New York Fall 05 Show Schedule

Scott said:
Tess changed the day & time? Did you attend Metal?

What's the new day and time? If it was yesterday, then no I didn't. I hope it's been rescheduled for this week so then maybe I can make it.
It was yesterday,Metal! I do hope there's some pictures somewhere....
men's shows in europe are over i think faust...
cloak didn't show...they are showing usual...i guess...
softgrey said:
men's shows in europe are over i think faust...
cloak didn't show...they are showing usual...i guess...

Hmm, I distinctly remember Suzy Menkes mentioning cloak in her IHT article. Let me dig it up to see if I'm hallucinating.
If they get it on Firstview,I'll try and get on there later in the week.
metal-on-metal said:
Tuesday, the 8th, at 6pm
Drive-In Studios
443 West 18th Street, Studio 3
Hmm, I didn't get an invite this year - after two seasons in a row! I wonder if I should just show up...?
baklanyc said:
Hmm, I didn't get an invite this year - after two seasons in a row! I wonder if I should just show up...?

Yes, you should, and take me with you!
Thanks to everyone for the pictures from the New York shows. I have really enjoyed looking at them. You are helping to make tFS the top site for fashion information.:heart:

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