Male Model Scans

Aimee I think we are all surprised because Stephane looks like one of the regulars in the 'hood! oh my i must not be critical at least you are honest enough to admit your devotion while the rest of us flit from man to man in search of the one -- i have many "one"s -- it would be great to get them a room all at once for a little r&d (more d than r) regardless of your attraction we love u, I think!;) :heart: i would indulge with stephane too!!:blush: :blush: is that desperate?
Desperate and hopeless :lol:

But the idea with the room is great! We should do it! :lol:
beetlejuice said:

OK beetlejuice u are over the edge today--u really must really get a grip--the rest of us are on overload with excitement omg i think i am going to pass out and if i go back to homos in ads today where there are entirely too many lesbians i know that i have lost it

these are beauties and we all thank you for the latest trip :flower: :flower: :flower:
Aimee I think we are all surprised because Stephane looks like one of the regulars in the 'hood! oh my i must not be critical at least you are honest enough to admit your devotion while the rest of us flit from man to man in search of the one -- i have many "one"s -- it would be great to get them a room all at once for a little r&d (more d than r) regardless of your attraction we love u, I think!;) :heart: i would indulge with stephane too!!:blush: :blush: is that desperate?
Um, just to make myself feel better...I have to post a little Stepháne :woot:

Deep breath...just because I find him so sexy. He's so got a fan in me.
beetlejuice said:
Minas, did you notice you can download David wallpaper from this website?

I noticed, but it looked horrible on my computer. Not David of course, but the design... too bad, but I have it saved on my computer in case I change my mind. And thanks so much for the pics honey... :flower: :flower: No decompiler, huh? Silly me... :lol:

Thanks again :heart: :heart: :heart:
Damn, I can't give you any karma, beetlejuice. But just so you know, I would give you 10000000000 karma points if I could! :flower:
AimeeOR said:
Um, just to make myself feel better...I have to post a little Stepháne :woot:

Deep breath...just because I find him so sexy. He's so got a fan in me.

Thank you Aimee! :heart: :flower: :heart:

Are we really his only fans here? :blink: He is so hot!
minasdecobre said:
Thank you Aimee! :heart: :flower: :heart:

Are we really his only fans here? :blink: He is so hot!
I certainly hope not :ninja: I mean, I think he's wonderful. So sexy. Mrowrrrr....

And you are so very welcome :flower: I knew you would appreciate them too!
I found an article on David, published 5 April in a local paper... I quickly translated it, so there might be a few (or a lot of) mistakes in it, but here we go...


London, Paris and Milano in one week is nothing unusual.
David Lindwall went to school in Karlskrona, and now he's working as a model.

- I live in my suitcase, but I've always been restless and I like it.

David is back home in Sweden for a short while and tells Espresso what it's like to work as a model and how it all started.

How did it all start for you?
- I went to school in Karlskrona and visited a friend who had moved to London. One night at a club a woman came up to me and asked if I worked as a model. She worked for the agency Models1 and they thought I should drop out of school and move to London. I didn't want that, so I didn't, but after graduation I went to London again. I got fired from two jobs and I was totally broke. So I thought "either I become a prostitute or I call Models1".
What were your feelings on being a model in the beginning?
- I didn't take it seriously at all. I didn't even think I could make a living on it, but I needed the money... And now I've been working for almost three years.

What's it like working as a model?
- You're very exposed and vulnerable... I can't do much about my situation. Everything's about people liking me or not.

Do you make a lot of money?
- Well, the whole economy part is a bit of a drag. One job can pay a lot of money, but I'll still be broke because it takes a while before I actually get the money.

What abut all the travelling?
- At the same time as it's a lot of fun to travel, I have to say that my modelling career has taken away the charm in travelling. While working it's not possible to enjoy going to new cities all the time. And it's pretty hard... a lot of meetings, go sees. In every new city you get a list with addresses you have to go, and you have to go there on your own. Travelling also calls for social comptetence. In the beginning I didn't know anyone when I came to a new city.
- Not having a home sucks too. I haven't had a permanent address for the last two years, I spend the nights at hotels or at friends' homes. I carry my whole life in a suitcase.

What is fun then?
- I've met a lot of people I wouldn't have met otherwise. And at times it's just as glamourous as people think. Parties with free alcohol and lots of beautiful people. Me getting easily bored makes this kind of living a bit easier too. I like when things happen all the time.

What's it like to be a model?
- The feeling of being on the runway is cool, such an ego trip. You're in the centre of everyone's attention. The first show I did was Dior, I opened their show in Paris 2002. That feeling was amazing, but I've gotten used to it now. I can't even take the job seriously... I really don't even see it as a job, but more like a fun experience. I just smile at it all the time.

Have you had any bad luck or set backs?
- Yes, I was hospitalized during the time when I was at the peak of my career. When everybody wanted me I couldn't work. I hated it, but at the same time it gave me perspective. It sucked that I never got to see my pictures on the buses in London though. During that time I missed out on a job that would easily have paid me enough money so I wouldn't ever have had to work again if I didn't want to.

Do you consider the fashion business and the people in it shallow?
- I've learned a lot about people. In the beginning I was pretty naive, but now it's easier for me to see through people. I know the game now.

How do you see your future?
- I've never concentrated on modelling in Sweden. There are not enough jobs here, and they don't pay very well either. Also, I'm a bit tired of Europe. It's NY and Miami next. I need new cities and new blood.


So... the question is: what was the major job he missed out on? I'd really like to know!
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minasdecobre said:
I found an article on David, published 5 April in a local paper... I quickly translated it, so there might be a few (or a lot of) mistakes in it, but here we go...

So... the question is: what was the major job he missed out on? I'd really like to know!
Wow Minas, that article was really great. Thanks!

Um, that first pic from your post of David Pics....:kiss: so cute!
minasdecobre said:
I found an article on David, published 5 April in a local paper... I quickly translated it, so there might be a few (or a lot of) mistakes in it, but here we go...
I like this article and it makes me like David more.:heart: It seems he's a realist and I like it.
Those pics of him are fantastic!!! He looks so beautiful:heart: Thanks minas and beetlejuice:flower:
minasdecobre said:
From FHM Collections: Joe Moreline, Jeremy Hicks & Henry Barnacle (love them all :heart:). Photo by Derrick Santini.
Starting to pay attention to Henry Barnacle :wub:He looks so good here!!
Thank you:flower:
Anyone know who this is?


  • nauticafall2002.jpg
    55.3 KB · Views: 45

Chris Grossarth:wub::wub:
He's sooo sweet!!

Joe Moreline :flower:
( he??? I'm not so sure. He's quite special, I think. )

Who's he??? :wub:::wub: He looks so familiar but I can't remember:o anyone knows his name and agency???
still from L'OPTIMUM

Another don't know who.....( I saw him before but really can't remember...bad ability to id ....:cry: )

AimeeOR said:
As promised more DeWet. I tried putting it up last night but my computer was acting up...too many scans, I think...maybe too much wine :unsure: regardless, I went to sleep instead and now...its working B)

I must confess the first one is an all time favorite :D

From my September 2003 GQ.
Shaun always looks so amazing perfect:heart: :heart:
beetlejuice said:
Since you mentionned this... Henry in safari style :flower:
And I like these pics in that ed:flower: Dannyand Henry look so great:heart: :heart:

from this ed, now I can understand why I can't stop to notice Danny although he should not be my type^_^ :heart:
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