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Lainey Gossip...Oh how now? Kristen Stewart engaging the disgusting, immoral, vile paparazzi?
Hey fans, do you get to call them vile if you took pleasure at the product?
And do you get to call them vile anymore if you’re engaging them to do business? If Stewart had not been caught with Rupert Sanders in July, working with the paps to produce these photos would probably not have been necessary. But her circumstances changed. These are the pragmatic professional choices you make. And that’s fine. It’s great! Of course it is. Hollywood is a BUSINESS. I’m down with Kristen Stewart doing business. But the minute you decide to do business, you know you can’t complain about it anymore, right?
Her father, John Stewart, is a stage manager and television producer who has worked for Fox. Her mother, Jules Mann-Stewart, is a script supervisor originally from Maroochydore, Queensland, Australia.
^you're kidding right? (i don't get sarcasm over the net)
but emotive is the last adjective i would ever use for kristen with her dead eyes and constant blank face. sometimes when she tries to show something on her face she immediately slips into overacting, she's on the same level as Blake Lively, Zoe Kravitz or Jessica Biel/Alba. she showed some promise very early in her career but has gotten worse and not improved again at all and seemingly doesn't want to either as she never takes on challenging roles (except when you count taking off your clothes as challenging acting-wise)
celebs.gather.comRobert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart Poolside Kissing Pics Fake—Angry Fans React
Now that Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart have reconciled, their lives have once again settled into the routine of work, travel, and enjoying unwedded bliss. Their recent romantic interlude spent kissing by KStew's pool, with their dogs and a few close friends looking on proves they're back together, and also quashes the controversy once and for all. Or not. Rumor now has it that the famous poolside kissing photos were a big staged fake. New evidence suggests they weren't even taken at KStew's house and/or pool. Plus, said pics have already been mysteriously whisked away from most fan sites including Popsugar where they were first displayed. People are saying the whole photo shoot was a studio set up. And many angry twihards agree.
While Popsugar claims the pics were removed "because of editorial standards," the real reason may be that anyone who ferrets out and examines photos of the real pool at KStew's new house will immediately realize that "poolside kissing pics" were not snapped there. KStew's real pool is "starkly modern" lacking the surrounding "foliage" seen in the Robsten PDA pics. Also, the height of the patio and the dimensions of her pool don't match those in the kissing photos. Yikes.
Oh well, you'll have to decide for yourself whether you agree or disagree with the evidence supporting the latest Robsten reconciliation conspiracy theory. However, you might want to also check out reactions from some very angry (former?) Robsten fans.
"For two people who hate to be in the public eye, this was a total photo op set up by them," wrote one disgusted twihard. "They knew the whole time that pics were being taken. They are both so fake and phony, it's disgusting."
"This is all BS," opined another bluntly. "It's just PR for the movie. They probably got a big check to appear in public and to be civil to each other. After all they are 'actors', right? Gee, what are the odds that these two break up for good once the final movie in the ridiculous Twilight saga has opened. This is just for publicity's sake for the movie. I kind of hope they worked it out but have a feeling it is a show for the next movie."
"Such a set up by them to be photographed together," agreed yet another fan. 'For two people who dated for three years and never even held hands, and now suddenly a person gets perfect pics of them standing in the same spot over and over again. Come on. They are both full of it."
Lastly, a fan who claimed to have inside information wrote:
"I'm an inside source so I know what I'm talking about when I tell you this is all an act. They were PAID. The people in the background were there giving directions and keeping the peace. Strange how they were able to keep their relationship a secret all this time but now the papz has all this access to her home. Her supposedly very private locale house. He only tap kissed her and only touched outside the house."
So, there you have it. Looks like Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Summit Entertainment may have some 'splainin' to do—especially if, as one angry fan predicted "within a month after release [of Breaking Dawn Part Two] you will hear about them going their separate ways."
^According to Wikipedia: