Sex and the City - The movie

OMG so i saw it today and LOVED it!!! really i don't think it could have been better :D
We had such a good time. I couldn't believe that a movie can make me cry and laugh at the same time. For the girls who will go, remember to bring some tissues.^_^
Greetings from NYC. The audience here are very engaging. I had a great time with my husband (who kindly passed me tissues secretly during the movie:P ) Overall I give it a 90!
I agree with Luxxx and J.Hud's character was very genuine and loving. I don't think that it was forced at all. I couldn't believe that many papers in nyc gave the movie bad reviews. Come on! You don't need to do that to show that you are sophisticated!
So at the very least, Carrie and Big got married!:clap::bounce:
the girls are back!
i laughed the whole way though, samanatha i thought was abso-****in-lutely hilarious ;)
I think that Jennifer Hudson's character was unnecessary and some parts were way too predictable. Overall, I loved this movie and I guess I can now have some closure?

I loved these girls 4 years ago and I still love them now.
Just came back from it and I loved it :heart::heart: I thought the movie trailer revealed WAYYY TOOOO much and thought it would ruin the movie, but it didn't.
I didn't shed tears but there were many times my eyes watered.

These two men sitting together shouted "SAMANTHAAAAA" before the movie started .. it was a hilarious and fun way to start the night

Everybody cheered when we heard the theme song (myself included, I was SOOO excited I couldn't contain myself)
- I loved the way they did a little recap of everybody, while including clips from the show.

- Carrie and Big. My mouth dropped a little when she actually called him "John" haha.. it was just so.. surreal, considering we've NEVER heard her call him by anything other than Big. I was so sad for her when he stood her up. The love letters in the end were sweet though (even though he didn't write them). He's definitely had some Botox done on his face though (anybody notice? His brows look different :huh:.. same with Samantha - her face looked a bit pulled and tight)

Charlotte was hilarious! The Mexico scenes were AWESOME. The paranoia of Mexican anything, the "stomach problems" :D I loved her. She was truly the comic relief of the movie (which was strange because usually Samantha is, but I definitely laughed more with Charlotte) I felt the emotion when Carrie blasted out at Big with the flowers and Charlotte held her and was staring at Big with such hatred. Because it's true, she had always rooted for Big, and off he went to prove her wrong again.
My heart melted and I felt SO happy for Charlotte when she had her baby. Not to forget about Lily of course, she was such a cutie. But I was so happy that Charlotte is living the life she always wanted. I love how Harry makes her so happy, and he loves her so much.

- GAHHH Steve and Miranda!!! I felt so conflicted. I LOVED them in the series, and it was so hard to see them go through that. I was angry at him for cheating on Miranda. I'm happy that they worked things out though because he was really sorry and you could tell. BTW their love scene in the end was INSANELY steamy. I was blushing in the dark (and sitting next to an elderly lady :shock::p)
- Samantha and Smith! Throughout the movie my girl friend and I couldn't stop talking about how insanely GOOD her body looked (sushi scene!?) She looks FABULOUS. It puts me to shame, I'm 20 and her body looks 100x better than mine. It was sad to see her and Smith break up, but I'm glad they ended on good terms, and that she didn't cheat on him, and that in the end she listened to her heart and realized what she needed. It was nice to see that serious side of her.

And as always, the fashion was incredible. :heart:
- Wasn't a fan of Carrie's brown hair, I thought it made her face look too harsh and aged her much more. Other than that though, I LOVED her hair. I wish I had those waves and curls. Wasn't a fan of her wedding makeup either; I thought she looked a bit aged there too. It's amazing how she can look so young sometimes and her real age at others. Her body (and everybody else's) were AMAZING (save for Miranda's FOREST! :lol:.. the two guys in the theater literally gagged out loud it was hilarious)

- When I first heard about Jennifer Hudson being casted I was not happy at all, but I actually didn't mind her in the film. She was genuine and likable and funny. Dare I say, I kind of liked her!
- It was so charming and happy to see Anthony and Stanford making amends (remember how much they hated each other in the series!) .. even funnier on New Year's :)

All in all, I'm so incredibly happy with this film. I had missed seeing the four of them together... they are such amazing friends to each other words can't even describe (the girls taking care of Carrie after being stood up, while in Mexico, Carrie walking all the way to Miranda's on New Year's).. ugh it brings tears to my eyes!! I watched the series finale earlier today before I watched the movie and I've never been able to finish it with dry eyes.

I want to see the movie again already!!!
Jennifer Hudson's character wasn't necessary. ALL THE CLOTHES! I can't believe Samantha lasted 5 years in a relationship! I thought Charlotte's daughter was so cute, when she says "sex"!

At the end of the movie, there was one middle-aged man behind, sobbing insanely. lol
Throughout the movie my girl friend and I couldn't stop talking about how insanely GOOD her body looked (sushi scene!?) She looks FABULOUS.

He's definitely had some Botox done on his face though (anybody notice? His brows look different

WORD to both of these statements!
it s not playing in my country, anybody know where i can find it online??
they showed like trailer here and it lasted for about half an hour :blink:
and the premiere is on 12th.... i read spoilers and saw that 'trailer' and i feel like i watched the movie :lol:
so last night i went to see it...

to me, charlotte and samantha owned the movie. as characters. sooo funny and amazing. both of them. :heart:

i really liked the movie, loved most of it.
but it did seem like seeing an entire season shortned in 2.20 hours, if you know what i mean.
i loved it, but considering the amount of things that happen and what's left out in between, it did really feel like they could've made an entire season out of it.
it didnt really feel like a movie, but in the end: whatever, i just got more satc! :D

the dresses were amazing. when carrie has to choose what dresses are to take and wich ones are to give away, amazing. and the wedding gowns photoshoot! that lacroix is AMAZING.
i loved all of charlotte and carrie's outfits (even if i felt like seeing them all already... dumb me for looking at all the candids during these months :D), and i absolutely adore miranda's outfit on the bridge scene. amazing.
i wish they'd shown more of harry and stanford. i missed them :( i wanted more! :D
the scene in wich charlotte's just had the baby is just too cute. i *almost cried* there. and also when carrie finds all the emails from big, with all of the poems she read him at the beginning, i cried a little.
i went OH MY GOD when big showed carrie the closet*__* (if you know what i mean)
and the way he proposes to her in the end, putting on the shoe rather than the ring: CLASSIC. i was giggling.

the movie was packed with women, but there were a few men there, mostly with their girlfriens/wives.... funny thing: the part in wich carrie's talking to candice bergen and she tells her that after 40 a woman in a wedding gown is just a desperate case (or something like that) there was FULL SILENCE in the theater, but those few men just burst out laughin. lol only male voices rised. it was hilarious.

and on the shower scene... most of the audience (me included) went: PENIS??

i just liked it. now i want the dvd and the deleted scenes (there must be some, there were a few candids we've seen from scenes that are not in the movie)
I don't know if anyone else noticed, but for some reason i loved how busted Carrie's pink cell phone was :lol:
but does anyone remember the designer of the short, tiered wedding dress during the Vogue shoot? I think it was right after the Lacroix one. I am DYING to know
yes it was lanvin and it looked awesome.
omg sooo much fashion awesomeness in the movie, i could barely take it :)

and regarding the cellphone, thats the first thing i noticed! i was expecting an explaination for that but it never arrived :D
So much to talk about in the movie. Is there a thread that lists all the fashion worn in the movie? I saw so many things, Dior, Kenzo, Proenza, Prada, Gucci, and not even including the Vogue shoot.

BTW, does anyone have shots of the Prada socks? I didn't see them in the movie, but would want to see.
^ there is a general satc fashion thread in star style :flower:
and the fashion was amazing. nearly everything carrie wore was just :heart: i remember this one short dress she wore with big that was just amazing! and sjp showed all those girls how to wear mcqueen!

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