in pretending they're superior, original, etc...rather than...having a good time.
but what do i know anyway....
by the way, i believe this is exclusively outdoors style so i'll remove this thread from the section and take it to trendspotting as a general location. where im not really sure if it has to be merged with the related topics but i'll just leave it there at other mods' decision.

I'm not a huge fan of Scenesters, but my opinion may change if I become good friends with any people who fit such a category. I know a lot of Hipsters and most of them are very harmless and are just trying to identify themselves as individuals.
I think both Hipsters and Scenesters often have horrendous hair. I find the whole 'this is an awful hairdo, but I'm being ironic' thing really stupid. Dude, it just looks terrible.
I love Irina and Valentine and I would say they are both Hipsters bordering Scenester. I think we could say a pure hipster, done well, resembles Kate Moss' style; it's unique, piecey, tight and straight fitting, and often has the drab colours that hipsters work very well. Scenesters often like to wear ill-fitting and baggy clothes, as well as items that long went out of fashion (again, for irony). Think MC Hammer pants or a BananaRama T-Shirt. Shannyn Sossamon dips into that look a bit.
^I think you hit it on the head, Fiancee! That's how I think of hipster's style.

But I don't see Irina or Valentine as bordering on Scenester grounds...they seem just hipster to me :)
i had no idea they were different things... do these people differ in their musical tastes and identifications too... is cobrasnake scene or hipster? who is valentine? I'm confuuuuused!
scenesters and hipsters are the same thing, its just two different words.
this topic confuses people!
I think both are pretty unnecessary synomyms for the phrase 'attention-seeking losers'.
I always just kind of use both terms interchangeably. In my mind, scenesters have perhaps a crazier conotation - more aggressively tacky/ironic/whatever else.

I think there might be a music factor, too. Which, of course raises the question, where do you fit in the dress styles of emo-kids, indie kids, etc... which sometimes overlap...

Oh, the beauty of splitting hairs...
hmm.. could it be said that scenesters are some sort of subculture of hipsters? because practically they are the same thing
I think it's safe to say hipsters take a more political bent - scenesters just wanna have fun... I do wonder, though, if they're competing for the same attention or simply sharing in it... :p
when i was on the west coast, my friend told me that in the LA scene, there is a differentiation between scenesters and hipsters that may not exist elsewhere. she described scenesters as people who listen to screamo and have pink and black choppy streaks in their hair and all that. i guess in LA scenesters are more xcore than hipsters? or something?
hipsters wear whatevers in or whatevers trendy. ever seen hipster bingo? in my mind, hipsters go hand in hand with indie music. indie music, as in whatevers cool in college alt. rock type stuff, not indie as in independent artists/labels. scenesters wear whatevers cool in their scene, be it dance, emo, metalcore, punk whatever
hrmmm.. I never really knew the difference.
But I do know there's a lot of BOTH groups everywhere.
I think there is a difference.

Scenesters: associate themselves with a particular "scene" where there is a social ranking. its associated with location(s) where a specific group of people hang out.

Hipsters: Associate themselves with a particular culture and dress and act in certain way that basically conveys "I'm better than you"
I am old, but neither of these words seem to be a self-identified thing, do they? One person's hipster is another's scenester, no? Hipster was a 50's thing, etymologically the root of "hippie", no? Scenester, I've no idea, someone "on the scene", I take it? Meaning fitting in with the general milieu? So the scenester's image would change depending on the scene?
Sylphide said:
who is valentine? I'm confuuuuused!
:lol: i was wondering the same thing.

is irina..as in irina the model?..if yes...maybe valentine is another model as well..:unsure:
^haha yeah she is I found out, search Valentine, she has a thread (and she's quite lovely):innocent: I think it's strange the way people are referred to by their first name- particularly the cobrasnake and misshapes people, like they're some kind of uber-celebrities eg "Leigh" and "Cory"?? Who the $%^& are these people?!?!?
although this is all subjective here is my 2 cents:

the first one is hipster

the second is scenester..



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MulletProof said:
:lol: i was wondering the same thing.

is irina..as in irina the model?..if yes...maybe valentine is another model as well..:unsure:
Shame on you (and your amateur search skills...)

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