Makeup dont's that you do!

hailtothethief said:
i kinda like that clumpy mascara look just a lil bit, not like tammy faye baker style!). i don't wear eyeliner, so it looks okay on me and i have asian eyes so my lashes aren't so long and overpowering. i find that they do this a lot in the jap mags. alsoo....i curl my eyelashes AFTER i put mascara on and let it dry:innocent: :blush: . i find that it works better and stays curled. of course i clean the curler right afterwards.
^heh heh me too :mrgreen: ..i love the clumpy look..its very dramatic..i <3 really thick eyelashes!! i also pump my mascara wand into the tube..
Browneyes said:
- I never manage to take off all my eye makeup, no matter how hard i try with makeup remover, q-tips, spit, thumb etc.
- I actually like the look of faint eyeliner remnant under my eyes the next day.. :ninja:
- I erm, don't keep track of how often i wash my hair, it's more like whenever i find that it needs to be washed. Actually i've read that this is good, because the more you wash it, the more your scalp will produce oils and so the less you wash it, the less it needs to be washed.
- I, too, am guilty of using makeup for ages past the "expiration" time.
- Wearing sunscreen but no moisturizer.. i do this alot actually :p i don't like coating my face with too much stuff.
I do all of that! cept the last one, but yea.
hmm I use "old" mascara. I just throw it away when it comes to finish..not after 3 months since I have bought it, like you should.
I never take my makeup off at night (I honestly don't think my Fiance would recognise me in the morning without the black mascara smudges under my eyes!).

I too love the look of next-day eyeliner :D and I am pretty bad at using Mascara until it is finished...even if I have had it for ages, same with foundation. Never seems to do me any harm though. Oh, and I use Clarins Beauty Flash Balm almost every day when you are only meant to use it once in a while or you don't get the true benefits of it! But it always makes me feel better in the morning.
CelineChic said:
When I mess up on my eyes I lick a Q-tip and use it to clean up the error. I was told that it's bad to use saliva to clean around your eyes. :ninja:

same here :ninja:
:blush: ok...
i use real kohl to line my eyes and fill in my brows-i have black hair
i always fall sleep with my mascara, and i dont really think it bothers me too much-also i load up with 3 or so coats
i fall asleep with my my foundation, but i dont think thats too bad cuz i use bare minerals
and i comb my hair when its wet, i never thought it was bad cuz my haire is curly and it looks godawful if i comb when dry. why is that bad by the way?
and even tho i know this isnt technically makeup, ill tweeze my brows to an inch of thier life cuz i like high arches....

oooh, and i sometimes use that spit trick:blush:
i feel liberated!!!:D
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i thought i was the only one that seperated my eyelashes with a needle. hut i have my needle placed inside the mechanical pencil thingy, just to hold it. i have better control that way.

oh yah one more thing
i know its wierd, but when my skin is dry in certain spots and i dont have moisterizer at hand, ill use lipbalm...
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I never go to bed with foundation on. It feels absolutely gross. I love coming home and washing it off before going to bed completely natural. Sans my acne medication :-P
I never wear lipstick either, seriously never. I just think they taste of it is so gross. I'll wear lip balm, but never ever lipstick with a colour.
Black liner and black mascara ... a bit harsh on me because I am blonde and fair
I hardly ever wear lipstick as well. I could have my whole face done up but I'll only really wear Carmex on my lips, and chapstick with SPF if I'm going outside in the sun.

And I too am guilty of holding on to mascara for longer than I should.
I know this is a big one, but...I put eye liner only on my lower eye, and not on the top. Some people say it makes you look like a corpse, but I don't think so, thank you very much :p
Tatika said:
i thought i was the only one that seperated my eyelashes with a needle. hut i have my needle placed inside the mechanical pencil thingy, just to hold it. i have better control that way.

oh yah one more thing
i know its wierd, but when my skin is dry in certain spots and i dont have moisterizer at hand, ill use lipbalm...

I thought for sure i was the only one who uses lipbalm/chapstick for moisturizer!
i'm also guilty of the needle trick, but i just use a safety pin
i'm guilty of sleeping with mascara and eyeliner too!

the worst was at my wedding night. i had 2 layers of fake lashes and tonnes of mascara. i was dead tired and the lashes just refused to budge. the glue also caused my natural lashes to clump together. in the end, for desperate want of sleep, i pulled the fake lashes in one swift motion and half my natural lashes were gone! :doh: didn't even bother with the mascara until the next morning.
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I am guilty of holding on to my makeup longer than I should!

As long as they don't smell funny....I will still continue to use them.
I also love the look of day-old mascara...and sometimes foundation, when my skin's looking nice..

Never wear lipstick either..sometimes I have makeup that serves "dual purposes", like bronzer on the eyes or lips, mascara that i lightly smear as eyeshadow :lol:

I use vaseline as just about anything too, although that may not be a "don't".

As for my hair, I sometimes put baby powder in it if it's slightly greasy to give it a dry, scruffy look.

Hahaha okay I feel embarassed now.
I used the baby powder trick too once. But i have really dark brown hair almost black and it ended up making my hair look grey and nasty.
FrockRadar8 said:
I used the baby powder trick too once. But i have really dark brown hair almost black and it ended up making my hair look grey and nasty.

The trick for this is to use some bronzing powder instead of the talc! ;)

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