Overrated Actors

TheGlassAngel said:

Couldn't agree more. I had a minor fit when Julia won over Ellen Burstyn, I could not have been more horrified unless Paris Hilton won best actress. How is that even remotely possible? Did the Academy not watch Requiem, or anything Ellen has done for that matter? Ok, calm down.

My list:
Julia Roberts: obviously
Nicole Kidman: so bland, how she has such a good career baffles me.
Keira Knightley: not god awful, but not Academy material.
Kirsten Dunst: sometimes i think she's alright, then other times it sounds like she's just reciting lines, not acting
Renne Zellweger: good at times but not great
Reese Witherspoon: same as above, as someone said earlier, poor Felicity.
Sean Connery: don't get me wrong, he's great at playing Sean Connery but not much else. He even used a Scottish accent playing the King of England?
fire said:
colin ferrel, leocaprio, joshhartnett
all terrible actors
g. paltrow
terrible actress

Leonardo DiCaprio???? Really?? I agree with the rest but LEO?? REALLY??? He´s amazing. And I even think he´s a bit underrated. Being in Titanic and being so good-looking a lot of people think he´s just another pretty boy. He´s lately receiving a well decerved recognition.
penelope cruz
jamie foxx
cameron diaz
colin farel
brad pitt
agelina jolie
bruttany murphy
I agree with Russell Crowe too!
What's so fantastic about him? :blink:
^ Yeah I thought he was pretty bad in that one episode of Friends.
Yeah he sounded really wooden and choppy.

I'm going to put Jamie Foxx, Sean Connery and Kirsten Dunst.

But see with Kirsten Dunst I've noticed that she's the kind of actress that needs a good director. Some actresses/actors can be brilliant despite a lousy script or an inexperienced director. They can rise above. Kirsten is only good depending on her directors.

Sophia Coppola really brings out the best in her. Her performance in Virgin Suicides and Marie Antoinette were the strongest I've seen of her.
kirsten dunst-the dead look..she ruins movies, seriously..
keira knightley-i always end up laughing when i watch her "act"
orlando bloom-hahaha!!
elisha cuthbert-oh my god..maybe the worst..
scarlett johansson-i just don't like her in dramas,she doesn't convince me at all.but i have to give her credit at comedy(her two snl appearances were good!)
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Kirsten Dunst: what's the constant pursing of your lips in every single scene of Spiderman?
Natalie Portman. Ugh. She was terrible in V for Vendetta.

...she pissed me off to the point where i'm not a fan in Garden State.
i thought she could do no wrong since i was a fan of her's all the way back with Leon/The Professional.
anything and most anyone affiliated with Zach Braff is awful and overrated and even more awful for trying so hard to be indie/hipster cool.

Keira Knightley...

and yeah, the rest i don't even need to mention. they're all here. :flower:
I don't even think Brad's as GORGEOUS as the world thinks! He does nothing for me!

EXACTLY!!! Because the media say all the time that he is gorgeous DOESN'T MEAN THAT HE IS. He is ok, not OH SO GORGEOUS. IT bugs the hell out of me. We are 5 girlfriends and ALL of us think he is just ok, not even very good looking. I never understood the friggin' hype. NEVER....

Oh and as an actor same thing. Just an ok actor.

Dakota Fanning. :rolleyes:

Yes, she's young and she's famous... and has been in not just big-budget films, but indie ones... but she's not that great of an actress.
She's wooden and never really makes an impression.
I don't get what people ever see in her. She bores me to death!
Dakota Fanning. :rolleyes:

Yes, she's young and she's famous... and has been in not just big-budget films, but indie ones... but she's not that great of an actress.
She's wooden and never really makes an impression.
I don't get what people ever see in her. She bores me to death!

She doesn't bore me - she creeps me out! :rofl: she's like a grandma in a little girls' body ... it's so weird.
There are so many to list....but most definitely Keira Knightley

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