But then there's people who buy more than five items for themselves, as well as the ones who buy loads for eBay. At the end of the day there's only so much they are going to limit people, it's a store and they want things to sell. They put limits in place not to annoy the customers, but either way, they want it gone and can't imagine they care to who really!
Certainly. And if it's truly sold, then it's sold. But from previous experiences they always end up with a load of returned merchandise they have to mark down, likely from a mixture of people who had the opportunity to try it on and those eBayers who couldn't get their stuff sold to overprices. So if they were most interested in selling everything at highest possible margin, they should be interested in a strategy that ensures least possible returns. But if they are more interested in creating hype then yeah, they wouldn't care about who buys and end up returning again.
And I do think it's misleading to market it as a way for everyone to get a piece of "IM" since it requires either several hours of constant refreshing your browser, or getting up at the crack of dawn to stand in line in the freezing cold just for the chance of getting something.
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