Natasha Richardson passes away after skiing accident

This is so devastating. I even begin to imagine what her family must be going through right now. :cry:
the word is Broadway will be dimming their lights...

AWWWWW. That's really sweet of them.

I saw videos of her relatives flying in to see her at the hospital. She's reportedly staying at Lenox Hill on E 77th, which actually isn't too far from where I live. I just wish the press would live them the hell alone and not declare all these lies when they don't have any confirmation. It just makes me sick.
Natasha Richardson has been taken off life support, according to NYC legendary columnist, Liz Smith.

Smith has extremely close ties to the whole Broadway scene and is certainly in a position to know. Smith says as of 1:30 PM ET today, Natasha was taken off life support.
This is so tragic and sad and ... just no words. Just goes to show how fragile a human life is.
This is awful!, I was so convinced she'd soon recover, partly by ignorance and.. because I liked her as an actress. This is truly sad.. I guess we're all heading in the same direction but it's such a difficult way of parting, especially for her relatives who have to take such hard decisions on someone they love.. :cry:
Just beyond feels very unreal.

I imagine this is how it felt when Princess Di passed away. I remember as a kid, the visuals of Diana's funeral and the thousands of mourners, and all the flowers, etc. but I was too young to feel any emotion or comprehend the tragedy.

Now, with Natasha's passing, I feel like this must be how it felt. Many of Diana's mourners had never met her, and the woman they knew was only the woman they read about in the papers and heard about on the TV, and yet so much sadness and grief was felt...I've never met Natasha, or any of the Richardson clan, I've never even really followed her career with passion, but I've always liked her...and I just feel devastated right now.

My heart goes out to all of her friends and family.

NYPost Article
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^It does feel unreal. Like Regis Philbin said, she fell on the snow, got up, made jokes and then she was dead, just like that (this is called the "talk and die" syndrome, by the way). I'm so sorry for her two boys for having to cope with the unexpected passing of their mom.
Oh my god. So it's official now? That she's dead? (NY Post article).

Wow. I'm not too familiar with her career but I've followed Michael and Vanessa Redgrave's careers for a long time and am a huge fan of their work. My heart goes out to Natasha's family. :(
^ I always found that way of dying just so disturbing and.. tragic, my grandma would always talk about her 4 year-old brother, who fell on the stairs, got up crying and then kept playing the rest of the day.. he didn't wake up the next morning.. it must be so shocking for anyone that gets to witness that, I guess you can't help but wonder the usual: what you could've done to prevent it, how you should've rushed to the hospital right away.. it's so heartbreaking. :cry:
^Exactly. The family members will be forever haunted with those questions, 'what if?', could have, should have... Imagine how devastated her older son must be, she was with her when she fell. This is so traumatic for a young boy.
am i the only one who thinks that they took her off life support quickly??
if i were in her situation i wouldn t want my family to let go that soon.
anyway, am very very sad about this and i hope they d just keep her on life support a little longer.
miracles do happen
it's heartbreaking.. my thoughts & prayers go out to her family. :cry: :heart:
that is why also they say when you have an accident, especially car accident... even if you don't feel like you are severely injured or feel any symptoms right away, to always always go to the hospital and chekup.
^Whenever there is head injury, especially.

I don't think they've taken her off life support too soon. Once you're brain dead, there isn't much left to be done. Keeping her alive would only prolong the suffering of her beloved ones.
so it's official? i am still confused by the reporting.

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