Kings of Leon

I think Johanna has a right to be angry. And whoever this "reliable source" is deserves nothing less than a swift kick in the pants for mouthing off about someone else pregnancy:angry:. It's common courtesy to keep your mouth shut and leave it to the parents to be make their announcement when they feel it's right.

I agree. It's not like this information was public, someone snooped on Matt's Mom's FB, which is both sad and creepy. Johanna has every right to be upset. She's not a public figure, she's married to one and a pregnancy is a sensitive subject. I don't think she overreacted, if anyone were in her place (just trying to live a normal life but being thrust into unnecessary gossip) they'd also be upset. Privacy is something we all take for granted, and we should respect theirs. I'm sure she and Matt wouldn't object to people being happy for them as long as the information was released on their own accord.
I agree. It's not like this information was public, someone snooped on Matt's Mom's FB, which is both sad and creepy. Johanna has every right to be upset. She's not a public figure, she's married to one and a pregnancy is a sensitive subject. I don't think she overreacted, if anyone were in her place (just trying to live a normal life but being thrust into unnecessary gossip) they'd also be upset. Privacy is something we all take for granted, and we should respect theirs. I'm sure she and Matt wouldn't object to people being happy for them as long as the information was released on their own accord.

The little madam is married to a celebrity. It comes with the job. Plus if she's pregnant it's not just her baby, no one would care a jot if she was pregnant by other guy, she can rest assured no one really cares about her, but the baby is of someone that is indeed a public figure and it's perfectly normal people are interested.

I'm not at all saying it's correct to declare to the world someone is pregnant, but when it happens, bad luck, she should just shut up and get on with it, not tweet about it.:rolleyes: Plus this people are very funny, and I'm not a celebrity or related to one, and i would not in a million years share important information via something as public as facebook. Why are this people so close to very famous celebrities demanding privacy but at the same time using all sorts of very public means to say to make themselfs heard? End of rant. But I simply have no patience for this type of people.
^ I agree completely.

She's MARRIED to him now, even dating I would say this though... Her privacy is certainly going to be lessened. She's dated famous people before (Alex Turner) and should know this by now?

Like Les_Sucettes said, it comes with the job.
This "but she married into it!" argument would make sense if Matt were a massive celebrity but he's not. His wedding wasn't public knowledge partly because he decided to keep it private, but mainly because the press don't care about his private life. When the wedding was confirmed in Rolling Stone, not one news outlet considered it newsworthy. They wouldn't consider his wife being pregnant news either. Even the vast majority of Kings of Leon fans wouldn't care.

Having said that, she should have just ignored the rumour instead of basically confirming it.
She also confirmed it by announcing her one year wedding anniversary on twitter. That is someone that wants privacy?
She also confirmed it by announcing her one year wedding anniversary on twitter. That is someone that wants privacy?

She was celebrating something that was already out in the press. The same way if she was/is pregnant she should be allowed to acknowledge it on her own accord. I still feel that she should be allowed to release the information if she wants to, and not have people look on their families FB pages and release the info themselves. (Plus their family shouldn't have to restrict what they want to post just because KOL is successful and has over obsessed fans.) The same thing happened when Caleb & Lily got engaged, people snooped on Jandi's facebook and got the information and put it on here and Twitter. They did do a press release, but everyone knew at that point. It's okay to love their music and be their fans, but at some point you have to respect some information as private. Obviously they release information, but I feel that they should be allowed to do it on their own timeline. And yah Johanna dated Alex, but she's never been a famewhore, she's always stayed back from the spotlight. I've always respected that about her. She could use Matt to advance a music or songwriting career but she seems more content to just be with him and stay out of the limelight. Totally respect her, and feel bad that she feels her privacy was violated. Let them live their lives, and accept the fact that just because you're a "fan" you don't need to know every detail of their personal lives or their families!
She was celebrating something that was already out in the press. The same way if she was/is pregnant she should be allowed to acknowledge it on her own accord. I still feel that she should be allowed to release the information if she wants to, and not have people look on their families FB pages and release the info themselves. (Plus their family shouldn't have to restrict what they want to post just because KOL is successful and has over obsessed fans.) The same thing happened when Caleb & Lily got engaged, people snooped on Jandi's facebook and got the information and put it on here and Twitter. They did do a press release, but everyone knew at that point. It's okay to love their music and be their fans, but at some point you have to respect some information as private. Obviously they release information, but I feel that they should be allowed to do it on their own timeline. And yah Johanna dated Alex, but she's never been a famewhore, she's always stayed back from the spotlight. I've always respected that about her. She could use Matt to advance a music or songwriting career but she seems more content to just be with him and stay out of the limelight. Totally respect her, and feel bad that she feels her privacy was violated. Let them live their lives, and accept the fact that just because you're a "fan" you don't need to know every detail of their personal lives or their families!

I think no one in this thread thinks it's right to snoop into someone's life, and reveal this type of information if the person does not wish to. And to tell the truth i could not care a jot about her pregnancy. What I think it's totally uncalled for, is the hissy fit she threw because of it.
If she likes it or not now she is a public figure by association and this level of interest is to be expected. Th same way she and her husband reap the rewards of being in the public eye, she has also to share the negative side of it. Plus anyone married to someone famous that uses Twitter to announce about wedding anniversaries and then using the same medium complains about lack of privacy, really needs a reality check. For all it's worth to me this girl left behind a bad impression.
Exactly. I could not care less if she's knocked up or not. I just don't get her rant. There are ways to get your message across without ranting off on twitter!
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Oh well. Let's move on to more news about the guys instead of sticking on Johanna's rant -- any new pictures?
^ And they're nominated for 2 Grammy's ^_^

- Best Rock Song - Radioactive
- Best Rock performance by a duo or group with vocals - Radioactive
Anyone else heading to Hyde Park again in June?
Yes, me! On the 22nd. But I'm seriously considering getting tickets for the 23rd as well. I'll be in London for a few days anyway and I couldn't stand walking through Hyde Park knowing KOL are playing again and I can't see them. So, yeah, I'll most likely be there both nights :woot:

Last night's gig was a bit of a disappointment. Crowd & venue sucked. Caleb was sick though his husky voice sounded really sexy :brows: And he shaved and looked hot as hell.

my pics
I'll be in Hyde Park. But it's always the same, when I really loved KOL i had a hard time getting tickets, now that i think they are not worth the bother , a client I did a favour for, got me VIP tickets. So i couldn't miss.
Eeeek! I just spontaneously decided to get tickets for London on December 21st and didn't even realize that's just a little over a week away. So excited :woot: Anyone else going?
I'm scared as hell the tickets won't arrive early enough and that I won't find a cheap accomodation for the week, haha. The thought of going straight from my major exam at University to the airport for a KOL gig makes me think I'm officially crazy :ninja:

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