Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen (September 2011 - May 2012)

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Didn't know Ash was friend with Leelee Sobieski :heart:. The twins definitely have the coolest circle ever. As for her outfiti I don't if she's wearing Chad White snowboard pants or very ugly pyjamas + with the Balenciaga sneaks it's definitely not a good look.
MK on the other hand looks amazing, I love the clash of her vintage/bohemian outfit with the ubber luxurious croc bag. She's just bada$$
somehow i like Ashs pants. they are pretty nice. just a tiny bit too wide. if they were a bit tighter they´d look great. but i dont like her shoes. i know they must be super expensive and are balenciaga, but they are not my cup of tea. i do like sneakers, but they are too colorful.
Mks outfit is safe. she wears that over and over again. it looks like every outfit she wear since 2 years.
im sorry but ashley's pants look like cheap flannel pj pants you can get at wal-mart, target, kmart, etc... not cute in the least.
If it weren't for the fact that it's an Olsen I would assume they were exactly that^
Mary-Kate Olsen @ "Women In Need" gala at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in NYC - April 11, 2012


^Yeah. I imagine she must have really looked like a midget. As we all know, both of them are really short and that outfit is the worst thing she can do to her figure.

She should have shortened the sleeves, worn the blazer open, but on nicer jewelry, done her hair differently (a bit like she did at some YSL even a few years back) and added an accessory that would have stood out.

She looks like a funny 60 year-old spanish woman.
That is one major case of scroll down fug. Great hair, great makeup, looking promising with from the shoulder to the chest...and then it slowly descends into hell, wearing a suit that wouldn't even fit Sigourney frickin' Weaver.
Is it a new and frankly bad trend or what ?? First Rooney Mara and now MK. :blink::blink:
this does look awful. so bad. :(
it's just a never ending's actually weird cus i liked rooney's version.
oh, god, did she really picked the right size from that suit???!?! Or does she really think that is the right size for her??????? I do not understand:shock:
When will she realise that a high collar does nothing for her small stature and face? The no-neck look is not a good look for her. It's really sad seeing her like this, remembering how beautiful she once was.
Oh, i have never seen this!!
via l-upe.blogspot

Click bigger

MK looks wierd (nothing new) but Ashley looks super nice.
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^ash looks great. thanks for the photo. how old is it?
Love the above pic :). The new pics of MK however aren't so great. I usually always think she can look so cool in just about anything but obviously not this.
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