Male Model Scans

Aimee I am sure u are still engaged with Stephane but wondered how you feel about Kenta:rolleyes:
oh aimee i am stunned i thought you were an andres' girl but we all have our weeknesses unfortunately i seem to have more than everyone else:cry: ps i did come across some pics of him recently and unfortunately i did not save them nor do i recall where i saw them but i will set out to do a search

off to favourite model land will catch u there:blink:
:lol: I seem to surprise everyone with my love of Stephane...even I cannot explain it myself :ninja: Minas likes him though :D

I am an Andres' girl but even much more, more Romulo's girl (hopeless here).
beetlejuice said:

Aimee! Thank you thank you thank you!!!

Now it's my turn to make those weird sounds... it's good I saw those photos earlier (in small size), otherwise I would most probably pass out!

Aimee we love u to death:heart: :heart: :flower: :flower: :heart: :heart:
From FHM Collections: Joe Moreline, Jeremy Hicks & Henry Barnacle (love them all :heart:). Photo by Derrick Santini.

Lucky me!!! So hot! So beautiful!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: Now I just have to get my very kind ex to help me a bit with macromedia flash & and that damn flash decompiler.
beetlejuice said:
Just posted 4 Armani ads with Tirian in Male Model Scans :flower:

Oh Beetlejuice I am feeling SCHITZOID and now in addition to male model scans i am on my way to homos in ads--god help us--are we all insane?:sick: :ninja: :sick:
minasdecobre said:
Lucky me!!! So hot! So beautiful!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: Now I just have to get my very kind ex to help me a bit with macromedia flash & and that damn flash decompiler.
You don't need decompiler for that... :lol:

beetlejuice said:

in my replies i have tried to be good and cut the pics in the reply posts to save the servers but what a pain--do you think andora or whatever her name is could write some code to make that an unncecessary action--after all i have to get out of here soon and this is taking over my life--how obsessive can i be i know that i am a type :ninja: A:ninja: personality but i have bags under my eyes by skin looks sallow i need to get out the tweezers and i am developing a tic --i am in love with so many models and have so many pics that my filing system is now completely fkd what will become of me ?????:shock: :shock: oh well i still have world of leather (very esoteric i am afraid)! blueman where are u?
minasdecobre said:
Lucky me!!! So hot! So beautiful!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: Now I just have to get my very kind ex to help me a bit with macromedia flash & and that damn flash decompiler.
Minas, did you notice you can download David wallpaper from this website?
in my replies i have tried to be good and cut the pics in the reply posts to save the servers but what a pain--do you think andora or whatever her name is could write some code to make that an unncecessary action--after all i have to get out of here soon and this is taking over my life--how obsessive can i be i know that i am a type :ninja: A:ninja: personality but i have bags under my eyes by skin looks sallow i need to get out the tweezers and i am developing a tic --i am in love with so many models and have so many pics that my filing system is now completely fkd what will become of me ?????:shock: :shock: oh well i still have world of leather (very esoteric i am afraid)! blueman where are u?
:lol::lol: you are hopeless and we are all, I am afraid, in the same boat here! :shock:
AimeeOR said:
:lol: I seem to surprise everyone with my love of Stephane...even I cannot explain it myself :ninja: Minas likes him though :D

I am an Andres' girl but even much more, more Romulo's girl (hopeless here).

Aimee I think we are all surprised because Stephane looks like one of the regulars in the 'hood! oh my i must not be critical at least you are honest enough to admit your devotion while the rest of us flit from man to man in search of the one -- i have many "one"s -- it would be great to get them a room all at once for a little r&d (more d than r) regardless of your attraction we love u, I think!;) :heart: i would indulge with stephane too!!:blush: :blush: is that desperate?
Oh Beetlejuice I am feeling SCHITZOID and now in addition to male model scans i am on my way to homos in ads--god help us--are we all insane?:sick: :ninja: :sick:
Hopelessly addictive.
in my replies i have tried to be good and cut the pics in the reply posts to save the servers but what a pain--do you think andora or whatever her name is could write some code to make that an unncecessary action--after all i have to get out of here soon and this is taking over my life--how obsessive can i be i know that i am a type :ninja: A:ninja: personality but i have bags under my eyes by skin looks sallow i need to get out the tweezers and i am developing a tic --i am in love with so many models and have so many pics that my filing system is now completely fkd what will become of me ?????:shock: :shock: oh well i still have world of leather (very esoteric i am afraid)! blueman where are u?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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