Kim Kardashian (please put all Kim news here)

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More Like The Fart Issue


Whenever you think of art, you immediately think of this fame wh*ring bag of cum farts, so naturally W Magazine chose her to grace the cover of their annual "Art Issue." It's as if Sir-Mix-A-Lot and Kris Jenner co-curated a show at The Museum of Looking At FUC*ing Me.

Kim recently said that she regrets getting her titty balls out in Playboy, but I guess nudity is alright as long as you douse that shi* in silver paint and call it art! Makes sense to me!

And the last time I saw a silver dome that big I kept waiting for a 6-year-old boy to fall out of it. This is your fault, Richard Heene!
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If had a real talent, she won't have to work so hard for PR...Nude shots, seeking the razzies, constant blogs entries...
her body looks AWFUL! i don't wanne know what she looks like after having kids.

the pics are what you expect from a @%&t like her. shame that a such pretty woman like she is has no dignity at all. and it's even more a shame that there are a lot of young girls who see her as a role model. why is she being all pretentious about not being a @%&t?! i have more respect for Katie Price because she is at least authentic and doesn't act like she is something that she isn't.
but kim is walking around and acting like she is this posh, hard working business women and not some random, pretty but tacky girl from LA who happened to leak a sex tape with Brandy's no-name brother with golden shower and everything.
and now she wants to tell everybody she regrets doing playboy and does a butt naked photoshoot one month later?! B&!%h please!
Apparently the silver paint makes it "artistic." I'm pretty disappointed in W mag for this one, it's tasteless and just tacky. I agree about her body not looking good, girl should just keep her clothes on.
i hate that she s trying to act all goody goody and says she s a business woman, but then again turning ur sex tape into major profit might make u a business woman

i don t think people forgot how she first got noticed
in the latest issue of W magazine, Kim opens up about — what else — herself!
On her public perception: “I’m not a drinker, and when I’m up on the table dancing, it’s for the picture. Then I sit right back down. I play into the perception of me, but it’s not really me. And the show reveals that.”
On what Keeping Up With The Kardashians has done for her self-confidence: “I used to think, I have to be this or that or skinny, and now, because of the show, everyone is embracing just me, which has given me such a confidence. Now, I’m like, ‘Why did I ever give that feeling the time of day?’ I’m so mature now. I’m a grown-up version of myself.”
On tabloid rumors: “I’ve learned to ignore everything. In the beginning I thought I was too sensitive for this. I’d Google myself and it would freak me out. Now I could care less if they say I’m pregnant with twins by my brother.”
On her wedding to music producer to Damon Thomas: “For my wedding, I wore black leather pants, a black leather top, and Prada wedges. No Flowers. And no family. It was so bizarre. I was a different person then—as I said, I always wanted to be a housewife, and I wanted to have kids at a young age. I was insecure and dependent, really the opposite of who I am today.”

These Two Whores Might Be Doing It


To some, the thought of Kim Kardashian making John Mayer scream for 911 while 69ng doesn't make much sense since his David Duke dick directly goes against everything she truly believes in (example: delicious black peen). But lay a thought on that for a second. This makes so much sense, because Kim would fuc* a wombat if it got her a blurb in Life & Style and John Mayer would fuc* a wombat just because. No offense to wombats.

The wombats need to blame it on Page Six, because they are the ones starting this. A source tells them that Kim and John recently went out on a group date together while she's in the city shooting her show, "They brought along other friends, but the idea was to see if they would hit it off." No word yet if they "hit it off" or not since reps for the both of them had nothing to say about this shi*.

By the time I hit publish on this post, Kim probably already rinsed John's douche dingles out of her mouth and has already moved on to the next piece. Kris Jenner will not let it go beyond that. Once Kris checks John's credit and adds up all his assets, she'll find that he doesn't make nearly enough to keep the entire Kardashian family as plastic as his favorite butt plug. NO GO
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QOTD: What Kim Kardassian HATES The Most


The Kim Kardashian of today has the same genetic make-up as a bottle of foundation, so I guess she's the authority on how women should spread paint on their faces (not really). Kim tells the Toronto Sun what the WORST THING IN THE ENTIRE WORLD IS:

"I hate when women wear the wrong foundation color. It might be the worst thing on the planet when they wear their makeup too light."

The starving children of the world need to get over themselves, because this shi* is definitely the worst thing ever. The same goes for genocide, war, natural disasters, urethra warts, kitten abuse, Jennifer Cuntrov, Michael Lohan, Baked Lays, unnecessary movie remakes and even CROCS! Yes, non-matching foundation is way worse than all of those combined.

And Kim never has to worry about this tragedy affecting her since she says "good morning" every day with a Maaco body spray and a dip in a vat full of orange lacquer.

Just when you thought Reggie Bush and Kim Kardashian were so 2009, the ish has come back and hit the fan.

Reggie had some words for his ex-girlfriend last night as she put him on blast during her "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" finale last night. We've got his now deleted tweets and Kim playing the victim role when you read on...
At the beginning of last night's finale of "Keeping Up", Kim got an angry call from Reggie. And, even though we can't hear him speak on the other side of the phone, Kim yells back at him about "treating her like a fu**ing idiot' and how he "shouldn't have been texting whores". Hmmmm. Sounds like somebody's trying to put his cheating on blast.
So what was the reason for the call? Kim believed it was because he had just found out about her dating Cowboys baller Miles Austin. And he was acting like a jealous ex-boyfriend. She even revealed Reggie's numerous and constant stalkerish text messages to her while she was in NYC with family and Miles for the 4th of July. And apparently, he told her he couldn't believe he was so close to buying a ring for a girl like her. WOMP.
And when the car wash both Kim and Reggie have used for their look-a-like cars for the past few years accidentally charged Reggie's account instead of her own, he told her "Don't ever charge a car wash to my account again! Tell Miles Austin to pay for it!" Double womp.
Apparently, Reggie wasn't too thrilled with how he was portrayed. Because he took to his twitter last night to send out subliminals to Kimmy:


And this now deleted tweet:
I kinda feel like the government right now! Lol! Man if they only knew what I knew about you! Don't smile in my face and frown at my back...
Ha. Gon' head and spill the beans Reggie. I'm sure we can guess a few of 'em.

Kim saw the Tweets and her viewers talking about how she put him on blast. So she wrote this on her blog:
I saw some stuff on the internet saying I’ve put Reggie on blast for airing a phone call with the two of us. Reggie and I were in a relationship for over 3 years and we have taped dozens of conversations and iChatted many times while filming, so this is nothing new or scandalous. Reggie is my friend, and whether or not, we are in a relationship, he is someone I care about. With that said I live my life on a reality show and to let you guys into my life, I show as much as I can. This episode is my most emotional and most vulnerable and it takes a lot to put yourself out there the way I did.
I think once you watch the episode you will really see that I in no way put anyone on blast! We are sharing a small bit of my personal life. Clearly so much more has gone on between us that no one hour episode can cover.
Everyone has an opinion, and I just wanted to share mine with you.
Gotta love a good ex-flames fight. I have a feeling this is just the beginning

What does Reggie expect from a PR wh*re like Kim..she does anything for the media
Why is her face looking so fake???? My friend is a big fan of their show and she told me that she's all natural, that she's had nothing done, but if that's true why is she looking like that then??
Why is her face looking so fake???? My friend is a big fan of their show and she told me that she's all natural, that she's had nothing done, but if that's true why is she looking like that then??

Well if she really followed every season she would have noticed a big change in Kim's face
Maybe she doesnt want to admit it
Or she lives in La La Land
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What A Sad, Mangey Beast....


Direct that headline as you see fit! Okay, so somebody please tell me why you would want to go out in public looking like you're deep fisting a Sasquatch (cut to Khloe Kardashian throwing an "incest is not best" side-eye). At a Miami Heat vs NJ Nets game yesterday afternoon, Kim Kardassian wore some fugly *** half-shrug made from a Wookie/crow hybrid creature thing. Whoever told this ho that this was a good look is probably the same b*tch who told her that her plastic nanu nanu face looks like something that exists in nature.

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