Kristen Stewart Cheated on Robert Pattinson #1

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Nemova: the sad thing is, i'm sure that there are a few Kristen stans that are naive enough to believe that this story is true.
The most interesting thing about this whole scandal so far imo has been watching Lainey excuse Kristens actions. Even when she tries to be objective she never really goes in as she would have if this hadnt been one of her faves. Plus when she criticises its always seems to be like an after thought - like she put it in there to stop from sounding too kiss assy.

...Oh how now? Kristen Stewart engaging the disgusting, immoral, vile paparazzi?

Hey fans, do you get to call them vile if you took pleasure at the product?

And do you get to call them vile anymore if you’re engaging them to do business? If Stewart had not been caught with Rupert Sanders in July, working with the paps to produce these photos would probably not have been necessary. But her circumstances changed. These are the pragmatic professional choices you make. And that’s fine. It’s great! Of course it is. Hollywood is a BUSINESS. I’m down with Kristen Stewart doing business. But the minute you decide to do business, you know you can’t complain about it anymore, right?
Lainey Gossip

Look at the last post on the situation when she says that she's down with Kristen using the paps for business. Erm isnt that whats she's always calling out Jessica Biel, Ashley Greene etc for doing. Yet when Kristen does it its okay - because its all in aid of Twilight! Really?!

I never really thought much about it before; but her last post has made me believe that Lainey may be on the Kristen Stewart PR pay role. If she's not then something fishy is going on imo :innocent:
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^I really hope Lainey knows how big is the price she might pay for choosing to be Kristen Stewart's mouthpiece. The scary and beautiful thing about credibility is that you work really hard to earn but it only takes one misstep to lose it completely.
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Oh, Rob, just when I thought I was becoming a fan of yours....

Not really sure what to make of this new development, it just seems so odd. Whatever it is, I hope that it doesn't blow up in Kirsten and Rob's face, if it's a PR stunt or something, people don't take kindly to that sort of thing.
Ugh! I seriously hope the whole hullabaloo dies out after the Twilight series comes to an end and these losers end up fading into quasi-irrelevance like the stars of other franchises. Can't stand either of them, and they are pretty rubbish actors to boot. I'd say he's slightly better than her, but he really isn't as good looking as someone like say Brad Pitt is, nor is he a terribly good actor like, say Sean Penn.

I don't think they'll fade entirely into oblivion, but can't see them in the A-list in the next decade. Both are talentless hacks, and pretty smug and self-satisfied into the bargain. Which is what I think pisses off many people.
^ Actually, I think Kristen has a bright future, brighter than Rob's even. Rob can't get a box office hit outside of Twilight, but Kristen has had a few and she's got some good roles coming up.

Now that they are back together and are looking like their normal, stinky selves I can't help but recall that quote in Vogue UK where she said he likes to lick her armpits. I know it's strange to think of that, but it's one of those things that once it pops into your head you can't forget it :lol: She should stick to never talking about her private life because when she does she makes a fool out of herself.
^Regarding her past projects and upcoming roles, I'm starting to think that the only reason why Kristen gets so many roles (apart from the fact that she has a huge fanbase that buys tickets to see her movies) is because she's being championed by someone like, say, Jodie Foster. There's no way this girl is getting roles based on her talent - which is the same as that of a cauliflower - and, based on her interviews and her general persona, I'm guessing her work ethics may not be completely pristine either.
Agreed, nemova. I've never found her particularly impressive on screen, and that's me being polite. She MUST have friends in high places, otherwise I don't get it. I certainly don't wish failure on her, but I couldn't tell you where her career will go after Twilight. On the one hand, she does not have, as far as I can tell, the bubbly, engaging persona of an Emma Stone, she doesn't have the talent of a Jennifer Lawrence, and she definitely doesn't have the class nor the humilty of an Emma Watson. I use these girls because they're all apart of franchises, around the same age, and competing for the same roles.

On the other hand, she has been able to work with some pretty influential people like Foster, as you mentioned, Penn, Barry Levinson, and Walter Salles. All of which baffles me, but whatever. And I don't know that she's had that much success outside of Twilight. Her films have flopped just as often as Pattinson's. The only hit I know that she's had is Snow White, a film that also included Charlize--who has been acting for years and built up her own large fanbase--and Hemsworth who is a young, hot, up-and-coming guy with an accent. I don't attribute the success of that film even largely to her. Most critics agreed she was crap in it.

All that to say, only time will tell.
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^ What are her family's roots? Do they have connections in Hollywood? It would explain the "friends in high places" if so.

chickadee, you use excellent comparisons for valid reasons in your first paragraph above.
^According to Wikipedia:

Her father, John Stewart, is a stage manager and television producer who has worked for Fox. Her mother, Jules Mann-Stewart, is a script supervisor originally from Maroochydore, Queensland, Australia.
I think Kristen Stewart has the makings of a great actress. Of the old school. Dietrich, Hayworth....and Jodie Foster. Emotive, unusually emotive, which is the main reason I really like her. I think Twilight is nothing without her (and the way they filmed it). Rob is ok, but nothing special. She is.
^you're kidding right? (i don't get sarcasm over the net:lol:)
but emotive is the last adjective i would ever use for kristen with her dead eyes and constant blank face. sometimes when she tries to show something on her face she immediately slips into overacting, she's on the same level as Blake Lively, Zoe Kravitz or Jessica Biel/Alba. she showed some promise very early in her career but has gotten worse and not improved again at all and seemingly doesn't want to either as she never takes on challenging roles (except when you count taking off your clothes as challenging acting-wise)
Of course she has friends who're pulling the strings. And those people will probably give her career a little fillip for a very, very long time. Talent only matters so much; there are many A-list actresses who're actually pretty mediocre (save in one or two films), but still manage to be signed for films like nobody's business. Then again, nobody thinks Hollywood is strictly meritocratic, does one?

It's baffling, though, as to how many tweens and teenaged girls like her. I think it's a sad reflection on the intellectual prowess of today's youth that they love this woman who very clearly finds them something to tolerate at best and a bloody nuisance at worst. What really makes me dislike Kristen is her ingratitude towards the franchise that made her, her fans and the whole Twilight phenomenon. It's like as though she's above it all. Now I'm no fan of Twilight either and don't think it's worth the paper it's printed on, but if it were my bread and butter, I'd have the humility to show it a bit of respect.
^you're kidding right? (i don't get sarcasm over the net:lol:)
but emotive is the last adjective i would ever use for kristen with her dead eyes and constant blank face. sometimes when she tries to show something on her face she immediately slips into overacting, she's on the same level as Blake Lively, Zoe Kravitz or Jessica Biel/Alba. she showed some promise very early in her career but has gotten worse and not improved again at all and seemingly doesn't want to either as she never takes on challenging roles (except when you count taking off your clothes as challenging acting-wise)

I do like her, sorry to disappoint, but I think she's great. I can see how you may call it overacting, but I find it beautiful. It reminds me of pre-70s acting...
of course, now the rumor is that it's all staged

Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart Poolside Kissing Pics Fake—Angry Fans React

Now that Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart have reconciled, their lives have once again settled into the routine of work, travel, and enjoying unwedded bliss. Their recent romantic interlude spent kissing by KStew's pool, with their dogs and a few close friends looking on proves they're back together, and also quashes the controversy once and for all. Or not. Rumor now has it that the famous poolside kissing photos were a big staged fake. New evidence suggests they weren't even taken at KStew's house and/or pool. Plus, said pics have already been mysteriously whisked away from most fan sites including Popsugar where they were first displayed. People are saying the whole photo shoot was a studio set up. And many angry twihards agree.

While Popsugar claims the pics were removed "because of editorial standards," the real reason may be that anyone who ferrets out and examines photos of the real pool at KStew's new house will immediately realize that "poolside kissing pics" were not snapped there. KStew's real pool is "starkly modern" lacking the surrounding "foliage" seen in the Robsten PDA pics. Also, the height of the patio and the dimensions of her pool don't match those in the kissing photos. Yikes.

Oh well, you'll have to decide for yourself whether you agree or disagree with the evidence supporting the latest Robsten reconciliation conspiracy theory. However, you might want to also check out reactions from some very angry (former?) Robsten fans.

"For two people who hate to be in the public eye, this was a total photo op set up by them," wrote one disgusted twihard. "They knew the whole time that pics were being taken. They are both so fake and phony, it's disgusting."

"This is all BS," opined another bluntly. "It's just PR for the movie. They probably got a big check to appear in public and to be civil to each other. After all they are 'actors', right? Gee, what are the odds that these two break up for good once the final movie in the ridiculous Twilight saga has opened. This is just for publicity's sake for the movie. I kind of hope they worked it out but have a feeling it is a show for the next movie."

"Such a set up by them to be photographed together," agreed yet another fan. 'For two people who dated for three years and never even held hands, and now suddenly a person gets perfect pics of them standing in the same spot over and over again. Come on. They are both full of it."

Lastly, a fan who claimed to have inside information wrote:

"I'm an inside source so I know what I'm talking about when I tell you this is all an act. They were PAID. The people in the background were there giving directions and keeping the peace. Strange how they were able to keep their relationship a secret all this time but now the papz has all this access to her home. Her supposedly very private locale house. He only tap kissed her and only touched outside the house."

So, there you have it. Looks like Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Summit Entertainment may have some 'splainin' to do—especially if, as one angry fan predicted "within a month after release [of Breaking Dawn Part Two] you will hear about them going their separate ways."
Isn't Gather though a site where regular people write articles? You have to be a member and I believe you get paid for how ever many hits your article get's.
All these sites are not reliable - they include fans and people who say they are sources. I feel bad for Rob - he is kind of stuck because of promotions but he could have just tried being friends and not getting back 100% like nothing has happened. He has such low self esteem.
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