iOffer Bags,, etc. #6 (Posting Requires Reading Rules in Post #1)

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j's medium pics are up. opinions?

gosh, you guys really make me itchy with the outremer. i want one too!
j's medium pics are up. opinions?

gosh, you guys really make me itchy with the outremer. i want one too!
luisa- J's Med PS1 looks like authentic to me:unsure:..I hope he make more colors...:woot:
I dont think the medium PS1 is authentic. It has the same rounded bottom like his large PS1.
Jacky's PS1..looks good ladies...5 more days to go till it's ready...I bet you're all excited:blush:
Chicadee-i think it's going to be WAY easier to use and navigate than the daddy PS1:lol: the flap on mine is bigger, I think the key with PS1 is to wear it on the hip, so when you open the flap it only reaches your waist area...and not your armpit!:lol::rolleyes:
But i can't wait to see them all...I feel it's been a long time coming, and I think black is the way to go...:blush:

Crystal My "buyandsell" gray will be here hopefully by the end of the week, if you want to wait for a review before you order:unsure:is your city already made? or do you have to pre order like I did with the 30% deposit in advance? He's very trustworthy, read his policy page about partial refund on the 30% if you're not happy:flower: I think it's going to be great, I am very positive about it.
And as far as a black GGH -Every one should have one in there collection:innocent: I say yes...go for it.:flower:
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gray RH wk and Ouremer RH work

And I'm actually going to be trying a new style to me...a day with GH! I wasn't lovin the Rh day on me, I felt very blah..i love rh on other bags, but for some reason on the day it didn't work for me...I will be receiving a black day with GSH very soon.
I'm also going to be getting....dont throw tomatoes at me ladies...A NEW TO ME SANDSTONE GGH WORK...yes you heard that righ! and you know I'm going to be painting that HW darker as soon as it arrives.
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*edit : reponse to deleted post

gray RH wk and Ouremer RH work

And I'm actually going to be trying a new style to me...a day with GH! I wasn't lovin the Rh day on me, I felt very blah..i love rh on other bags, but for some reason on the day it didn't work for me...I will be receiving a black day with GSH very soon.
I'm also going to be getting....dont throw tomatoes at me ladies...A NEW TO ME SANDSTONE GGH WORK...yes you heard that righ! and you know I'm going to be painting that HW darker as soon as it arrives.

bagalicious: I think that you are going to love your Giant Day w/GSH. Giant Day totally rocks but as you know I love all things Day. I think you will look so cool with the Giant Day.

I can't wait to see your Sandstone Work and all your lovely bags once they arrive. I am also waiting for your review from buyandsellmybag as I wish to order something from them as well.

For my order from the boys I think I am getting an Outremer Day w/GSH and an Outremer Work w/RH. For the sang it will be sang city w/RH. I am also getting a Velo from the boys and expect I will most likely want the black for the velo.
Same Bag (anthra GGH city) different day....what a difference a coat of paint makes:innocent: Pics by me.
You don't realize how light the GH is until you do a comparision, I'm suprised no body had done there's yet?

Yes Coco- i think i will be able to rock a GSH day quite nicely..Thanks for the moral support.:flower: i see ladies with them around town and they do make a statement:D I love the way RH looks on days on other people, but I didn't dig it on me.
I am very excited about also receiving the illusive sandstone GGH Work....Again will be "enhancing the GGH" when it arrives.

Seems like the whole world and there mother is waiting for the gray RH work to arrive from buyandsell:woot: This bag has been in the mix for 2 months! I researched till I was GRAY in the face with the help and guidance of a gray RH T&D owner..thank you shopgirl86 + Indian Rose:flower:
A few people have PM'd and E mailed me about it and i really apprecaite your support:wub::winkiss:


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beavercall - the velo is very different from the part-time :) velo is north/south bag vs. part-time which is east/west. i think the velo is closer to the discontinued bal bowling bag plus a shoulder strap. therefore - i think you should get it!! :flower:

baga - congrats on your new bags - i can't wait to see them allll :woot: i love GH on the day bag - makes it look very spunky ;) thanks to your suggestion of compiling a list and asking jacky to make it - we now have a ps1 medium...yay!!!! can't wait to see the other colors he'll make...

coco - i'm still deciding on which outremer style to get and the day with GSH sounds sooo good right now!! decisions decisions...
Chicadee- Yes you're welcome...I never thought that Jacky would, but he did..and I'm thrilled for you all who have ordered was a good suggestion after all!:innocent:
I am excited about the black GSh day i must admit :blush: and the GGH sandstone, I will do a before and after of the GGH as well:lol:
The outremer RH work is coming soon and my Gray RH work is on its is good:D
wooow nice pix baga, u look wonderful as usuall, and i really loove ur leather jacket :)
I was at the shops today and saw the "first" in black with GSH , it was the miniature version, such a cutie pie. The regular GSH would overwhelm this little bag. I also saw the pommier in the first and day and boy oh boy what a difference in the color and leather , I would have never thought there would be such a big difference :ermm:

I also saw the outremer PT with GSH, it looked so good, but I have already put my order in for a city hummm should I change my order?? :blink:
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Valkyrie!!!!! Welcome back my dear! :flower: Congrats on the new apt!!

I wonder if T&D will do outremer in GGH?? :woot:
I so ooooooooo wish T&D could do NOIX or SANDSTONE this summer........!!!

Anyone down for a list???

YUM! outremer bags and rh bracelet pics! mmmmm!:heart::heart::heart:

i think i'm gonna have to get a gsh day too :D


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per jacky - the ps1 medium on his site is a rep. it will also come in yellow and tan
Jacky's PS1..looks good ladies...5 more days to go till it's ready...I bet you're all excited:blush:
Chicadee-i think it's going to be WAY easier to use and navigate than the daddy PS1:lol: the flap on mine is bigger, I think the key with PS1 is to wear it on the hip, so when you open the flap it only reaches your waist area...and not your armpit!:lol::rolleyes:
But i can't wait to see them all...I feel it's been a long time coming, and I think black is the way to go...:blush:

Crystal My "buyandsell" gray will be here hopefully by the end of the week, if you want to wait for a review before you order:unsure:is your city already made? or do you have to pre order like I did with the 30% deposit in advance? He's very trustworthy, read his policy page about partial refund on the 30% if you're not happy:flower: I think it's going to be great, I am very positive about it.
And as far as a black GGH -Every one should have one in there collection:innocent: I say yes...go for it.:flower:
Bagalicious-thank-you:flower: I think I will wait for your review, the pommier is ready to take flight, she will just have to wait a bit longer :innocent: I think there are a few of us here anxiously waiting for your report before we take the plunge:rolleyes: :flower: and I also have very good vibes about his bags.:flower:

I read you loud and clear Bagalicious I definitely need a black GGH PT in my life B) over and out!
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Hey guys! Can you help me decide who I'm going to buy LV monogram speedy 30 from?

and can some of you post your best replica monogram bags (any size) that you bought from ioffer? thanks!
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