Grace Jones dislikes Lady Gaga

She doesn't claim to be a pioneer, her fans make her out to be one. She doesn't claim to be a genius, her fans treat her like one. She's never been quoted as saying she was the first to do any of the things she's done, nor has she been quoted as saying she's the best at it, as far as I know.

But the thing is I've read and heard her say things along those lines, which is the only reason I have a problem with her.

I guess she feels the same about Rihanna because she copies her style also

Yeah I think she is as bad as Gaga tbh when it comes to copying tbh.:innocent:
Well the true conflict is between Nicola Formichetti (gaga's Stylist) and Jean Paul Goude (The sylist credited to helping Grace cultivate a Avante Garde Image and her Babyfather BTW...)

They both were simply going off the influence of Creative Men... Perhaps Nicola should be MORE original when he's creating LG's looks... I know he's capable considering the work he's doing for Vogue Japan/Nippon or watver its called these days...
Whats ironic to me is: I love Gaga's styling and her Creative choices in her appearance and wardrobe but for some reason I expect her music to be a bit more distictive or Appealing considering all the outlandish attire...but her Music isnt that much different from the sound of Britney or Christina....I expect a lil Byork-ness with perhaps the chords or the music but its all sounding like Watered Down Pop Songs.....:(:(:(
Since she's Music Artist I suggest she try and push boundaries in music that hasnt being push yet insted of trying to shock us with over the top costumes
Whats ironic to me is: I love Gaga's styling and her Creative choices in her appearance and wardrobe but for some reason I expect her music to be a bit more distictive or Appealing considering all the outlandish attire...but her Music isnt that much different from the sound of Britney or Christina....I expect a lil Byork-ness with perhaps the chords or the music but its all sounding like Watered Down Pop Songs.....:(:(:(
Since she's Music Artist I suggest she try and push boundaries in music that hasnt being push yet insted of trying to shock us with over the top costumes

I have to agree about her music, I listen to her album I was disappointed, it was generic music..not even as good as 80's Madonna..Iam glad I got her album from the library and not brought it.
I have to agree about her music, I listen to her album I was disappointed, it was generic music..not even as good as 80's Madonna..Iam glad I got her album from the library and not brought it.

I wish i wouldve done the same thing before i brought it! UGGGH!!!!!:angry::angry: Now I cant even give it away and its not worth a second listening!
I agree with you Junee and that's what I say all the time . Her music and image just does not match so that's why she seems so fake .

And someone gifted the album to me . I 'accidentally' lost it somewhere ........
It's hard to truly be original...the saying "history repeats itself" is very, very true. But I do think Lady Gaga is up-front about how she obsessively studies artists of the past whether it's Grace or Andy Warhol. She could give them no credit and try to act like it's all in her head.
I can understand the Gaga hate.

Lady Gaga IS arrogant. I've tried to like her but I've watched too many interviews where she constantly categorizes her product as "art". Sorry hon, but true artists don't have to point it out. Her fans only make it worse.

Her image is also a fabrication. I've seen pictures of Gaga prior to her current persona and she was nothing more than any girl you'd find on Jersey Shore. It's as if she read an edition of 'how to be avant garde for dummies' and went with it. Remember the backlash that Vanilla Ice went through in the 90's when people found out that he was not from the 'hood'? Same thing here.

If she simply continued to churn out mindless pop tunes without all the art hoopla, people wouldn't be so hard on her.

Anyway, love me some Grace!
So did the Beatles always wear bowl cuts and mod suits? Was Davide Bowie born with a bright red mullet and glittery eye makeup? How about Prince? Or Daft Punk? We all know the answer to those questions, so why should Gaga have to be different then most other famous musicians?

In this day and age, considering some of the pretentious, soulless crap that passes for fine art, who is to say that what Lady Gaga does can't pass as performance art? And really, how many contemporary musicians really deserve the title of artist these days?
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the truth is when you can't back up the image with the music,they hype will start to wear thin. she makes good,of-the-moment pop music but as we've see so much in pop music it gets boring after a certain period.

and i'm sorry but this argument that not a lot people are completely original,it's a bit weak,imo. certainly,people take influences all the time and that's fine but the clear distinction in that is that many can twist those influences into their own world without sounding[or looking] totally blatant.

btw,i do disagree with people that say her music sounds like britney. on the contrary it's decent sounding dance pop but the sad thing is that it's another person's pop music.
You shouldn't have to dress a certain way based on the type of genre of music you do. A lot of people in this thread are naming this as a reason for their dislike for her and it is a bit absurd. I think her outfits are ridiculous, but not because of some invisible rule that makes a musician, pop or otherwise, have to dress/have an image based on the music they put out. Not all Bjork-like singers who make trip-hop/electronic music have to wear a Swan dress or artsy outfit, and not all pop singers have to wear some Britney Spears-like get-up.
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^ Yeah I've never understood this argument either. The argument that says "Why aren't her outfits and styling matching her music?" Wtf, since when was someone not allowed to be both ridiculously outfitted and sing pop music? Just because Bjork and David Bowie (both of whom I love) were both that way doesn't mean anyone has to be.

And let me just point out that as time goes on singers and performers will be more and more harshly criticized and accused of "copying" because eventually all creative ideas will be exhausted.
If Lady Gaga had been born before Grace Jones she would have been the one who "started it".
It's ridiculous how just because someone had done the work earlier it suddenly means that anyone who shows the slightest resonance with their work in the future it means that they are "copying".
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Whats ironic to me is: I love Gaga's styling and her Creative choices in her appearance and wardrobe but for some reason I expect her music to be a bit more distictive or Appealing considering all the outlandish attire...but her Music isnt that much different from the sound of Britney or Christina....I expect a lil Byork-ness with perhaps the chords or the music but its all sounding like Watered Down Pop Songs.....:(:(:(
Yeah, I expected a lot more too. My sister loves Lady Gaga (not fanatically, let's just say she gets a thrill out of that stuff :p), and she kept raving about her but I couldn't locate her at all and one day, at H&M (of all places..), there was this random song on and my sister's like 'god I LOVE that song!' and I kept thinking it must be Alicia Keys exploring more dance-able territory. Later I found out that was none other than Gaga. :lol:
I do love working out to her music though, I just don't think I'd listen to it as a source for inspiration.. that's like having a gum for a meal.

Junee, Nicola's work for Vogue Hommes Japan and even his stuff for Dazed & Confused has decayed terribly over the last couple of years, I think he got too involved with Lady Gaga and the projection of her image that he's sort of lost touch with the kind of fashion he used to show at Dazed or solo projects, and consequently what he was supposed to feed Gaga's image with; Not to be such a downer but I'm not sure he's capable of that much these days, unless he stops addressing mainstream media for a living and catches up with real, less gimmicky creators.
If it wasn't for the usual team (Shillingford, Langley, etc), I wonder how interesting Dazed would be these days. -_-
^ Yeah I've never understood this argument either. The argument that says "Why aren't her outfits and styling matching her music?" Wtf, since when was someone not allowed to be both ridiculously outfitted and sing pop music? Just because Bjork and David Bowie (both of whom I love) were both that way doesn't mean anyone has to be.

And let me just point out that as time goes on singers and performers will be more and more harshly criticized and accused of "copying" because eventually all creative ideas will be exhausted.
If Lady Gaga had been born before Grace Jones she would have been the one who "started it".
It's ridiculous how just because someone had done the work earlier it suddenly means that anyone who shows the slightest resonance with their work in the future it means that they are "copying".

It does make sense when she speaks of this highly conceptualised 'art' that, at the end of the day, is only some generic loops, drums, and instruments . My friend said to me that I just had to listen to Lady Gaga especially since I was in the fashion industry . I did not go out of my way to listen to her, but I kept on hearing about her so one day I decided to listen 'Just Dance' ............. how anticlimax !

Again, I'm not saying you have to dress one way according to the genre of music you're playing, but if you're going to pretend to be avant-garde in your fashion choices, I would think that it would also extend to the other creative fields as well . I cannot hold against her what she looked like before becoming a star as many do what it takes to capture the eye . However, mainly due to some of her fans, overhyped her to be something she's not and it just looks very gimmicky .

And to address about the 'copying' deal, the same thing is happening with any artist who wants to dress-up is copying Lady Gaga so it's a cycle .
And to address about the 'copying' deal, the same thing is happening with any artist who wants to dress-up is copying Lady Gaga so it's a cycle .

Yup. Very true. Just check out the new music video of Korea's Pop Queen.

Before the release of the music video she said Lady Gaga was an inspiration to her.

Then after the music video was released she started getting compared to Lady Gaga, and then she gave a recent interview saying that all the ideas in the music video are all original ideas she came up with herself.

Mind you, this Pop Queen never use to wear such clothes either. She use to just wear mini skirts and hot pants.
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What? Some of you don't like her songs bcuz the way she dresses? Well when I first heard her music I thought her voice isn't ground breaking, but mainly her songs are just catchy. I'm sort of young (20) so I don't ever recall hearing a Madonna song so I can't say if they are similar, and I have never heard of grace jones, just goes to show who I don't know.

The music I like is based purely on that, I either like it or I don't. With that said i'm more of an instrumentalist, cuz I play instruments and I like hearing the little things in the background as opposed to voice and lyrics, as long as they don't have a terrible voice.
The difference between her and other pop stars like Rihanna, Beyonce, Britney or whoever is that they more or less just get on with it and don't brag and boast about how great they are


Sorry to distract from the groundbreaking Supreme Court case Jones v. Gaga but are we talking about the same Beyonce? She comes of to me as the most full of herself pop star out there. She claimed she could have won the Oscar if she gained weight and played the role of Effie in Dreamgirls. If that isn't boasting about how great you are then I don't know what is. :rolleyes: There are lots of other instances that come to mind but I'll move on.

Yeah a lot of what Gaga says is very :rolleyes: like her early 'avant garde' videos, some quotes etc. but I still like her a lot. And I was annoyed when Perez said JPG's collection was inspired by her, I almost started hating her at that point actually, but she's still doing her thing. I'm not a tween and I like her music so I don't get why you have to be young and stupid to enjoy fun dance music and cool costumes? In regards to her dressing better after she made money wouldn't any of you? Dressing avant garde isn't cheap and neither is faking it. :innocent:

All these who copied who threads are sooo annoying and so are these threads it's like any chance Gaga haters get a chance to pounce they take it to full force. lol.
^Ok maybe Beyonce was a bad example, but still it's nothing compared to the stuff Gaga was coming out with, especially when she was just getting famous...... and I'm glad no ones brought up the it's pop-art argument yet at least.
What? Some of you don't like her songs bcuz the way she dresses?

No, that's just the icing on the cake . Other than 'Bad Romance', it's hard to listen to her music because it's horrible . It sounds like cheap Euro Dance .
i don't get all the lady gaga hate.. when did she ever say she invented what she does.. she admits she is influenced by david bowie and such.. and Grace Jones is a legend but she loses points for me here.. this type of vitriol is just NOT needed.

honestly, i didnt care about the love or hate for her but now i just dont get it.
she's a strange girl with a GREAT voice and i think people should just see her that way.
is she copying anyone? who cares? in that industry everyone is influenced by someone or another.
i agree with ur opinion on grace. a whole lot!

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