baby_yorkie: I am getting an Authentic Canard Velo, not an Olive one.
What I am getting in the Olive is most likely a Classic Day. Is there really enough interest to have the olive color made here? I doubt it. We had a list but I don't think there were many of us who put our names down. Also T&D would need a coin purse to cut out the leather and send it to the tannery. They will only do this if another manufacturer will go in with them to make the Olive leather. I am not holding out for T&D to make this color, I mean look what happened with our Camel/Autumne. I purchased a coin purse for them to make the color in Autumne and am still waiting for them to confirm that they will do the color.
If enough of us write to them about the Autumne and Olive color perhaps they will run it in the fall. I personally cannot do a perhaps. I need this color and Bal will not make something like this for many years to come so I won't be holding out for T&D to make it, I will be buying an Authentic.
I for one would love the Olive color. Why don't you guys make a list to see how many are truly interested. I know that many here don't even like greens so I am in the minority.
Here is a picture of the Velo I am getting in Canard.
Picture Courtesy of the Purse Forum.