iOffer Bags,, etc. #6 (Posting Requires Reading Rules in Post #1)

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bagalicious: Are you getting any Braclet from T&D? I am trying to decide between Outremer and Black but am leaning towards outremer. What do you think? thanks for your advice.

Morning ladies.:flower:
yes Coco I am getting a black bracelet, more my color, and when I'm not wearing it, maybe I will loop it through the RH black city or amy Wk as a "doodah" bag charm!:lol:
The gray rh work is in my zip's gonna happen today ladies....:woot:
I also love the color galet Coco....I might get that as well one day, But 05 was my HG, I know you have an 05 day:blush: it was a toss up between the 05 and galet for me.(But I checked out Buyandsell's lighter gray and I was more confident with his color match on the darker gray to be honest, so that was a big deciding factor for me..Coco if you do decide to contact him thru ioffer, please tell him you know me:flower: I told him you may be contacting him if mine was good:lol: No pressure for mr buyandsell!!!:lol:
I think once I have the gray 05 work I will have my gray fix. I already have 3 anthracites with all HW'S:rolleyes: there so classic and easy to wear those neutrals. I feel so good when I'm carrying gray! haha
My Sandstone GGH work and Black GSH day is also en route now...
And yes the outremer rh work is coming this week as well...Oh My Gosh...4 bags all at once...this is not good....I need to make room :cry:
The boys are also sending me 2 smaller silver O rings and 2 newer bales with my bracelet in the outremer Rh work this week for my violet gsh city!
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Morning ladies.:flower:
yes Coco I am getting a black bracelet, more my color, and when I'm not wearing it, maybe I will loop it through the RH black city or amy Wk as a "doodah" bag charm!:lol:
The gray rh work is in my zip's gonna happen today ladies....:woot:
I also love the color galet Coco....I might get that as well one day, But 05 was my HG, I know you have an 05 day:blush: it was a toss up between the 05 and galet for me.(But I checked out Buyandsell's lighter gray and I was more confident with his color match on the darker gray to be honest, so that was a big deciding factor for me..Coco if you do decide to contact him thru ioffer, please tell him you know me:flower: I told him you may be contacting him if mine was good:lol: No pressure for mr buyandsell!!!:lol:
I think once I have the gray 05 work I will have my gray fix. I already have 3 anthracites with all HW'S:rolleyes: there so classic and easy to wear those neutrals. I feel so good when I'm carrying gray! haha
My Sandstone GGH work and Black GSH day is also en route now...
And yes the outremer rh work is coming this week as well...Oh My Gosh...4 bags all at once...this is not good....I need to make room :cry:
The boys are also sending me 2 smaller silver O rings and 2 newer bales with my bracelet in the outremer Rh work this week for my violet gsh city!

bagalicious: You are so lucky to be able to change the Giant O-rings on your bags. I am sending T&D three of my Giant Bags to have the O-Rings changed. I have no clue how to change them and don't want to risk ruining them.
no, Coco! it's easy...:(
which bags are you going to change O rings to?
i already done that on 2 Giant days and to my giant parttime...
you just need a pair of scissors for the day and a screwdriver for cities and parrtimes...
bagalicious: You are so lucky to be able to change the Giant O-rings on your bags. I am sending T&D three of my Giant Bags to have the O-Rings changed. I have no clue how to change them and don't want to risk ruining them.

I take mine to a cobbler if i can't do it Coco, near where I live, he does a great job. he's the one that lengthened my VG courier strap.
I have to change the O rings on the Black GSH day, and the bales on the violet GSH city. and thats it...everything else has been upgraded:blush:

CANDY- would you please do a step by step on how to change the O rings for us ? (maybe get someone to take the photos while you're doing it?
And if anyone is interested i will do the same with a how to "enhance" the GGH with my dotting step by step technique as well?
I guess the pctures only page would be best?
Can we post video on this site mods? that would be easier...No I'm not posting mine on youtube...thank you vey much:lol: How embarassing would that be:blush::lol:
Last edited by a moderator: Bag Is Here...i Just Opened It...i Am In Shock...its Amazing.
Pics coming i am savoring the moment...ITS perfect...I am in shock i swear! LOL I HAVE AN 05 gray RH work...finally!
Leather and color is AMAZING..WOW
I am looking at it...I still can't beleive it....I am overwhelmed with happiness...hahah sorry to gush
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HERE SHE IS...I took them quick so you can see.. i didn't want to make anyone wait any longer!:lol::flower:
Pics by me. I was shaking while I was taking the pics as I am so excited HAHA!
Review...excellent in every way. I defintley say go for it if anyone was on the fence...if it's a color that T&D do not have or are not making.


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uh, baga, its devine! congratulations!
i love the look of the leather. is it rather on the thin side? so mr buyandsell seems legit B). thanks for sharing
WOW BAGA! it seems my grey weekender! very well done and the handles are perfect!!!
how is the leather? is it soft and everythig as an auth should be??? :)

p.s. i posted STEP BY STEP HOW TO CHANGE A GIANT DAY O RINGS in the picture's only thread page 20 :) it's very easy, it takes few minutes and every one of you can do it! T&D told me how to do....

for the cities and the parttimes is a bit longer...but i'll try to explain after..
now i don't have time! ;)
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oh mentor!It looks great!!!:woot: Congrats!!
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My review:
Luisa, Candy,puggys and protege...It is soft, and supple, no cracked porcelain areas:lol: it's a medium weight non shiny, matte satiny leather, a little distressing, click on pic of the back for a better look, but if I had to choose between thicker and thinner 100 being the thickest 10 being the thinnest i would say its a me its the perfect thickness, it slouches, but does not crease, make sense:unsure:
The handles and details are great, I have no complaints (and it even has a balenciaga dustbag) haha not that I care about that.
I will take better pics later out side as well. he even sent me a free gift! bless him..Yes he is legit Luisa, Not all his bags are great, so choose carefully and he will make you one to order if he does not have in stock, or if you don't like the one he has.

Alkistis- mentor...haha I love it :-)
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WOW BAGA! it seems my grey weekender! very well done and the handles are perfect!!!
how is the leather? is it soft and everythig as an auth should be??? :)

p.s. i posted STEP BY STEP HOW TO CHANGE A GIANT DAY O RINGS in the picture's only thread page 20 :) it's very easy, it takes few minutes and every one of you can do it! T&D told me how to do....

for the cities and the parttimes is a bit longer...but i'll try to explain after..
now i don't have time! ;)

candycandy: Can you please pm me on how to change the Giant O-Rings on the Cities and part Times. I have two Giant Cities - Anthracite w/GSH, Maldives w/GSH and an Argent Part Time w/GSH that need the O-Rings changed. How do you do it? If not I am sending them to T&D as I need them changed.

bagalicious: Your Giant Work Gris Fonce 05 is divine! Oh my goodness that is just the most perfect bag for you. I know that you are in cloud nine. I can't see anything wrong with your bag. It looks authentic to me. Rock that bag! Congrats!
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MY Holy sitty pretty..pic by me :blush:


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Baga it's Tdf!!! Congratsss!! You deserved it!! :)

The handle and hardware colour seems good!!! Mod pics pls!!! My only prob is that they charge a lot for their bags! :(
Baga : Gorgeous bag! Are they more expensive compared to T&D? the leather looks goood, and softt
Bagalicious- c'est tres bien!!! wow looking soooo good!!!congrats and enjoy your HG it looks magnifico :woot::heart::flower:
Daylight becomes goes with you hair...I mean tassles pic by me in direct sunlight (yes its sunny in NYC today)
Mod pics tomorrow, I look like crap today ..haha
And to my FSM friend who is a little envious now...haha:innocent::flower:

CRYSTAL----- WE did it..we took a chance and what a relief!:shock:
A little more expensive than the T&D work plastikparty (did you see the PS1 pics I posted for you?):unsure:

Coco- Thank you gris fonce 05 indeed..yep it's the one! i finally have a regular hardware elephant work!

Ladies I am getting PM'S and E mails up the yazoo! from all of my friends here and thank you for being so sweet and supportive.:heart:


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