Makeup dont's that you do!

Re: Brushing wet hair.
Whenever I go to the salon for a hair cut or whatever, after my hair is washed, the stylist always would comb (not brush) my hair while it's wet before cutting/styling it. It's better to start the brush strokes at mid-hair (verses brushing from the roots) and then working up to the roots.

Re: Changing shampoo brands.
I never use the same shampoo brand more than once; (There's just so many great shampoo brands out there I want to try! ^_^ ) I hear it's not good to stay with the same shampoo brand all the time because it will cause "build up." Whatever that means! :huh:
everyone gives jessica simpson + avril lavigne hell (including myself) for over doing it with the eyeliner but after seeing a few photos of myself on my friends computer, i realized im guilty as sin!! i sometimes forget to line the top but only because i usually mess it up and cant draw it on right so i abuse on the black eye shadow (mac powder eye liner thing or whatever it is). and im guilty on going to bed with makeup on.
Well my big no-no has to be using Sally's cuticle moisterizer on my nose and never breaks me out :D

and i love blue eye shadow period point blank
Im guilty of leaving the house with nothing but moisturizer and chapstick on.
Im addicted to the stuff I have tubes of it everywhere, in my car, at work, at home, in my purse. If nothing else I always have chapstick. I put it under lipglass, lipgloss, lipstick. I know its a dont but I do it anyhoo
It's sunday morning and I'm wearing a sparkly purple eyeliner with Diorshow mascara. I guess thats a don't, wearing glitter eyeliner in the daytime.

I only wear lipgloss on my mouth and I love the real shiny stuff,even with my big puffy lips like Angelina Jolie.
I iron my hair, I brush it when its wet. whats worse: all the makeup I've ever "owned" either came free to me in the mail or was a pity gift from my mother (she loves estee lauder and always gets free junk). Yeah.
  1. apparently you should use yellow/green based or light reflecting concealer for the dark bits under your eyes, but i use my skin tone concealer. kinda half works..
  2. you're not meant to pluck from the top of your eyebrows, but i have done.
  3. i wear black black and more black (eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, etc) in big proportions on my eyes, with little other makeup.. i know it makes my eyes look smaller, but they look pretty in the mirror..
  4. i put concealer on my lips underneath lipbalm. slightly pointless lipbalmage?
  5. i brush my hair when its wet (i've used heated curlers on it when its been damp, before, too)
  6. i dont even own my own comb. :blush:
  7. i dont always take my makeup off before bed
  8. i often forget to cleanse tone and moisturise (this is my worst sin)
  9. i sometimes only line the top of my eyes.. is that a Rule? lol
  10. i never use the right lighting..
  11. i too often go more than a day and a half between hairwashes.
err.. and thats just a few.

-i always forget to moisturize after showers.
-i wash/rinse my hair with hot water
-i usually forget to file my nails and they break
-ive used toothpicks to separate my lashes
sssanguine said:
Also I have been prone to use a SEWING NEEDLE or mechanical pencil to separate my lashes! .

What? just picturing someone doing that in my mind hurts me, :p .
you are indeed dangerous ... ;)
ShOe GaL 19 said:
everyone gives jessica simpson + avril lavigne hell (including myself) for over doing it with the eyeliner but after seeing a few photos of myself on my friends computer, i realized im guilty as sin!

Me too, me too. I loooove eyeliner. Though I'm way easier on it these days than in college, I definitely take advantage of it on my nights out on the town. And I think it adds something to daytime makeup, as long as the rest of facial makeup is understated.
CelineChic said:
If the blush has has a bit of shine in it my cheekbones really pop out. It really defines my cheekbones and makes my face look super slim.

The best colour to do this with is "02 Pink Shimmer" from Estee Lauder.

I do it all the time and I LOVE IT!
star said:
-i always forget to moisturize after showers.
-i wash/rinse my hair with hot water
-i usually forget to file my nails and they break
-ive used toothpicks to separate my lashes

I'm confused? Are you not suppose to wash/rinse your hair with hot water.. because if that's the case I'm guilty as sin.:blush:
Supposedly rinsing hair with hot water dries it out..cooler water is better for "locking" the moisture in. :flower:

I think I may go to far at times but Good Golly!!!!!!!
I LOVE IT!!!!:heart::blush:
twilight fairy said:
cooler water is better for "locking" the moisture in. :flower:

Hasn't that been proved to be unneccesary? I used to do that, as well, but have heard it makes no difference (the rinsing w/ the cold water). Oh heavens, who knows
hah. i never wear lipstick, even when i may need it. and i like to wear bright eyeliners on the top AND bottom.

<3 me.

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