Roisin Murphy : Lady Gaga stole my look!

no it was a question posed to roisin regarding gaga and roisin responded,counting her dislike over her repetitiveness. and roisin isn't the one putting this out there like this the media is...nme took the article and emphasised roisin's quotes. that's all.

and who's to say a person can't call another so-called artist out like this? i feel as if you're being copied then you should be able to expose them. especially if those said artists go about thinking they're the high priestess of all things extraordinary and innovative. not. and yes,i do think roisin's manner of style IS highly original. again,who other than bjork has explored this more adventurous sense of expression without looking redundant? and anyone who's been a fan or knows of roisin reasonably well,know she has been doing such things since she was in moloko. so it's not like what she's saying has no substance.

and give me a break with the PR/puppet crap. gaga gets on her little pretentious bandwagon all the time thinking what she does is some serious form of art when in fact all it is britney-style pop/dance. and wasn't it gaga who claimed xtina was stealing her style? it goes both ways dearies. i mean you cannot claim originality when you aren't really.

I completely agree but the problem I had was that Roisin can't sue Lady Gaga for stealing her style she can only call her out for being "inspired" by her style.
Roisin has already said afterwards that her words were taken out of context and she wishes Gaga all the luck.

That being said, there is nothing original about Lady Gaga even on the way she talks when giving interviews. Even her voice is trying to hard. And having Haus of Gaga doesn't mean she's original, it just means her record company from the beginning placed all their bets on her giving her a massive budget to build and keep this imagine she (or someone else) created. Looking back at old images of her there's NOTHING different of original about the way she dressed. And her whole speech of 'but now I finally am who I've always wanted to be, the way I've always wanted to dress' isn't convincing at all. It's not like she used to dress a bit quirky but wasn't allowed to completely explore it because people didn't get her. She was a typical american girl with a tight top and denim skirt who from day to night became that
dont like gaga anyways... her style is totally overrated and certainly far from looking like the real thing.
she is the purest of all PR mainly
It is definitely sarcasm on Lady Gaga's part , but I'm NOT talking about Peaches Geldof at all :yuk: she's gross, I'm talking about Peaches the electro-rapper-singer.
I remember when I first read about this...I had a strong feeling it was nonsense from the beginning. Both Lady Gaga & Roisin have both been inspired by Grace Jones first and foremost. The thing about Lady Gaga regardless if people like her or not is that she truly knows fashion- this isn't just some pop tart who's being told what to wear- the woman is very smart and is heavily involved in everything she does.

Anyways here is what Roisin said about the foolishness:

Roisin's publicist sent me an official statement by Roisin herself, in which she rectifies the Lady Gaga commotion. It goes to show one can never trust the tabloids, ever. And now, over to Roisin:

STOP PRESS! WHEN SHOULDER PADS CLASH!!: As far as I was concerned I was doing a short interview to promote, 'I'm Every Woman' a Charity record for ACTION AID and ended up getting myself into a tabloid trap. As the press are inclined to do, they have taken some comments I made completely out of context and completely fabricated others.

I NEVER said 'Lady Gaga is a poor imitation of me' That was a completely made up quote. I respect Lady Gaga's work as an artist and as a fellow fashion icon. She is a very talented performer, playing the piano, singing live and dancing too. I Don't Care about Shoulder pads! Not every female artist needs to be at odds with their contemporaries - I prefer to focus on the wonderful things happening in my life, which are plentiful.

I am a very honest person (which can often be problematic when it comes to doing press) but I am not a bitchy person. All the best to Lady Gaga - she is fantastic.

^and there you go. just a bunch foolish mis-quotes. but i can't help still agreeing with even the fabricated areas of her comments though :blush: much of it,imo,is true. and yes i do agree that both women owe a lot to grace jones....but i think the slight difference between what she did and what roisin has been donning is that roisin is slightly more whimsical,humorous and a tad kitschier in her style....grace is and was very strong and often wore stuff that had a more elegant edge.
I hate when people like Gaga get to a certain level and break a barrier into mainstream because so many people have to assume its all down to 'the machine'. & her being told what to do.

How can you not take into account all those youtube videos she was doing for 12 months before 'just dance' even took off. Trying to get her name out there. She started at a grass roots level and built a fanbase. I remember listening to Just Dance back in September 08 and it wasnt number 1 until this year.

they didnt KNOW she would make it, she just kept plugging away, and she was fortunate enough to have a big label to let her make all these 'gagavision' videos.

I do think its a different story now she has found success, I think NOW is the time the image makers and the style evolution people will be saying 'you should do this, you should do that' ect ect. Whether she will listen remains to be seen.

& all i can say about the copying Roisin Murphy, is if Roisin pulled the stick out of her *** and made great pop music like Gagas---about fame, money glamour, dancing then she'd be in Gagas position now anyway. I always think Roisin had a snobbery about her that kind of made her want to avoid the 'mainstream'....altho i do love her music.

not sure if the above was directed at me.
i know through a source about gagas background and indeed, she has got tremendous talent. the gaga though we see today is what made her famous and is the result of good management and PR ;) her image plays a massive part in it.
since we are in the rumour thread i will also allow myself to say that the main reason i do not like gagas style and think its nonsense, is because it is so 80s inspired but her music isnt.
actually that was my very first reaction once i was able to put a face to her music... it just does not make sense to me.
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^ Actually, I agree. Listen to her performing acoustic and it's obvious that she has an amazing singing voice. Far better than Britney, Rihanna or Pink. And she was a piano prodigy as a child and has studied it for most of her life.
I understand being a fan of her antics and out there style but it is every naive to think that she doesn't have a huge team behind her.

ANY artists that sells millions of records and gets their videos/songs played on TV and Radio receives a huge push from the record companies. Gaga or Britney, those who especially relie on image would have every single outfit, interview vetoed before it's aired to the public.

It's all about money, and with amount of money that people have puit into gaga i really really doubt she is free to act how she wants to. Unless her daddy is a record company exec. even then...

and she has no talent: no spectacular voice, cannot dance, not a musician and no star power sans the gimmicks.

I will never get her.
leyla_m - no, it certainly wasnt directed at anyone in particular :flower:

Having reread what I wrote I wasnt very clear. I was implying she is very talented, and it isnt down to her 'team'. Roisin Murphy always had potential to step into something huge and global...but GaGa beat her to it.

& even if people dont like her singing voice they can't deny she plays the piano WELL!

retailqueen--I agree to some extent about having a huge team, but I think predominantly Gaga says what she wants to wear. She is obviously a hugely creative person, so I cant see her being lazy enough to just wear something because she was told to.
Gaga's music reminds me something Paris Hilton would do. Sex, money, fame, boys, partying, dancing? No wonder she's a hit with teenage girls and gay guys. Roisin isn't as forced or calculated as gaga.
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I hate when people like Gaga get to a certain level and break a barrier into mainstream because so many people have to assume its all down to 'the machine'. & her being told what to do.

How can you not take into account all those youtube videos she was doing for 12 months before 'just dance' even took off. Trying to get her name out there. She started at a grass roots level and built a fanbase. I remember listening to Just Dance back in September 08 and it wasnt number 1 until this year.

they didnt KNOW she would make it, she just kept plugging away, and she was fortunate enough to have a big label to let her make all these 'gagavision' videos.

I do think its a different story now she has found success, I think NOW is the time the image makers and the style evolution people will be saying 'you should do this, you should do that' ect ect. Whether she will listen remains to be seen.

& all i can say about the copying Roisin Murphy, is if Roisin pulled the stick out of her *** and made great pop music like Gagas---about fame, money glamour, dancing then she'd be in Gagas position now anyway. I always think Roisin had a snobbery about her that kind of made her want to avoid the 'mainstream'....altho i do love her music.


roisin doesn't make great pop music? :huh: i think roisin makes some of the best pop music. it isn't generic,it isn't doesn't sound like somebody else's. and as marcel says,not contriving. as far as their music is comparison,really. i really think roisin is just a cut above gaga as an artist. i mean you listen to overpowered and at first you think it's just another disco influence but once you get into the album it has it's refreshing twists and turns. not to mention the gorgeous ruby blue which was far more composed.
leyla_m - no, it certainly wasnt directed at anyone in particular :flower:

Having reread what I wrote I wasnt very clear. I was implying she is very talented, and it isnt down to her 'team'. Roisin Murphy always had potential to step into something huge and global...but GaGa beat her to it.

& even if people dont like her singing voice they can't deny she plays the piano WELL!

retailqueen--I agree to some extent about having a huge team, but I think predominantly Gaga says what she wants to wear. She is obviously a hugely creative person, so I cant see her being lazy enough to just wear something because she was told to.

it's not laziness but rather she has no other choice. she isn't an independent artist with her won label that promotes herself with her own money.

She takes order andis fitting into the mold her record company told her. She may agree with having the most outrageous outfits for the most media coeverage, cause she loves attentions, but actually coming up with most of what she wears?

I don't follow her style but from what I've seen there is no way she would come up with that herself, it takes to much time and the outfits too elaborate for one. Second she (like I said) is considered as an investment and I doubt her investors will give her a blank check and let her do what she wants.

This is a Briteny-esque scenraio with someone who is supposed to create and wear these elaborate things by herself? I don't buy it. But the fans want to buy into it, let them. Every generations wants an idol they want to hang onto. I can't get her. People like Grace Jones and Kate Bush are originals and really do their thing. Gaga is so text book to me it's not even funny nor actually entertaining.
and she has no talent: no spectacular voice, cannot dance, not a musician and no star power sans the gimmicks.

I will never get her.

Omg exactly, she's a freaking joke that I'm sick of ... compare her to those singers from the 60's or you don't even need to go that far just compare her for example to Sarah McLachlan ... how come she's very talented, is everybody insane? Jesus ...
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