Russian Models

but they speak one language-russian, and in america if u r from former ussr u r russian, besides they mixed up in there. a lot of russian in belarus, ukraine, latvia, estonia etc

I'm sorry but I think that's a pretty ignorant statement. They are DIFFERENT countries. And if you're from Ukraine or Belarus, you're not really Russian. So a model who's from any of those countries, shouldn't be here in this thread.

So better not go trying to steal Snejana or anyone else from us. :angry:
snejana by the way ukranian, but she doesnt even speak ukranian
I have many ukrainian friends who were born in Ukraine and are ethnically Ukrainian, but their first language is russian, and most of them don't speak ukrainian.
Inguna Butane said that she feels compfortable to speak in russian not in latvinian
My favourites are Natalia V, Natasha Poly, Valentina, and Colette Pechekhonova :heart: she was big from the late 90s to early 2000s


i :heart:anna mariya and anne v the most

btw,who can tell me how to write their names in russian?i know nothing about russian:doh::ninja::shock:
I have many ukrainian friends who were born in Ukraine and are ethnically Ukrainian, but their first language is russian, and most of them don't speak ukrainian.

That's how it is here in my area (america). My ex boyfriend was from Ukraine, but he spoke russian and most of the russians and ukrainians all mesh together. He told me that only the ukrainians that are from the villages speak ukrainian and they are considered poorer. He would like get offended if someone spoke ukrainian to him. (he lived in the russian part of my city) guess where I live? One of the two most populated cities with russians in america and it's not ny, ^_^. And like here in the US, the russians that don't speak english are considered off the boat, and the ones who have lived here longer and dress better and have lots of money, look down upon them. It's wierd? He thought he was like a gift to the world (eyeroll). look at
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Gods, chill yourself a bit

its like to say Daria Werbowy is canadian, no she is pure Ukrainian and generally speaking russian.

and used to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus were the one if you will look deeper you will understand that genes dont have the nationality. in look/speach/way of life/traditions theres no differences between russians and other ex-soviet PPL .its like one day Canada will be separated into two parts - north and south Canada and it would be like two countries - but still ppl will stay the same, and new generation will have in their passport legal nationality - "south Canada".

this nationality question is stupid and it just depends on the place where you were born, but when you talk about Russia and ex-soviet countries you should understand that ppl are still the same in that regions- without any differences. they have the same genes, the same mentality, the same views, everything the same and of course the same the most beautiful women in the world

It's not the americans, it's the russian/ukrainian americans. For the most part I have only hung out with russians and ukrainians and been in class with mostly russian/ukrainians. They will even call theirselves russians! Because they speak it. Before I dated a ukrainian guy, I had no idea about the culture. Then I found out that they all (in the cities) speak russian and villagers speak ukrainain. Most russians consider ukrainains to BE russian. My boyfriend and his friends would even say that you can either consider them ukrainians or russians, whatever same thing. (Except when it came to countries, of course theres was better :rolleyes:).
Back to the topic, my favorite russian models are Natalia V., Vlada, and Sasha Pivovarova.
I have many ukrainian friends who were born in Ukraine and are ethnically Ukrainian, but their first language is russian, and most of them don't speak ukrainian.

Yes, absolutley. I have Bulgarian friends who speak Russian as well because it's just more known but it doesn't take their ethnicity away from them. All those countries have a specific historic background and I think it just doesn't do them justice to put them all in one category like that.

Besides this though, I think most slavic women are gorgeous... can we agree on that? :p
Yes, absolutley. I have Bulgarian friends who speak Russian as well because it's just more known but it doesn't take their ethnicity away from them. All those countries have a specific historic background and I think it just doesn't do them justice to put them all in one category like that.

Besides this though, I think most slavic women are gorgeous... can we agree on that? :p

See I'll say most slavic models, but I think everyone gets the image that ALL slavic women are like what we see down the catwalks. Some are average just like everywhere else. Except the ones I have known, they all thought they were a bunch of models as well, lol. Most russians in my area are totally over the top, wearing furs to sushi resturants, lol. It's really funny, but here where I live, the russians are very unique looking and the russian guys are freakin HOT. But I've heard over in Russia their not like all modelesk looking and amazing looking, some look very poor and weathered. As like most other countries.
I think that is a stereotype type though, but I've heard of the whole russians vs. swedish, who are more beautiful thing.

But I have to say that most of my favorite models are all russians. They have something to them.
L0VE said:
Most russians in my area are totally over the top, wearing furs to sushi resturants, lol.
:shock::lol: ooh... I got the mental picture... and it wasn't pretty.

I think that is a stereotype type though, but I've heard of the whole russians vs. swedish, who are more beautiful thing.
Yes, I know what you mean... I suppose it is a stereotype in some ways. However, slavs generaly have certain physical traits common to them that I find particularly appealing.. especially their cheekbones.

But I have to say that most of my favorite models are all russians. They have something to them.
;) agreed.
Who are your top three favourite Russian models ?

Mine are:

1. Natalia Vodianova
2. Natalia Semanova
3. Valentina Zeliaeva
so hard to decide...currently my top 3:

1. sasha pivovarova
2. olga scherer

i can't decide for my 3rd. i'm torn between ekat kiseleva, eugenia mandzhieva, & vlada roslyakova!!!
1. Eugenia Volodina
2. Ksenia Kahnovich
3. Natalia Vodianova - Olga Sherer

But seriously there are a lot of russian models that I adore :wub:
1. Natasha Poly
2. Vlada Roslyakova
3. Valentina Zeliaeva/Eugenia Volodina
1. Eugenia Mandzhievia
2. Natasha Poly

They're the only ones that matter to me.
1. Natasha Poly:heart:
2. Eugenia Volodina
3. Sasha Pivovarova/Masha Novoselova
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