Katie Holmes is Expecting...

It'll be a stunt tummy and a stunt baby:idea: ... but I sure do love that turkey baster idea:chef:

I just won't believe it until I actually see her 9 months pregnant... I can't even picture her pregnant. Bonkers I say, just bonkers:wacko:
Label Basher said:
Are we seriously supposed to believe this? This has got to be a joke.

Tom has been married twice. Mimi Roger never got pregnant by him; they split she remarries and has 2 kids.

Nicole Kidman and he adopt 2 kids and of 10 year marriage Nicole doesn't get pregnant until the end and sadly miscarries.

Are we supposed to now believe that Tom Cruise has gotten his new GF pregnant?

WTF :blink: :shock: :unsure: The public are not that stupid.

I will not believe this until I see a pic of Kate (not Katie anymore remember) in a bikini with a eight month tummy.

Its pretty well known that Tom can't have kids, hence why he and Nic adopted. And word on the street is that the miscarriage Nicole had wasn't Tom's......

SO while I don't really doubt she is preggers, I do kinda doubt his paternity.

Man, and on the same Day Chris Cagel (sp? country singer so I'm not 100% sure) finds out his girlfriends baby wasn't his either...whats in the water celebs drink?
He wanked in a cup. There is no way he had sex with a female.
Oh my god - it spawned?!? :evil:

I give it 24 hours before the sightings of her leaving IVF clinics start :D

Can you imagine what kind of creepy smile this kid is going to have - between Tom's maniacal grin and Katie's simpering little kisser it's going to come out looking like the Joker :lol:
fashionicon said:
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Katie remain a virgin for the ENTIRE 3 years they were together?:doh:

I guess one can never be sure of this :innocent:
I think this is good for Tom's image and I think the reason why he and Nicole don't have kids of their own is cause the rumours says that Nicole can't have kids, but luckily she could adopt two beatiful kids, so I bet she is happy.
chantal said:
WHAT? I am so confused. I thought that, first of all, Tom was gay. Second, I thought that Katie was a virgin and saving herself for marriage (so she said when promoting Batman).

Yep thought just like you chantal. What is the world coming to? virgins are getting pregnant is pretty serious.
Does this remind anyone else of the Simpsons episode where Patty and Troy McClure get married and then his agent convinces him that to 'really be taken seriously they should have/adopt/buy a child' :shock: :ninja:
Virgin...my left nipple
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Tinuviel said:
well nicole has really teeny hips and my mom said some women built like that find it very hard to conceive...

REALLY??? I have size 14 hips. Now where did I put those contraceptive pills and extra thick condoms...? :ninja:
This reinforces my belief that some people need to be sterilized.
^ Isn't that a little harsh. She's not some nutter stuffing cranberries up her nose or covering herself in the satanic pentagram. There's a lot worse individuals out there.
i wonder when the baby will be born...
hmmm.....when will mission impossible 3 be released?
:D :D :D


so bitchy...yet so enjoyable.

(keep 'em comin' ;) )
I get the feeling that something right out of rosemary's baby is going to happen...like she'll give birth to the TomSpawn, and he'll take it from her and give it to the church of scientology either for sacrifice, or as their new leader or something..

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