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Her style is amazing bur she could really use some laser resurfacing, Botox, makeup, and a hot oil treatment for her hair. I always feel like someone's style, even if it's amazing like hers, is kind of reduced when they don't pay attention to the face or hair.
You have got to be kidding.In what world does Botox is something to be recommended?
What's wrong with her face and hair?
IM looks perfect exactly because she's not artificial. Just like her clothes.
Yeah because we are in desperat need of more people that has gone under the knife to look "perfect" so that what is known as natural beauty will just be something that doesn't even excist anymore. Come on..I don't think it's right to suggest stuff like that! Even if someone is unhappy with they way they look (I'm not saying that Marant is!!!) going all plastic and putting something in, or cutting something out is not really the best way to deal with the problem. I feel sick when people are advertising it like it's on the same level as painting your nails in a different color.Her style is amazing bur she could really use some laser resurfacing, Botox, makeup, and a hot oil treatment for her hair. I always feel like someone's style, even if it's amazing like hers, is kind of reduced when they don't pay attention to the face or hair.