I personally would never carry fake bags. If I couldn't afford it, I won't buy a fake nor will I actually go to someone and borrow money from her to buy the real thing-- believe me there are people who actually have done that and its rather shameless.
Anyway, i live in Asia, and Here, it's like fake designers heaven where anything from LV to Chanel gets copied albeit poorly. I don't mock people who wear fakes (maybe except my mother in law who just brings too much attention to herself with her matching fake bag and shoes.. ughhh THAT is a pretty

disgusting picture)
For Christmas, I've had relatives who aren't as privileged but have bought me fake LV wallets as their gifts, seein I never had LV stuff (I never really liked them THAT much). They bought the fake items as good intentions, thinking I couldn't afford to buy the brand, etc.
That to me, is the sweetest gesture. Though I will never use the bag, I still very much appreciated the gesture because they have really taken extra time to think about what I don't have in my closet, so that's what they bought.
Really, it's the thought that counts. And to say that expensive bags are like the "ticket to a whole ne world"--> that's pure baloney. It is not and will NEVER be in the price of the item you carry that make you a cut above the rest.
Thats why its called a LUXURY. It's a privilege to have a certain item that not many can afford, but just cause you have it, doesn't make you a better person, heck it does NOT make you a god.
If you think buying an expensive bag is going to get you somewhere... well then you need to seriously rethink your life. You probably lack self-esteem and getting that expensive bag, etc isn't gonna improve your personality.
Remember: buy things for YOURSELF. you dont buy an expensive bag because you want everyone to see the item and make them feel that you're oh-so-lucky to get it. Why care what others think... If you';re happy with it, then great! But dont gloat too much, people might mistake it for something else. After all, it IS just a bag!
I bought a Hermes birkin not because i want people to have a good impression of me. With or without the bag, it doesnt make a dfference. I got a kelly bag last year and i never even got to carry it out. I just like looking at it and it makes me happy. I didnt get the bag because of the prestige attached to it. Otherwise I woudlve used the bag everyday to show people i have the bag! That would be real silly...