How do you like your partner to dress?

I'll tell you what I really don't like ... is men in Merrell-type sandals :p

And oh, I saw the funniest thing the other night in the grocery store :lol: This guy, who was pretty tall, was wearing this head to toe motorcycle outfit, I guess it was ripstop nylon, pieced & futuristic, in cobalt blue, black, and silver. He was carrying the matching helmet. I was standing there looking at wine and as I saw him walking toward me, it was all I could do not to bust out laughing :ninja: Then as I was leaving I saw him with his motorcycle, which exactly matched his little outfit :innocent: So, so wrong ... ;) And I can only imagine the $$$$ he spent to look like he did ... :unsure:
one thing is for sure...
absolutely NO polo shirts allowed...:ninja:

depends on his personality...

i loved the scarves and floppy hair of one ex-bf,
but i also love the worn-in tees and corduroy jacket of my current bf.

as long as it fits their personality...cause that's why i'm dating them. ;)
^ Unless the collar is popped. That's a great look. ^_^

Well, it was in the 80s ... or so it seemed :ninja:

Something else that's verboten is any whiskered or bleach-streaked jeans, and that goes triple for men over 45 ... the wrinkles & grey hair in combination with the out-of-date trendy jeans is just :sick:
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I love the way my partner dresses. He mostly wears dark colors... lots of black pants, dark colored jumpers and plain t-shirts, but he actually has a great innate sense of style wich I truly envy. It's very masculine and simple, and he has the coolest looking shoes and boots I ever seen! He also wears great hats and jackets. Nothing he owns is even new or expensive.. his clothes just looks like they were made him. I really don't know how he does it. :lol:

In general, I love men in nice button down shirts... :wub:
.. but I hate polo shirts. I don't like too stylish or preppy looks at all.
Well I have a boyfriend and I think how he dresses really suits him. His casual is still neat and put-together without being fussy. I don't want a guy who cares more about clothing and style than I do, but I like a reasonably style-conscious guy. Currently I'm helping give my boyfriend's style a slight kick because he said he wanted a change. Unfortunately there's not much room for creativity when it comes to men's fashion. He looks best in earth tones and slate/gray and not so much blue as he thinks though. Light gray-blue is definitely amazing on him. He loves his black peacoat and scarf and he pulls it off well. I definitely like a guy with a casual, laid-back personality who cleans up well. :flower:

On another very important note, I generally dislike polos, but there is a hierarchy of polos and some are quite nice and others decent. I won't even get into the grandpa polos though, yuck. I don't like overly baggy jeans and pants falling down to the ground. I don't like too much pink or overly friendly and I'm not into the beachy look.
I don't have a girlfriend, but I suppose if I did, I prefer the more trendy, more high fashion looks. Though that is a hard thing to describe...anything from sun dresses to black tights and a skirt and shirt. I'm finding myself no longer interested in the "classical" look (at least, that's what I've heard it called).

There are lots of fashion "don'ts" that I have noticed that I would be strongly against. (mumus, leopard print...etc)
Well I have a boyfriend and I think how he dresses really suits him. His casual is still neat and put-together without being fussy. I don't want a guy who cares more about clothing and style than I do, but I like a reasonably style-conscious guy. Currently I'm helping give my boyfriend's style a slight kick because he said he wanted a change. Unfortunately there's not much room for creativity when it comes to men's fashion. He looks best in earth tones and slate/gray and not so much blue as he thinks though. Light gray-blue is definitely amazing on him. He loves his black peacoat and scarf and he pulls it off well. I definitely like a guy with a casual, laid-back personality who cleans up well. :flower:

On another very important note, I generally dislike polos, but there is a hierarchy of polos and some are quite nice and others decent. I won't even get into the grandpa polos though, yuck. I don't like overly baggy jeans and pants falling down to the ground. I don't like too much pink or overly friendly and I'm not into the beachy look.

@ Milada: I think it's true, a lot of women don't like a man who knows more, or cares more about fashion than them. It's like a guy dating a girl who can beat him at video games.

the no-man's-land between good polos and terrible polos is expansive. I both love and hate them. :blink:
@ Milada: I think it's true, a lot of women don't like a man who knows more, or cares more about fashion than them. It's like a guy dating a girl who can beat him at video games.

the no-man's-land between good polos and terrible polos is expansive. I both love and hate them. :blink:

I hate when I come out of work and I meet my boyfriend because my hair ends up being so flat and frizzy and I'm wearing frumpy clothes and when he dresses really nice next to me, it emphasizes how ragged I look. I'm afraid of wearing nice clothes to work though because I don't want to get chocolate on them. It's hard to explain: "No, it's chocolate I swear. I work at a bakery! It's not what you're thinking." :shock:

One of my guy friends used to wear the worst polos. In fact it was one of the biggest reasons I couldn't date him a couple years back. It was so horrifically unattractive. His current girlfriend has been helping his wardrobe, although she seems to place too much emphasis on the labels and designers of the clothes rather than their aesthetic. Although I hear he still wears those polos when at school unfortunately. The stripes and colors just didn't work. I'll see if I can find a pic of the kind of polos mean at some point.'

I'm glad that for the most part my boyfriend trusts my judgment. ^_^ I also like having something that's mine that I know more about than anyone else that I know. It's for the same reason that I couldn't date someone within my university majors, or at least it would be difficult. I'm competitive by nature so I need to have something that's my thing that I'm good at while he has his own things he's good at.

Mary-Anne, I think I agree with everything you said. Describes my boyfriend quite well too.
I'm glad that for the most part my boyfriend trusts my judgment. ^_^ I also like having something that's mine that I know more about than anyone else that I know. It's for the same reason that I couldn't date someone within my university majors, or at least it would be difficult. I'm competitive by nature so I need to have something that's my thing that I'm good at while he has his own things he's good at.

It might sound shallow (though I am on a forum focused on aesthetics :lol:) but I would much prefer a significant other to dress comparably to myself. Or at least, have a similar amount of effort put into her wardrobe.

I would hate for it to be outwardly obvious that one of us is dating out of our league.
I don't have a girlfriend, but I suppose if I did, I prefer the more trendy, more high fashion looks. Though that is a hard thing to describe...anything from sun dresses to black tights and a skirt and shirt. I'm finding myself no longer interested in the "classical" look (at least, that's what I've heard it called).

There are lots of fashion "don'ts" that I have noticed that I would be strongly against. (mumus, leopard print...etc)

I guess you and I will never be an item :lol: I :heart: leopard prints ...

I would prefer that whatever effort my partner is putting into his wardrobe not be very visible ... there's a lot to be said for nonchalance. I am not a believer in a lacquered look for women ... I am bothered when I see a woman who looks "perfect," because she tends to also look brittle--never a good thing. Don't ask me why I'm bothered by this, it should be no concern of mine :lol:
I guess you and I will never be an item :lol: I :heart: leopard prints ...

I would prefer that whatever effort my partner is putting into his wardrobe not be very visible ... there's a lot to be said for nonchalance. I am not a believer in a lacquered look for women ... I am bothered when I see a woman who looks "perfect," because she tends to also look brittle--never a good thing. Don't ask me why I'm bothered by this, it should be no concern of mine :lol:

I'm referring to large parachutes women sometimes wear, often slightly transparent, quite clearly not real leopard. Sometimes the leopard print is dyed nauseating colors. Are we talking about the same thing? :D

I suppose for me it is difficult to determine just how much effort someone is putting into dressing themselves...maybe I'm oblivious.

Also, the "perfect" dressing woman probably comes with a maintenance price tag too high for me. :lol:
i'm usually turned off by guys who spend more time shopping and preening in front of a mirror than i do...not to mention if he has more shoes than me! :D

i like comfortable clothes in men, t-shirts and jeans and warm jackets and sweaters, maybe interesting accessories (no fedoras though, EVER). my boyfriend is finnish and he has some of the coolest knitted sweaters i've ever seen! his motto, however, is "i always make sure i'm not wearing anything the hel-looks people might want to photograph" :p which is quite awesome seeing as most boys on street style sites make me want to raid their closets rather than date them :D
I prefer men to look quite messy. I'm not into the whole super polished look at all, it's just quite bland and boring to me, so lots of layers, oversized clothes, messy hair, old jewellery etc etc. I just find I'm always attracted to the scruffy, arty type rather than the clean cut look, it seems to have more character.
It might sound shallow (though I am on a forum focused on aesthetics :lol:) but I would much prefer a significant other to dress comparably to myself. Or at least, have a similar amount of effort put into her wardrobe.

I would hate for it to be outwardly obvious that one of us is dating out of our league.

Oh I totally agree. It would look really off to have someone really polished and someone really scruffy, so I don't want that either. But I want my boyfriend to not worry to much and you know primp in the mirror all the time and make a fuss. Luckily, my boyfriend has good natural style both casual and more formal. I do like messy (but clean though) hair on him though, but every time I mess up his hair with my hands he's like noooooo and goes and fixes it.

So in short, I want my boyfriend to dress well, but not put too much thought and worry into it.
Oh I totally agree. It would look really off to have someone really polished and someone really scruffy, so I don't want that either. But I want my boyfriend to not worry to much and you know primp in the mirror all the time and make a fuss. Luckily, my boyfriend has good natural style both casual and more formal. I do like messy (but clean though) hair on him though, but every time I mess up his hair with my hands he's like noooooo and goes and fixes it.

So in short, I want my boyfriend to dress well, but not put too much thought and worry into it.

That's called hair harassment! :p
I'm powerless before a man in a suit. But I can't expect that every day can I? Maybe if I put my foot down I could :lol:
I'd probably feel the best when he's dressed in dark jeans and a simple tee. But I wouldn't mind if he decides to wear a nice shirt, tie and some fitting pants haha
I'm powerless before a man in a suit. But I can't expect that every day can I? Maybe if I put my foot down I could :lol:

There must be an investment banker out there who never stops working ;) Then there's that Ponzi scheme guy who'll be on trial before long ... do you mind a bullet-proof vest over the suit? :lol:

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