Project Runway Season 7

it's probably just me but I thought the campbell's challenge dresses were such a step back from previous weeks in both design and execution. I see no clear favourite yet personally but definate potential.
Mila's would have been okay if not for the larger star on the bottom. It was way too big and way too distracting. It really did resemble a flag.

I liked that Maya's made it into the top three accidentally (I assume, since none of the judges seemed to love it or even like it). There was something catchy about her dress from a distance that would explain the high score, but it was a mess up close.

Janeane's dress was hideous. Hopefully she'll be able to recover this week.

Part of the problem with the Campbell's challenge seemed to be time. I wish they had given them two days instead of adding a further time constraint to the pressures of working with a client and designing for women who weren't traditional models.
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I think this challenge concept from this week was great, however, I didn't really like any of the red dresses. :ninja:
Amy AGAIN should have won!

Do you mean the challenge with the MC cover as the prize? Because Joanna Coles specifically told them not to use a print, and Amy did. I was expecting her to end up in the bottom for that. She should be thanking the others for screwing up enough that she was safe.

Actually, the thing I found most frustrating about this week's challenge was how many of the designers completely ignored the directions and did something bland. I was glad Mila was in the bottom because she was one of the worst offenders in terms of doing the opposite of what she was told.
I was quite suprised they didn't say anything about the fact that Mila's dress was quite badly sewn in places. Her'chevron/arrow' detail was quite badly done in places and puckered. I think the right person won, he kept every rule in mind when making it and it looked fantastic.
Do you mean the challenge with the MC cover as the prize? Because Joanna Coles specifically told them not to use a print, and Amy did. I was expecting her to end up in the bottom for that. She should be thanking the others for screwing up enough that she was safe.

Actually, the thing I found most frustrating about this week's challenge was how many of the designers completely ignored the directions and did something bland. I was glad Mila was in the bottom because she was one of the worst offenders in terms of doing the opposite of what she was told.

oh, I TOTALLY FORGOT about that. I thought they couldn't use black. Amy's dress was still superb!
This season is definitely better than last season although I don't have a favorite designer.
oh, I TOTALLY FORGOT about that. I thought they couldn't use black. Amy's dress was still superb!

So did she! ;):lol: There were actually a few dresses in the Marie Claire challenge that I thought could have been top 3 instead of Emilio's if the designers had only used a solid color.

I like this crop of designers a lot. Not only are most of them talented, but they seem like such nice people. The challenges are also more interesting that last season's lame dress-this-starlet! challenges.

My only complaint is that I usually watch the episodes online, and I really hate that it takes Lifetime two days to get them up. CBS has its episodes online about five minutes after they finish airing in the US Pacific timezone. I know, I know, if this is my biggest problem in life, I don't really have any problems, but it bugs me.
I heard that 10 designers showed at Bryant Park this year. Faith Hill was the guest final judge. I found this to be a bit odd. Does anyone have photos of the collections?
^^ i was going to post the images from the show because i saw the show on but they took it down for some reason
^^^The sneak peek of Jonathan's collection is puke inducing. Anyone still watching this show?
I´m watching. My favorite designer is Seth Aaron though his collection (^^) is awful imo... I wish I could bid on his outfits :)
I'm watching, too.

This season is wearing on my nerves a little. I know this is sacrilege in some parts, but I'm growing tired of Tim Gunn. He clearly plays favorites and his advice is usually wrong. And, I don't know, he just acts so put upon every time someone disagrees with him. He was much more natural and much more helpful in the earlier seasons.

In that vein, this quote from Anthony's post-elimination interview cracked me up:

[Q]:The judges made a big deal about your choice of polyester. I was surprised too. Why did you go for polyester?
[A]: It was not my exact choice. The original fabric that I selected was a cobalt taffeta blue, which was the color this fall. But when I was in Mood, I remembered Tim Gunn walking in and saying, “Taste, Anthony, taste.” He kept questioning my taste. I think back and Tim Gunn [hated] everything I did, but the people that he loved all got eliminated before me. So if I can tell anybody anything going on Project Runway: Don’t ever listen to Tim Gunn and never second-guess yourself.

[Q]: Really? Don’t listen to Tim Gunn?
[A]: Don’t listen to Tim Gunn. I’ll give you a great example. Jonathan, when we did the second Heidi Klum challenge, the one that I won, ohhh Tim was just worshipping him, [saying] “Oh my god, this is so amazing, she’s gonna love it.” Fifteen minutes later, she walks in and says, “Oh my god, what would ever make you think [I'd like] this?” And Tim stood his *** there and didn’t even open his mouth. He didn’t say a word! No, honey. Any contestant trying to go on Project Runway, know who you are, and pay these blogs no attention because they’re just the people that nobody likes because they have bad attitudes. I’m really at the point where I’m sick of these blogs. I’m like, honey, get a life. It’s just television.

I'm sure he said it jokingly in that way that he does, but it's kind of true. I would, however, like to ask him how going from cobalt blue taffeta to blue polyester reflects an improvement in taste. Oh, Anthony, honey. No.
Of the finalists, Mila has the best collection. Emlio's collection is the worst. I HATED him on the show and he got some UNDESERVING wins out of it, but some of his stuff was gorgeous (that last dress). Anyway, I expected a really great collection from him, alas he didn't deliver. Though I still fully suspect him to win, no?

BTW, could someone tell me what were the three looks that Jay and Mila presented? I missed this past episode.
^Jay showed the outfits with the silver turtle neck, the aubergine dress & the grey jacket, Mila chose the b&w striped coat, the grey coat with the striped/houndstooth dress underneath and the sequin dress...
I don't care for Seth Aaron's aesthetic, but he and Mila both had some beautiful pieces. I was really surprised by Mila's because I've hated pretty much everything she's done on the show. I'm rooting for Emilio to win, even though he won't. His finale collection is blah, but there's something so fabulous about the other pieces he's produced throughout the season. I don't know, I think I'm still charmed by the dress from the last challenge. <3

I won't be upset with any of them winning. I know it's a designing competition and personality shouldn't matter, but I love how they all get along and act like adults. Even Jay and Mila, who apparently hated each other, behaved in a mature manner about it.
The only thing that could make the show better next season would be more bitchy judges.
I am so very happy with the winner. Finally the person who I wanted/thought should win, did. ^_^

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