Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart dating? #2

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I love the title "You Need To Let Me Go" :lol:. e-v-elina it boggles my mind that they write this crap and get away with it.
I really had to laugh at those serial killer-esque pics when I saw the Daily Mail article. :rofl: Charming faces.
I just read the best rumour ever. Apparently Robert and Kristen are planning to marry in New Orleans in December and they want a voodoo ceremony. lol. WTF?!
wow, we didn't have wedding plans for a while, i guess it was about time:lol:
maybe they mixed it up, the little voodoo stuff happened in true blood, not twilight:rolleyes:
why would these two go for a voodoo ceremony?! it doesn't even sound the slightest bit believable. if they wrote that about marylin manson and ERW (i know they're not together anymore) it would sound a little more believable (just judging by their looks and how eccentric they are)
a wedding is ridiculous enough, why make the rumor this laughable???
I just read the best rumour ever. Apparently Robert and Kristen are planning to marry in New Orleans in December and they want a voodoo ceremony. lol. WTF?!

AH!:woot: Read that in LOOK magazine this morning.:lol::rofl: Best. Story. Ever. Don't foget the matching anchor tattoo on their hips.B)
from this week's Lainey's liveblog:

First from Monique:
Just noticed some pics of Robsten lately are getting more touchy in public. What do you think is getting them to be more public or what's changed their mind? I've read rumors that it's Kristen who doesn't like the attention. I don't get when they go out Kristen always hides from the paps by trying to cover her face or she runs back into the building to hide. To me, it's pretty immature and everyone knows it's her. Anyways, Wouldn't you think it would be easier for the two if they just came out with it already? Also, what is going on with Michael A., Kristen's ex-boyfriend?

Monique--I have long maintained it was never "Robsten's" intent to hold a press conference announcing their status. They would just, over time, begin showing more and more in public so everyone will get over it and it won't be the focus of their careers. The minute you admit it, everyone expects you to talk about it. As long as your not talking about it, no one expects you to answer those questions. It's a good move for them, really. As for Kristen Stewart--she's growing up in the public eye. All that awkward and dumb*ss stuff we all did in college, she's doing in front of cameras. Some things go over fine, others don't. She's figuring it out.

[Comment From sarah sarah : ]
do you think Robsten many date nights was a PR for kristen's WTTR?

Sarah--No. Neither KStew nor RPattz, to their credit, engage in those kinds of games. This is their pattern, though. When they're both in LA they go around to a bunch of concerts, etc for like a week then they won't be seen again.
interestingly so, this kinda fits the story Delaney was once telling about the fallout (also from Lainey's blog) :lol::

[Comment From laura laura : ]
lainey why you think robert pattinson hates to nikki reed?????'

Laura - because they had a thing and then he ended it for Kristen Stewart and she got mad and made a scene.
He ended it for Kristen? Although Nikki seems to be fine with Kristen....would you really be ok with the girl he did that for, knowing she probably didn't stop it?
He ended it for Kristen? Although Nikki seems to be fine with Kristen....would you really be ok with the girl he did that for, knowing she probably didn't stop it?
i dunno, this is just my opinion ahead but i really don't think they've been together ever. maybe f*ckin in the very very beginning, but i seriously don't think it's never been anything more, but that's just my opinion.

also, note that Lainey would put her foot in the mouth if she ever denied Rob having anything with Nikki considering she was reporting about these two hooking up just around the possible timing of Rob and Kristen hooking up (not to mention the constant rumoring it was Nikki feeding Lainey's info at that time). :flower:
I do think they were together when Twilight first released, as he was always so cagey when he was asked about having a girlfriend.

And they were hanging out a lot (helping him move, meeting his sisters when they did that dinner) and then suddenly, all that stopped. He had a lot of girl friends (as in girls as friends) around the release of the first film, and now he's with K, he is never seen with them....maybe there are no photos, but I think it's because his social circle has been replaced. Think he went to a bday party with Katy Perry, and that was about it...
If I was Nikki and the guy I was hooking up regularly started dating my best friend, I would be pissed - especially at my best friend. Everyone is always on Rob and Kristen's side but really that was kind of low.
its not like we see these two every second of every day.
besides what we see, we dont know who they hang out with, how many friends they have and where they go..

so we cant really say that his social circe has been 'replaced' just because we dont see him with anyone besides kris and tom. :ermm:
i recall most of these girl friends were seen with him in London, not so much LA.
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If I was Nikki and the guy I was hooking up regularly started dating my best friend, I would be pissed - especially at my best friend. Everyone is always on Rob and Kristen's side but really that was kind of low.

True but if we go on the speculation that we "know" it's been well known that Rob has liked Kristen from the get go so really Rob shouldn't have gone off with Nikki as it wasn't fair to her blah blah etc etc.

Rob's the bad guy in that situation.
i wouldn't neccessarily say that
if he pretended to deeply care about Nikki, sure he's an *ss, but to me it always seemed like they were just friends with benefits and if they made it clear it was just that i don't see the problem. i do think that Nikki wanted more or was too clingy though and that created problems, but if he was honest about his (non existent) feelings to Nikki it's Nikki's fault...don't just hook up with a guy when you're hoping for more
I don't buy it, that he hooked up with Nikki and now she's mad because he's with her friend. It seems like Kristen and Rob are more on the edge with Nikki. Feels like it's more like they realised she's not to be trusted. I mean, it seems like Nikki's leaking things, like Rob's performance from her Ipod that is now all over youtube. Rob has never seemed like the kind of guy who hooks up with random girls he doesn't have strong feelings for. But that's just me :P
I don't think Lainey knows anything regarding the situation. Doesn't Rob (and possibly Kristen) openly dislike her? I remember a fan meeting them in Vancouver during NM filming and wanting a picture and Rob reportedly asking her not to let it be posted on Lainey's blog. Seems like the people around him who would know stuff would never let anything slip to her. And his entourage is really small: just Stephanie (agent), Tom, and Lizzie (sister).

I think they don't hang out with Nikki anymore because she's changed. Before, she used to dress like a hipster, hang out in the music scene (played with Sage's band, seen at lots of concerts like Kings of Leon), smoke cigarettes daily, etc. They had more in common back then. Now she's into the gym, seems to have ditched the whole hipster look, doesn't smoke, and seems to have put more focus on her career (before she had more time to just hang out with friends). I don't think Rob and Kristen ever hit the gym, they both still dress/appear homeless a lot of the time, still smoke constantly... Friends change and grow apart.

Also, I think the reason why you don't see Rob with his friends anymore is because he's constantly working. When he was filming Remember Me, he said the only two people he saw were his sister and Tom, who slept on his hotel room couch. He has to capitalize big on all his chances now before Twilight is over if he's going to sustain his career. And if he really does tend to hole up in his hotel/apartment like he claims because of the media, that will put a damper on your social life.
i wouldn't neccessarily say that
if he pretended to deeply care about Nikki, sure he's an *ss, but to me it always seemed like they were just friends with benefits and if they made it clear it was just that i don't see the problem. i do think that Nikki wanted more or was too clingy though and that created problems, but if he was honest about his (non existent) feelings to Nikki it's Nikki's fault...don't just hook up with a guy when you're hoping for more

This is what I'm getting too... I mean, clearly we know nothing :lol:, but in the pap pics circa 2008, I kinda got the feeling Rob always had his guard up when he was with Nikki and Nikki always seemed too happy to jump at the opportunity to get photographed with him. We read into this too much :lol:
I love Lainey, but most of the stuff she posts is complete bull. There's no way of her knowing anything,
but it gets her website hits and in the long run that's all that matters.

But in the new looks like Kristen is drunk and Robert is embarrassed.
This may have already been figured out, but that's what appears to be going on. Robert may be tipsy as well.
my conspiracy theory was that Nikki was friends with Michael before she knew Kristen so when K cheated on M with R, Nikki was on M´s side LOL
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