that's her new BFF? no way? didn't have a clue... Nikki's amazing - each year new lifetime best friend - seems to me Page's the only one actually sticking all these years... i heard about that TB comment but i didn't have a clue about that bff connection it came from... she's something, i'll say...well nikki always namedrops.
god the most horrible thing is, her new bff (pretend friend, namedropping, job getting girl) is deborah ann woll (Jessica on true blood) and nikki wrote some stupid blog article about her and her b/f and said in some mtv interview how she's gonna visit deborah on the true blood set and beg Alan for a role on TB "because it would be kinda funny since she's in twilight" (i don't think she was only kidding) and NO i don't want that b*tch on TB
anyways...BD set is gonna be interesting i think their little "family" is slowly breaking apart with growing egos and b*tchfights
and to get back to kristen-rob i believe they really are still in love, it seems like both honestly don't just want to be famous and that alone can be a very strong base for a relationship in that business
BD set should be interesting, but i don't think there should be any breakdowns tbh, the only two ego divas are Kellan and Ash and without anyone else clinging for a spotlight when it comes to paps (except Taylor being the third but he's already being treated as a big star by his mgmt so he'll probably go out in "controlled" situations) i think there's no room for fighting - R/K're going to do their thing, hiding out in the hotel, Nikki's gonna hold hands with Elizabeth or Jessica now that you've mentioned it i seriously don't think R or K or T have issues with these few cringing for attention...tho there might be some insisting to add a sentence here or there for A or Kellan in script since they're getting the paycheck...
agreed about K and R, for the time being, it seems they're really tight and stable, both seem to be in long relationships in past so...we'll see..