Makeup dont's that you do!

^^ is that bad? uh oh

HotSpot said:
I know girls that put concealer on their lips because they dont like the natural pinky colour. I have to admit that I did do that in grade 7, but I grew out of it! Thank God! :lol:

I use concealer on my lips sometimes, for several different affects.... either the JPG lipless look or just as a base for clear glittery gloss
I never ever wash my makeup off before I go to bed, only in the morning do I wash my face but hey, I have nice skin despite! I, too am a victim of mascara overload! Also I have been prone to use a SEWING NEEDLE or mechanical pencil to separate my lashes! I'm dangerous...haha. Oh I totally also put a dab of concealer on my lips because I think my lips are too red and I like the pale pinky look.
sssanguine said:
Also I have been prone to use a SEWING NEEDLE or mechanical pencil to separate my lashes!

Me too! I stopped when I hurt myself though... and it hurt a lot!! :shock: :doh:
I do kohl on the inner rims. I've heard this is bad. And probably why my eyes have recently developed this awful habit of watering beyond my control!

So.. don't do it :p
on a rare occasion, i'll go to bed with it on:o

otherwise, i keep it simple - moisturiser, a bit of concealer, some blush, lip balm, mascara :neutral:
I definitely keep mascara longer than what is "suggested"
i def keep mascara longer than is "suggested" as well.. i usually forget when i bought it but i just toss it when it starts to get clumpy
tokyo_rose1013 said:
i pull down the skin on my eyes when i put on eyeliner. i can't do it any other way!
oh dear, I do that too :lol:

I've gone to bed without fully taking off makeup a few times - it's so hard to go through the process of removing it when you're tired :blush:
tokyo_rose1013 said:
i think so. i think it stretches the skin under your eyes, so when you get older it will be loose, loose, loose!

Actually, that's not necessarily true. If you're under 35 or so, your skin is very elastic and does not "stretch out" from tugging. (Imagine how our faces would look if we slept on our sides all the time-- you know what I mean.)

So if you're still young, don't worry about tugging on your eyelids... yet.


I also admit I sometimes put kohl/eyeliner on my inner rims (on the inside of my lashes)... but not on an everyday basis. It looks soooo good though! I know I'm going too far on that one when I develop a sty. :cry:
I always use kohl inside my lashes too which probably isnt good as I wear contact lenses.
Everyone asks if I'm ill or tired without it so I'll keep up the bad work!
I just like 'don't'!
The more kohl on the eyes the better!
Sexy red lips (or pink of course) 'nd some blushy red cheeks...
i love it al!!
I used to sometimes use concealer on lips and then some gloss :unsure: it didn't look all that great but I guess I liked it because I liked changing my "look" lol
When I was in high school, I used to share my make-up with my friends. Especially if it was expensive, we'd do a trade-off.

I'm actually pretty good about following the "rules" now, but I still comb my hair wet sometimes. Oh, and I use St Ives scrub even though it's totally demonized.
I do the eyeliner one, i never knew it could do that! Also for the people who put concealer on their lips why don't you get some benefit lip plump, it's the same colour as most concealer and you can wear it just over some lip gloss or under a lipstick! I use it cause i used to put concealer on my lips too but it just felt horrible!
Does anybody put eyeliner on the bottom of their eyes and not on the top? :ninja: I have done this once or twice (with mascara on top and bottom) with just a bit of brown, non-liquid liner because I think it looks more natural on me than putting liner on the top and bottom for some reason. :unsure: But I don't normally because...I dunno, it seems like such a Rule. Does anyone else like their eyes better this way?
^ All depends on the way you do it. Like Gucci S/S 05, that was hot!

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